Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/951

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Onions or Excinxon. Designation of the k_ 3; LT of Koh Origin of wcgonespond- Destination uma c0rresp0nd~ tobe . · ° · Forwarding. Receiving. ue sqm ( I.i••¢_/Pom Boston to Liverpool . . The United St¤.tes( t om 4 xqwpm pm-nu md theCltyofNewYork]iftllie Ghietialles. I i Tgzodudoftge United S , BD foreign Ostend (lo- countries to which the col) United States serves as _ an intermediate point . New tpolgverpoolb. Tim City of Boston . . . D0, d0_ ew o remen y . way of Southampton . - · · . do . . . . . Do, d0_ New York to Havre by wayotsouthompton . do . D0, 40, Bostontobiverpool . . The United States (except Belgium (except Antwerp, OstheCityofNewYork),the tend, Newport, Fumes, and Territories of the United Ghistelles), and the foreign Stratos, endo t‘l:'englre§1i; eonntrles to whEn£Belgi_uz: B°‘°°“ · ‘ osteno United sum se as mi": u m (travelling). to intermediate iioist . po n New York to Liverpool . The City of Boston . . . Do. do. New York to Bremen by . wey of Southampton . do . nn, 40, New York to Havre by way of Southampton , . . . . do . Do. do. Bostnntolsiverpool . . The United States (except Antwerp. the City of New York), the Territories of the United States, and the foreign glomcgslegmto which tne tea serves as Autwupmil intermediate point . New York to Liverpool . The City of Boston . . . Do. New York to Biemen by ' way of Southampton . do . . . . . Do, New York to Havre by { [ way of Southampton . do . . . . . Do, ( { Boston to Liverpool . . The City of New York . . gaggukniggwwn, puma, and is . New York to Liverpool . The United States (except Do. do. the City of Boston), the Territories of the United totes a d the tore' n osund u°'{ countiiesuto which the mi United States servasbas en intermediate po . New York to Bremen by way of Southampton . do Do. do. New York to Havre by way of Southampton . . . Z . do . . . . Do. do. } Boston to Liverpool . . The City of New Y0!']!- · Belgium (except Antwerp, 05- ‘ tend, Fumes, Newport, and Ghistelles), and the foreign countries to which Belgium oenives as an interniediato po nt. New York to Liverpool . The United States (except Do. do. Ostend the City of Boston), the New Ymlk(travelling). Territories of the United States, and the foreign countries to which the United States sarasota on intermediate p n . New York toBremen by waxy of Southampton . do . . . ,. Do. do. New York to Havre by l way of Southampton . . . . . do Do. do. { Boston to Liverpool . . The City of New York . . Antwerp. New York to Liverpool . The United States (except Do. · the City of Boston), the Territories of the United States, and the foreign countries to which the umu? { United States serves as on intermediate point . N Y k tohnmen by wvziy o`frSouthampton . do . . . . Do. New York to Hom by _ ,I way of Southampton . do . . . . Do. I -