Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1126

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1086 INDEX. Pastoffice Departmenf, (continued.) Post·o_§fce Department, (continued.) when attixed to mail matter to be ef- penalty upon postmaster, &c., for faced .,.. 305 certifying to sufficiency of guarpenalties for ofences in respect to, 305, 306 actors, before, &c. .. 313 p0SmI cards and postage thereon, abstracts ot, to be recorded . 313 provisions concerning 304, 305 of certain persons not to be considered . 3l4 certain, not to be transmitted by mail . 302 c0ntmcts for carrying the mails, 313, 314 fmnking privilege, who entitled to be in the name of the United States to ... . . . . 806, 307 and awarded to u hom 313, 314 not to be exercised otherwise than by not to be made with certain persons . . 314 the written autograph signature of to be made with next lowest bidder, if, the person entitled thereto . . ._ . 306 &c. . . . . 314 public documents, what to be deemed . 306 certain may be made without advertisemaximum weight for franked matter . 306 ment 314 letters enclosed in free letters addressed not to be made for a longer time than to persons not entitled, &c., to be re- four years . . 315 turned . . . 307 on the sea for not longer than two post-routes, what to be deemed . . 308 years .. 316 mails to be carried upon all, ii, &c. . . 309 notice of change of terms of existing. . 315 waters upon which at the time themail no pay for carrying the mail, until conis carried 308, 310 tract is executed 315 railways and canals . 308, B10 pay for additional service . 315 plank-roads and road to supply court- extra allowance for increased speed not house . 308, 310 to be allowed, unless, &c. . 315 if more than one road, P0stmaster—Gen- for carrying the mails through foreign eral to decide which is post·r0a.d . . 309 countries . . . . 315, 316 railway I‘0lItCS, to be divided into with owners of steamboats . 316 three classes . 309 railroad companies . . 316 compensation for carrying the mail to deductions from pay of contractors and be proportionate to the service . . 309 fines for delinquencies . . · . . . 316 pay for carrying the mails on the several l111llS]l0l'(2\[i0¥I of mail between the classes .. . 309 United States and foreign countries . 316 railways carrying the mail to carry allto be in steamships ... 316 maiiable matter and persons in charge when in sailing vessels . . 316 of same ,.. 309 contracts not to be assigned . 316 if Postmaster-General is unable to con- mails of Canada over territory of the tract for carrying the mail on, at max- United States, &c .. 316, 817 imum rates, he may separate the letter suits under postal laws, to be in what mail, &.c. .. 809 name and to have priority 823 IlI¤1S¢€I‘S of United States vessels to bein the circuit and district courts . 323 bound to foreign ports, duty of, in before local magistrates and courts . . 323 respect to mails, &c. .. 310 to be carried into judgment at first term, 323 of steamboats passing between defendant entitled to one continuance, ports, &c., in the United States, 310 if, &c. 323 penalty for painting, &c., upon vessel, for balances, &c. . 324 &c., the words “United States mail," 810 what rate of interest to he recovspccial agents for Pacific coasts . 289 ered ... 324 their salaries and expenses , . . 289 Department of Justice to have direction bond of, if required to collect public of . 324 money · . . 289 when proceedings at law fail, clmncery assistant postmasters-general and super- suits may he instituted . , . . . 324 intendents may act as .. 289 in suits for balances,what to be evidence to superintehd railway postal service . 289 of demand .. 324 to search vessels for letters, &c., carried to recover money paid by the departcontrary to law 821 ment, by mistake or through fraud . 291 to search for mailable matter unlawfully p00!* debtors, provisions concerning transported . 322 discharge of ... 324, 325 mail agents in stcamers between W3!T3ntS of attachment against the San Francisco,Jupan, and China, 289, 290 property of delinquent postmasters and the Sandwich Islands 299 and their sureties . 325, 326 New York and Rio Janeiro . . . 290 moieties of penalties to informer. 292, 325 at Panama, Aspinwall, Havana, Saint the other half to the United States, Thomas, &c .. 289 except, &c . 325 at Shanghai, China, and Yokohama, penalty upon employees in post-office Japan 290 for being interested in contracts for routc agents, appointment, number carrying the mail ... 287 and pay of .. 290 whether they have or have not, clerks in railway posboffices . . . 290; taken the oath .,. 287 transmission of letters, &c., by private for knowingly swearing falsely relating hands, &c., forbidtlen 311, 812 to any expenditure, &c. . . . . 288 PPOPOSGIIS for carrying the mail, pro- for wilfully neglecting to deposit any visions concerning . 313, 314{ money which is part of postal revto have a written guaranty, that, &c. . 313 * enues . .. 291 not to be considered without, &c. . 313i for neglecting, &c., to account for post-