Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/848

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SMPOSTAL CONVENTION WITH GREAT BRITAIN. NOV. 25 &DEC. 12, 1853. Sbttlemmt of Further Details under the Postal Treaty with Great Britain. ADDITIONAL ARTICLES November 25 T0 the Articles agreed upon between the Post- Ojicc of the United Khngdom

  • i;d11g;§fmb"’ of Great Britain and Ireland and the :P0st- Office of tfw United States
 of America for carrying into Executwn the Uomzentzon cy" December

’° fijleenth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-ezglzt. AM, P- 787- IN pursuance of tho power granted, by Article XXI`. of the convention of December fifteenth, one thousand eight hundred and fortyweight, befwccn the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the United States of America, to the two Post-OfHces,_to settle the matters of detail, which are to be arranged by mutual consent, for insuring the execution 0f the stipulations contained. in the said convention, the undersigned, duly authorized for that. purpose by their respective bdiccs, have agreed upon the following articles : — New <>F5¤¢ ¤T Amucnm I. There shall be established, on the part of the United f;;§Q§;€°Pf’i§;?` States, a new office of exchange at Philadelphia, which shall exchange delpnia. mails with the British ofllccs of London and Liverpool, by means of the British and of the United States mail packets plying between Liverpool and Boston, or New York, respectively, and by means of the United States mall packets plying between Southampton and New York. Mailsforw;1rd· Amicus II. When the packets are despatched from Boston, or from °gg°; §£“‘3Sg New York, to Liverpool, the mails forwarded from the office of Phila.- £,h,,t_whe,,%6_ dolphin to the office of Liverpool shall comprise the correspondence for ¤p¤f¤h¤d Mm all parts of the United Kinvdom, with the oxcc tion of the cit of London Boston or New · ° P y York to LMP and 1ts suburbs. pool; Phe mmls for London shall compmse all the correspondence for that §y and its suburbs, and for countries in transit through the United ingdom. wnenrmmNew AllTlCLE III. When the packets are despatched from New York to Eg'l;°°;S°“m` Southampton, the mails lbrwarded from the office of Philadelphia to P tho ofllco of London shall comprise the correspondence for all parts of the United Kingdom, with the exception of Southampton, and for foreign countries, (France and countries on tho continent of Europe addressed via Southampton and Havre excepted,) and for British colonies and possessions in transit through the United Kingdom. The mails for Southampton shall comprise all the correspondence for that town, ind for Franéxe, and for countries on the continent of Europe specia ly a resscd via outham ton and Havre. Se anne mails Amncnu 1V. Reci rocall Evhcn the ackots are des atchod from for lghnladelphin. L- P yl P . P - - by packets from wcrpool to Boston, or to New York, separate malls for Philadelphia Liverpoon; Shflll be forwarded frorn the offices of London and Liverpool, comprising a. c correspondence or the city 0 Philadel hia.

;r Southamp- ARTICLE V. When the packets are despatghed from Southampton to

“‘ New York, separate mails for Philadelphia shall be forwarded from the offices of London and Southampton, comprising all the correspondence for the city of Philadelphia. Jggigggnggiulf ARTICLE VI. The present articles shall be considered as additional bo mm, Om; those agreed upon between the two onices for carrying into execution the

     CQIEVGDEIOD of December fifteenth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-
;      §EgA,;&g;;g ?t Wosh1ugton the fourteenth of May, one thousand 01ght

hm ti or y-muo, ond. shall como mto opcrauou on the first day Of J anuary, one thousand enght hundred and fifty-four.