Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/750

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716 CONVENTION WITH VENEZUELA. APRIL 25, 1866. date of its organization, except that desde el dia de su instalacion, anuthirty clays’ extension may be given que podra tener una proroga de to issue certificates, if necessary, on treinta dias,_si fuere necesaria, para the decisions of the umpire in the certificar las decisiones del arbitro en case referred to in the following el caso de que trataen el artfculo Records of article. They shall keep a record siguente; llevara un registro de sus cegimssgen. of their proceedings, and may ap- act0S,yp0dra¤0mbraru1iSecretary), °°‘° 'Y· point a secretary. Amrcmz V. Amrcnno 5°. Decisions of The decisions of this commission Los fallos de esta Comision y an ggfxliyhoagg and those (in case there may be su caso los {del arhitro decidiran ,<;m,;,§m_ any) of the umpire, shall be final definitiava é irrevocablemente todas and conclusive as to all pending las reclamacioues pendientes el dia claims at the date of their installa- de su instalacion. Las que no se Claimsnotpre- tion. Claims which shall not be presenten dentro de los done meses gigfggnlxlid presented within the twelve months aqui prescritos, seran desechadas por ' herein prescribed will be disregarded ambos Gobiernos y se consideran by both governments, and consid! nulas. ered invalid. En caso de que, al concluirse los b pmt; pm,d;,,g In the event that, upon·the termi- trabatjos de dicha’Comision, quedaren $80;; ;* nation of the labors of said comrnis- penrhentes una o mas decisiones del of the comms_ sion, there should remain pending arbitro, se autoriza a este para prosion. one or more cases before the umpire nunciar su fallo y enviarlo a los awaiting his decision, the said um- Comisionados, que lo certificaran y pire is authorized to make his decis- trasmitiran a cada Gobierno, tenién- ion and transmit same to the com- dose como obligatorio é irrevocable. missioners, who shall issue their Sin embargo, el arbitro debera dar certificates thereupon and communi- sus decisiones dentro de los treinta cate [them] to each government, dias siguientes al término de las which shall be held binding and labores de la Comision, queclando sin conclusive; provided, however, that valor ni efecto las que pronunciare his decision shall be given within despues. thirty days from the termination of the labors of the commission, and after the expiration of the said thirty days any decision made shall be void and of no effect. Anricnn VI. Amricnro 6°. Pay and ex- Each government shall pay its Cada Gobierno costeara su re- £E';;?§n°f °°m‘ own commissioner, and shall pay one spectivo Comisionado, pagara la mi- ` half of what may be due the umpire tad de lo que se. asigne al arbitro y and secretary, and one half the in- al Secretario, y tambien satisfara los cidental expenses of the commis· gastos accidentales de la Comision. sion. Aarrorm VII. Ancrrcnro 7°. beigggggfigp to The present convention shall be La presente convencion sera rati· &C_ g = ratified and the ratification ex- ficada, y sus ratificaciones se cangeachanged, so soon as may be practi- ran, en la ciudad de Caracas cuanto cable, in the city of Caracas. antes fuere posible. Signature. In testimony whereof, the pleni- Eu fé de lo cual los Plenipoten— potentiaries have signed this conven- ciarios han firmado esta convencion y tion and hereunto affixed the seals sclladola con los sellos del Ministerio of' the ministry of foreign relations de Relacioues Exteriores de los Es·