Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/430

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390 FORTY-SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 432-434. 1872. by the public prior to the date of the application for said letters-patent, which was filed on the twenty-third day of January, eighteen hundred and srxty-eight, said mvention so granted and confirmed being descr1bed in said letters and application as an “Improved device for sheering booms— letters-patent number eighty thousand sir hundred and sirty-three, dated August fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight—Lev1 W. Pond, of Eau Claire, Wisconsin, assignor to himself and Eau Claire Lumber Com- Rights, sm., pany, of same place : “Provided, That all rights and privileges heretofore h*=¤>¤*l’<>¤¢ Sold- sold and granted by said patentees to make, construct, use, or vend the said invention, and not forfeited by the purchasers or grantees, shall mure to, and be enjoyed by, such purchasers or grantees respectively as fully and upon the same cond1tions,during the period hereby granted, as for the term that did exist when such sale or grant was made. i h gersensgvhob Sec. 2. That any person who had, more than two years prior to the m;c,‘f;;;ti&;“° date of the application for S3.1d letters-patent, bona fide erected or confor moreitnanj structed any such machine or structure for the purpose of putting said 85% *0 havsills invention into use in any of its modifications, shall have and enjoy the r1 ht to use that . . . . . . . . spicmc masking mght of using stud invention in any such specmc machine or structure. so actually erected more than two years prior to the date of said application for said letters-patent as aforesaid, in all respects as though this act had pot bein passeél: Provided, hglwever, That ppupgrson without bgrauttor rcense rom sa1 patentees, or err 35S1g0S, s ave or enjoy y v1r ue of this act any other or greater privileges or rights than he would have or enjoy if this act had not been passed. Approved, June 10, 1872. Julie 10. 1872- CHAP. CDXXXIII. -An Act to provide for the Erection cfu Building suitable for the Use p/'the United States Courts, Post—ojicc, and ot/ter necessary Government Offices, at Raeigh, North Carolina. Be it enacted by the Senate and l%use of Representatives of the United _ Suitable build- States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas-

‘;% l?° °'°°t€d ury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause to be erected

exgh, N. C. ., . . . _ . a suitable building with a fire-proof vault extending to each story, at °Et‘:‘§;l;"‘E;· Raleigh, in the State of North Carolina, for the use and accommodation p ’of the courts of the United States, post—ofiice, and other offices of the APP*°P*l¤il°¤· government. And for such purpose there is hereby appropiated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, one hundred thousand dollars, to be expended under the d1rection of the Secretary of the tl;l¤¤: Md Treasury, who shall cause proper plans and estimates to be made, so that °sL?;,€°;, cosh the whole expenditure for the erection and completion of the said building shall not exceed the sum hereby approprizited. Approved, June 10, 1872. June 10, 1872. CHA}; CdDX3`(XIV. ——An Ac; gmendatorg of andAct approved Zllarch second, eighteen

 hun re an sixty-seven, entil e "An Act amen atorgof ‘An Act to provide a tempo

VOL xii; {,,535, rary Government for the Territory of ]l[0ntana,’ approved May twenty-sixth, eighteen 1867,_ch. 150. hundred and sixtyfour.” VOL luv`? 426 Be it enacted bg the Senate and House of Representatives ey" the United l·°SEil¤**V? States of America in Congress assenttrled. That the first section of an act igfgfgrigsoi- the approved March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, entitled "An United States act amendatory of ‘An act to provide a temporary government for the {"“!*' by €‘?"°’“l Territory of Montana,’ approved May twentv-sixth, eighteen hundred aws permit cor- . ,, . '. . F,,,·mO,,st0 be- and sixty-four, so far as relates to mcorporatwns which have been, or osniedgr certain which may hereafter be, created and organized for the business of mining, P rP°*manufacturing, or other industrial- pursuits, on the construction or operatron of rarlroads, wagon-roads,1ri*1gating ditches, and the colonization and 1mprovement of lands m connection therewith, or for colleges, seminarres, churches, libraries, or any benevolent, charitable or scientific association, and for all rightful subjects of legislation consistent with the Constitution