Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/24

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xxiv LIST OF THE PRIVATE ACTS OF CONGRESS. Page trict court of the United States for the district of Louisiana, in the cases of the Brmsh _ vessels Volant and Science. July 8, 1870, ch. 282 ... 6oO Enoch Lytle. An act granting a pension to Enoch Lytle. July 8, 1870, ch. 233 . I . .. ... 651 British Brig Dashing Wave and her Cargo. An act to curry into etlect the decree of the district court of the United States for the district of Louisiana, in the case of the British bug Dsshmg Wave and her cargo. July 8, 1870, ch. 234 . 651 Wtlliam Eddy. An act for the relief of heirs of William Eddy, deceased. July 1 1, 1870, ch. 248.. .. 651 Louis M. Edge. An act to relieve the estate held by Louis M. Edge from succession tax and stamp tax. July 11, 1870, ch. 249 . 652 Lot S. Bagless. An act for the relief of Lot S. Bayless, administrator of Lieutenant Marcus W. Bayless, deceased. July ll, 1870, ch. 250 . . 652 Margaret A. Laurze. An act for the relief of Mrs. Margaret A. Laurie. July 14, 1870, ch. 274. . 652 Francis A. Comvell. An act for the relief of Francis A. Conwell. July 14, 1870, ch. 275 .. 653 G. W`. Dick. An act to authorize the importation of a common road steam locomotive free of duty. July 14, 1870, ch. 276 .. . ... 653 Jlary Lincoln. An wc: granting n pension to Mary Lincoln. July 14, 1870, ch. 277 ... 653 Captain David Benq;. An act for the relief of Captain David Beaty’s company of independent scouts. July 14, xero, eh. 278 ,... . ... 653 JZ Alden Rathbvm. An act for the relief of J. Alden Rathbun, postmaster of Mystic Bridge, Connecticut. July 14, 1870, ch. 279 ... . ... 654 Archer N. Ilfartin. An act to provide for the sectlement of the claims of Archer N. Martin, late assessor of internal revenue for the seventh collection district of Pennsylvania. July 14, mo, eh. 2eo 654 Annie A. Hays. An act to increase the pension to Mrs. Annie A. Hays, widow of Brigadier- General Alexander Hays, who was killed in the battle of the Wilclerness, May iifmh, eighteen hundred and sixty-four. July 14, 1870, ch. 281. . 654 Vernon H. Vaughan. An act to relieve Vernon H. Vaughan, of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, of all legal and political disabilities imposed by the fourteenth article of the amendment of the Constitution of the United States. July 14, 1870, ch. 282 .. . ... 654 A. E. Reynolds. An act to relieve A. E. Reynolds from civil and political disabilities. July 14, 1870, ch. 283 655 Charles A. Fhuzer and Joseph H. Slasa. An act for the relief of Charles A. Frazer, of Harrison county, Texas, and Joseph H. Sloss, of Colbert county, State of Alabama, of all political disabilities. July 14, 1870, ch. 284 . . . . . 655 Jl!. C'. Butler. An net to remove the legal and political disabilities of M. C. Butler, of South Carolina. July 14, 1870, ch. 285 ... . .. 655 Ernestine Becker. An act repealing "An act granting a pension to Mrs. Ernestine Becker." July 14, 1870, ch. 286 655 Third Arkansas Cavalry. An act for the relief of the third Arkansas cavalry. July 14, 1870, ch. 287 . . . . 655 Albert G. Sloo. An act for the relief of the trustees of Albert G. S100. July 14, 1870, ch. 288.. . 655 George II. Baer. An act co remove all legal and political disabilities from George H. Bier, of Maryland. July 14, 1870, ch. 289. .. _ ... 656 'Willzam Selden. An act for the relief of William Selden. July 14, 1870, ch. 290 .. 656 John Bacheldcr. An act to extend Icttcrs-patent granted to John Bachclder. July 14, 1870, cb. 291 . . . .. 656 Rittenhouse P. Finclc. An act for the relief of Rittenhouse P. F incl:. July 15, 1870, ch. 306 656 Colonel WNlmm Gates. An act to settle the claim of the heirs of the late Colonel William Gates, of the United States army. July 15, 1870, ch. 307. ‘ . . ... _. 657 Francis M. Slrony and Thomas Ross. An act for the relief of Francis M. Strong, and Thomas Ros•. Ju y 15, 1870, ch. 308 . . . · ... 6 57 Charles Szeedman. An act for the relief of Charles Steedman, Commodore United States Navy. July 15, 1870, ch. 309 .. . . 657 L. F. An act for the relief of L. F. Larkin, of Weldon, North Carolina. July 15, 1870, · . . 657 James L. Kiernan. An acc for the relief of the widow of James L. Kieman, late consul to Chinkizmg, Chmn. July 15, 1870, ch. 311 . . . 658 Vassar College. An act for the relief of Vassar College. July 15, 1870, ch. 812. .. 658 Sara/1 Goodrich. An act for the relief of Sarah L. Goodrich. July 15, 1870, ch. 313 658 Jerry Gordon. An act granting a pension to Jerry Gordon. July 15, 1870, ch. 314. ... 658 Richard M..Hod_qscn. An act for the relief of Richard M. Hodgson. July 15, 1870, ch. 315 658 W. O'. Whutthwne. An act to remove the legal and political disabilities of W. C. Whittherne, of Maury county, Tennessee. July 15, 1870, eh. 316 ... 659 Jearum Atkins. An act for the relief of Jearum Atkins. July 15, 1870, ch. 317 ... 659