Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/325

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FORTY-—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 335. 1872. 285 Of the messengers to the assistant postmasters-general, eight hun- pay O; dT8d Bild forty dOll3.l‘S each; messengers, Of the assistant messengers, watchmen, and laborers, eight hundred g2f:;T;“"a“d dollars each; [Sec Post, p. Of the engineer, one thousand six hundred dollars; BW YQ' mimi Uf Of the assistant engineer, one thousand dollars; ;i,;;€,,_ Of the carpenter, one thousand two hundred and fifty-two dollars; gers, warennien, Of the assistant carpenter, one thousand dollars ; wd lab°“’"‘l Of the fireman and blacksmith, nine hundred dollars; Of the firemen, seven hundred and twenty dollars each; Of the female laborers, four hundred and eighty dollars each. Sec. 5. That the Postmaster—Gcneral shall procure and cause to be Seam), de M_ kept a seal for his department, which shall be affixed to all commissions ment. P of postmasters and others, and used to authenticate all transcripts and copies which may be required from his department. Sec. 6. That the Postmaster-General shall establish and discontinue Authority and post-oflices; instruct all persons in the postal service with reference to duties of Pcst~ their duties; decide on the forms of all otheial papers; prescribe the '“”*“‘g“"*'”**I· manner of keeping and stating accounts; enforce the prompt rendition of returns relative to said accounts ; control, according to law, and subject to the settlement of the auditor, all expenses incident to the service of the department; superintend the disposition of the moneys of the department; direct the manner in which balances shall be paid over; issue warrants to cover money into the treasury, and to pay out the same; and generally superintend the business of the department, and execute all laws relative to the postal service. gz? fi; g£‘?;;’2g) Sec. 7. That in case of the death, resignation, or absence of the Post- ,5,,,}},;,,,, upon {gm master-General, all his powers and duties shall devolve, for the time =¤SSi¤¥¤¤¢ pw being, on the first assistant postmaster-general. ‘“aS°°"g““’ml‘ Sec. 8. That the Postmaster-General shall make the following reports Posnnaslen to Congress at each annual session: €¤¤<’>¤1l *2 ¤°??°** A report of all contracts for carrying the mail made within the preced- ;$§S;a,S)i0°c0£ll` ing year, giving in each case the name of the contractor; the date and tracts for carry- duration of the contract; the routes embraced therein, with the length of mg the “‘“‘li each; the time of arrival and departure at the ends of each route; the mode of transportation; and the price to be paid, together with a copy of the recorded abstracts of all proposals for carrying the mail, as provided by section two hundred and forty-eight. A report of all land and water mails established or ordered within the land and water preceding year, other than those let to contract at the annual letting, g:'lSi';SEl;]‘S2;§g giving in each case the route or water-course on which the mail is es- " y ’ tablished, the name of the person employed to transport it, the mode of transportation, the price to be paid, and the duration of the order or contract. A report of all allowances made to contractors within the preceding year allowance to above the sums originally stipulated in their respective contracts, and the °°““`“°°°”i reasons for the same, and of all orders made whereby additional expense is incurred on any route beyond the original contract price; giving in each case the route, the name of the contractor, the original service provided for by the contract, the original price, the additional service required, and the additional allowance therefor. A report of all curtailments of expenses effected within the preceding curtailments of year, giving in each case the same particulars as in the preceding report. °XP€“$°S? A report of the finances of the department for the preceding year, showing the amount of balance due the department at the beginning of the Gnances of the year; the amount of postage which accrued within the year; the the d"P““’“"“*· amount of engagement and liabilities; and the amount actually paid during the year for carrying the mail, showing how much of said amount was for carrying the mail in preceding years.