Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/488

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454 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 100. 1871. Bl'°¤‘ **::***11- waters iiowing into the Gulf ot" Mexico, and their tributaries, shall carry 3;;*,*;, W;,;;,, me fol[l]owing 1ights,viz.: One ma iight on the scrum side of as por; gutfclueplpo smoke-pipe, and one green light on the outboard side of the starboard . °‘“"Y"°’ _ smoke-pipe · these lights to show both forward and abcam on their re. hgggie, m,,,,,,,,;, spective sides. And upon each and every coal—b0at, trading-boat, produce. &<=-i¤<>r ¤¤¤r boat, canal-boat oyster-boat, fishing-boat raft or other water-craft navi- °"° °b““"°l*&°‘ atin an bay: harbor, or river, b hand-povvier, horse- ower, sail, ’cr b of any bay, &o. g g Y _ _ y P . y to show what the current of the river, or which shall be anchored or moored in or near xgggtbgggggz the channel or fairway of any bay, harbor, or river, there shall be carried, mq_from sunset to sunrise, one or more good white lights, which shall be placed in such manner as shall be prescribed by the board of supervisin inspectors; and every such vessel or raft, when running in a fog or thicg weather, or shall be anchored or moored in or near the channel or fairway _Fo$.h0m5q;- as aforesaid, and not in any port, shall sound a fog·h0rn, or equivalent

    • 8**** S- signal, at intervals of not more than two minutes, which shall make g

sound equel to a steam-whistle; and all steamers navigating in 0, fog or thick weather shall sound their steam-whistles at intervals of not more 1 feasting and than one minute. Every coasting steamer, and every steamer navigating tg bays, lakes, or other inland waters, other than ferry·b0ats and those above lights. provided for, shall carry the red and green lights as provided for oceangoing steamers,and,iu addition thereto, a c[e]ntral range of two white lights ; lthe after-light being carried at an elevation of at. least fifteen feet a ove t 10 light at the head of the vessel the headdight to be so constructed as to show a good light through twenty points of the compass, namely, from right ahead to two points abatt the beam on either side of the vessel, Fenqy-boats. and the after·light to show all around the horizon; the lights for terr - bouts shall be regulated by such rules as the board of supervising ihh Fgrpmasp spectors shall prescribe; and that the provision for a foremost head-light B;;,A;EHfs_°' for sttpamships, in an act entitled "An act fixing certain rules and regula· 1354,;,;,,4;;;, tions 01* preventing collisions on the water," approved the twentyminth V°l· ¤lll·P· 68- day of April eighteen hundred and sixty-four, shall not be construed to apply to other than ocean-going steamers and steamers carrying sail. hyfmzsg ¤f Sec. 48, And be it further enacted, That the inspectors shall state in ,,,,{’:$,umbm. of every certificate of inspection granted to steamers carrying passengers, passengers other than ferry—boat.s, the number of passengers of each class that any {;°:;“r;;°“““* such steamer has accommodations for, and can carry with prudence and ' safety ; and it shall not be lawful to take on board of any such steamer a greater number of passengers than is so stated in the certificate as afore- Penalty {or said; and for every violation of this provision the master and owner, or

‘\§“ “"€°’ either of them, shall be liable, to any persons suing for the same, to forfeit the amount of passage-money and ten dollars for each passenger bemg•?gxl¤:x1p=‘;_ yond the number thas allowed: Provided, however, That if any such

Imp steamer shall engage in exourtions, inspectors shall issue to such steamer a special permit, in writing, for the occasion, in which shall be stated the additional numher of passengers that may be carried, and the number and kmd ot lifesaving appliances that shall be provided for the safety of such uddtiéiontp dpapsengefra; an: they shall also, in their discretion, limit the ron an is ance or suc sxcurtions. ‘xm:&£::· Seo. 49. And bait further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the M, nap oomm master of esery passenger steamer to keep a correct list of all the paspasssnger uns. sengers received and dcliveredlfrom day to day, noting the places where received and where landed, which record shall be open to the inspection oftthe mslpectofrs anid oliioers of the customs at all times, and the aggrega e num er o said passengers shall be furnished to inspectors as often Penalty rms. as called for; but on routes not exceedin one hundred miles. the number Uuntlounldefault. { · · . g . uw on vamp geglgggglggezsl, gepgpt, algal] sullipient ppdfinf case ofhdefgtulg tllirpugh _ i n, said mas er s a or eit one un re dollars which penalty, as well as that for excess of passengers, shall be a lied Bipppd may be upon the vessel': Provided, however, That. a bond may, as provided in · other cases, be given to secure the satisfaction of the judgment.