Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1324

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1290 INDEX. Secretary of War, (continued.) Secretary of War, (continued.) to be built across the Delaware river to place certain cannon at the disposal of between Philadelphia and Camden. .81, 82 the Bridges' Battery Association . 369 in determining the amount to be to grant cannon to National Asylum,&c. paid for the use of the Corcoran at Dayton, Ohio . . .. 371 buildings and grounds .. 139 to construct Rock Island bridge for a mtg require the opinion of tho Attorney- singletrnck railroad only 371 eneral on questions of law arising in to deliver captured cannon for monument his deparnneut . 163 at YVOs: Point, N. Y . :. . 373 not to employ counsel at the expense of may issue small arms, &.c. to certain colthe United States ... ... 164 leges and universities for instruction, to supervise thelocation and construction &»c 373 of at bridge across the Niagara river may sell certain land at Springfield, Mass. 374 from Bulfilo to Canada . 173 to cause surveys, &c. to be made of cxof a bridge across the Arkansas river nse of removing obstructions from at Little Rock, Arkansas 185 gityou '1`cche .. . ... 375 to cause the government improvements to turn over condemned guns to Fairupon the Fort Ritlgcly military reser- mount Cemetery at Newark, N. J . 376 vation, to be appraised . 187 to set spurt a portion of Fort Snelling bo send copies of act respecting national military reservation for 8. permanent cemeteries to governors of States, military post. .. . ... 376 wherever they are situated ... 188 to deliver condemned guns to the Mcmny aclnpt plan for improvement of Wis- Plierson Monument Association .. 377 cousin river ... . 189 may place the steamer “Illinois" at the to ascertain, &t·. amount which should disposal ol' the quarantine commission- . equitably be piid to the Green Bay and ers of New York ... 378 Mississippi Canal Company, for trans- to turn over condemned guns to Soldiers', fer of its prop-rty .. 189 &c. Association, Adrian, Mich 381 arbitrator m ry be selected . 189 to turn over captured ordnance for monuatuorncy to be enrployed ... 189 ment to General Nathaniel Lyon und report of arbitrators to be submitted federal soldiers ... • .. 3 81 , to Congress . ... 189 to deliver condemned guns, &c. for solto report to Congress unnu ally the pro- diers’ monuments at gress made in theimprovements .. 190 Pouglikecpsie, N. Y. . . . . . . 382 to rau ·e examiiuaions or surveys, or both, Lowell, L ass 385 to be made at certain specilied places 226, Omaha, Neb ... . . 389 227 Providence, R. I. . 389 ‘ to supervise the expenditure of appropria- Bucksport, Me ... 389 tion for widening, Sn-. ship canal in Kcokuk, Iowa . ... 390 Patapsco river and Chesapeake buy. . . 227 Milwaukee, Wis . . 391 for decpeningthe waters at the mouth Bridgeport, Ct ... 391 of the Susquehanna river 227 Quincy, Ill .. 391 to detail three engineers to examine all Morristown, N. J . . ... 391 bridges across the Ohio river and report Eastlbrd, Conn. ... . .. 391 if navigation is obstructed thereby 227 Pittsburg, Pa .. . .. 391 to contract for bronze equestrian statue Jersey City, N. J . 391 of General Scott .. · .. 308 Gardiner, Me 391 to defray certain expenses of bureau of Heightstown, N. J 391 ordnance and oiiisers . . . . . . . . 308 Peo: ia., Ill ... 391 to report expenses incurred by Montana Grafton, W. Va .. _ 391 Territory for suppression of Indian Chambersburg, Pa 3`91 hostilities ..,... . ... 310 White Plains, N. Y ... . . . . 392 to direct expenditure for appropriation Wilmi:¤gt<»n, Del . 392 fbr stone, &c. pier in Delaware buy. . . 310 Trenton, N. J 392 to make regulations and changes for to Cham aign County (Ohio) Solmuintenance and repairs of said pier. . 310 dicrs’, Association. .. 383 to constitute it board of army officers to for equestrian statue of General recommend the inustering out of the John A. Rawlins ... 389 service of certain artqv officers ... 318 for Lincoln Monument Association. 391 to prepare army reuulations 319 to tnke¢·har;;·e of the Gettysburg and Anto arrange recitations, &c. at military tletam National Cemeteries .. 390 academy so that students may not be to trunslcr the Chattahoochee arsenal required to study on Sunday . 319 property in Florida to the bonrcl of into permit one or more trading establish- ternal improvement of that State . 396 ments at military posts on the lrontier 320 act relating- to the printing of the annual to mike inventory of property of the report oil .. 398 United States in buildings occupied hy 364 to detail three officers of the army to exto be one of n cotnmiasion to select .1 site amine and audit certain at-counts of the lor new building for State Depart- State of Kansas 402 ment .. . . .. 367 to refer their report to Congress 402 to provide for taking meteorological ob- to superintenrl the expenditure of the apservations at certain military stations, propriation for the improvement of and lor giving notice of the approach aint Mary’s Falls canal and river 402 of storms .. . 369 may transter to the Secretary of the In-