Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1340

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1306 INDEX. Venezuela, (continued.) Vermont, newspapers and printed matter to re- post-reads established in . 50, 75, 290, 468 main at disposal of receiving coun- “Vessel," try . ... 1106 the term, to include what in the act to free transit for closed mails through either reorganize the marine hospital service, country . . .. 1106 &c. ... 170 and from vessel to vessel in ports and Vessels harbors .. . .1106 engaged in the foreign, &c. trade on agent may be sent in charge of the mails northern, &c. frontiers, duty of masters in transit .. 1106 of .. . .. 176, 177 rates of correspondence despatched, to be Seo Foreign and Coasting Trade. forwarded ... . 1106 Vessels ey" War, correspondence between each government commanding officers of] to take preceand its legation to be free 1106 dence over all officers placed under amendments may be made . 1106 their command . 537 convention, when to take efect and how aid or executive of . . . . 537 long to continue ... . 1106 rank, precedence, orders. . . 537, 588 convention between, and the United Vice-Admiral, States of April 25, 1866, for the settle- pay oi established ... . 330 ment of claims . . . ... . . . . . . . . 713 Woe-Consuls, claims upon, to be presented to a mixed appropriations for salaries otZ219, 220, 417, 418 commission 714 Vice- resident of the United States, commission to consist ot; two dpersons 714 appropriations for . 236, 480 commis ioners how sppointe .. 714 to designate two Senators as additional vacancies in board of, honv filled. . . . 714 visitors of the United States Military to meet when and where ... 714 Academ .. 67 to take oath . . . . .. 714 Vigil and St. Velain, to select an umpire . . .. 714 claimants under, of land in New Mexico, umpire bow to be named if commissioners to have longer time for presenting their do not agree . 714 claims :373, 664 commissioners to examine claims 714, 715 Wnegar, to hear one person for each govern- fermented liquors to be used exclusively ment on each claim . 715 for the manufacture of, may be dispapers and documents to be furnished by tilted, but only in an authorized diseach govern ment ... 715 tillery . , ... 601 award of indemnity and certitlcates of Virginia, amount .,. .. . . 715 the constitution of, may he submitted to proceedings if commissioners do not a vow of the people of the State.. , . . . 40 agree . . 715 separate vote-may be taken on particular decision of commissioners .. 715 provisions . 40

  • ZB\`¤¥·’w amount of awards to be paid to State officers, members of the legislature

the nited States in ten equal annual and of Congress, may be chosen at same papments . . .. _. . . L .. 715 election . .. 41 rst payment to be made when . 715 officer commanding the district to cause interest rate ot,and how paid ... 715 the list of voters to be enlarged and commission when to terminate its la- corrected .. 41 bors ... · . 7 15, 716 may appoint necessary registrars. .. 41 records and secretary of ... 716 mode of be ding elections and making decisions of commissioner and umpire to xizturns . ... . ... 41 bedus.1 716 if Constitution is rntitled, the legislature claims not presented to be deemed in- elected to meet when , . .. 41 valid . . . 716 to ratify fifteenth article of amendment provision as to cases pending before um- to the Constitution, before it is admitpire at the termination of the commis— ted to representation in Congress . 41 sion. ... . . . 716 proceedings in and oi} to be approved by pay and expenses of commission .. . . 716 Congress .. 41 ratlfications when to be exchanged .. 716 proclamation submitting the Constitution execution, ratification, and proclama- to the voters o£ the State 1125 tion .. , 717 separate vote to be taken on certain "Wnilia," the Schooner, portions .. II25, 1126 American register may issue to . 381 mode of taking the vote ... 1126 Ventilation declared entitled to representation in of the Senate chamber and the hall of the Congress . . . . ; . 62 House of Representatives, appropria- members of legislature and State oftions for ... :...300, 309, 310, 312, 501 ficials to take one of two oaths or of dead-letter branch of Post—OlHce ailirmations . . 62, 63 Department 303 perjury in taking either, how punof rooms in treasury building .. 311 ished . . .. 63 for experiments in, of the halls of the certificate of taking, &c. to be evi~ Capitol .. . . 373 dence . ... 63 Venus, neglect to take oath, &c. for thirty appropriation for preparing instruments days to vacate office . 63 or observation of transit of .. 529 fundamental conditions of admission of] bow to be expended ... . 529 to representation in Congress. . . . 63