Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1089

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INDEX. 1049 Lemelypllloscs C'., Lewis, Jo/in T., clzum of, allowed by commissioners . . 746 damages awarded to b commissioners Lemlq, Reuben, Junior, of claims _ _ _ ’ y 695 damages awarded to, by commissioners Lewis, Minerva, l l l l i l of claims z ... . . 695 payment to, as administratrlx of estate Lemly, Reuben, Senzcr, of Ezekiel Lewis . 787 damages awarded to, by commissioners Lewis, Rosalie S., · O l of claims .. 695 pe ment to, for injuries to land, &c., of Lemon, ll/ZZ/Ldm, _ _ dohn M. Betts . . . . 719 L paymebnt to, for live-stock . 714 Lewis, Thomas, emmzz, e ecca, a. ro riai n. claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 755 pingp .t if O .981 , loimllt .0f.bll1m. 538 Lentz, James H., Lewis, WY!/iam, claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 743 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 761 Letter-carriers, _ Lexington La/ce and Guy R. R. C0., appropriations for pay of . . . 200, 557 to consent to the construction of a bridge provisions concerning, in post—oH1ce act, 296, across the Missouri river near Lex- 297t See Poshojyice Department. ington ... . . . . 627 may be employed after July 1, 1873, in Liberia, places of not less than 20,000 popula- appropriation for diplomatic intercourse tion within the delivery of its posh with . . . . 142 oliice . ... 657 Library of Congress, a. clerk may be detailed to act: as super- appropriations for . 64, 361, 490 intendent of free delivery . 557 for books, periodicals, newspapers, salary of, and when to terminate . 557 and exchange of documents . 64, 490 Letter Postage, , to purchase English county histories, 361 single rate of, established between Ger- works of art ... 362 many and the United States . . . 859 for plan for new building for . . . 513 rate established in postal convention selection of plan and location with Ecuador ... 879-882 and supervision of building, in postal convention with Den- to bein whose charge . . . 513 mark .. 903, 904, 909 joint committees on, may accept works single rates of, between the United of the fine arts and assign them a States and the Swiss Confederation, place, &c ... 362 via Bremen or Hamburg . 989 to have supervision of all works of other letters by closed mails . . . 939 art placed in the capitol . . . . 362 reduction of rates of ... 939 contingent expenses, and to balance sunrates of, under the convention with New- dry over drafts 123 foundland .. 941 License, Special, letters, how stamped . . . 941 to unlade foreign steamslxips at night _. 579 Letters, compensation for, and how distributed . 579 provisions concerning postage on, in Lien, post-office act ... 303-308 upon ship or other remedy for wages, See Past-ojfce Department. not aiiected by certain agreements . 268 Letters-Patent, upon animals fed and watered in tranapplication of Alexander Smith and sit,f»or the food and care . 585 Halcyon Skinner for extension, to be 30 where annyiowl maylbe enforced . 585 relieard l . . ee nima s. petition of George W. Morse, for exten- LW Insurance Statistics, sion of to be heard by commissioner, 37 appropriation for printing circulars and to issue to William C. Jardine 53 _ reports on .. 510 Albert W. Gray may apply for exten- L¢·savtng Stations, sion of . . . _ 191 crews of experienced surfmen may be heretofore granted to William TraPP» employed .. 12 extended in the name of Sarah S. on the coast of _New Jersey and Long Trapp, his executrix , . 346 Island, appropriations for . . 12, 90, 510 to Levi W. Pond and Eau Claire for pay of superintendents, keepers, Lumber Co. extended 389 and surfmen ... . 347 no claim upon the United States for the for establishment of, on coasts of use of any, in respect to clothing and Cape Cod and Block Island . . 347 equipagc for army . . . 129 all hereafter erected, to be erected under Letters Rqqmary, the supervision of two captains0f the practice of examining witnesses under, revenue service and the directions of from foreign courts ... 531 the Secretary of tue Treasury . . ·. 347 Lewes, De/aware, partpf uncxpended balance of appropriappropriation for building pier at, con- ation for, need notgo tosnrplus funds, 369 tinued .. 9,184 on the coasts of Cape Cod and Block Lewis, Betsy, , Island, keepers of, to be appointed . 410 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 761 crews of experienced surtmen for . . . 410 Lewis, E/{za, compensation and appropriation . . . 410 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 743 at Narragansett Pier and Block Island, Lewis, Isabella Zllclleem, to be_un_der whose supervision .· ._ . 410 payment to, for injuries to land, &c., of appropriation for, and for establislnng John M. Betts . . . . 719 new .. 510, 611