Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/857

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CONVENTION-——THE REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA. JUNE 25, 1870. 817 7- Embezrlement by ¤·}1y person 7°. La apropiacion cometida por Embezzlement or persons hired or salar1ed,t0 the una 6 mas personas jomaleras 6W WMM NM detriment of their employers, when asalariadas, en perjuicio del amo °"°L"i°d’&°' these crimes are subjected to infa- con tal que la pena de estos crime: mous punishment. nes sea infamante. Anrxonn III. Am·[1cuL]o III. The provisions of this treaty shall Las disposiciones de la presents Political ofnot apply to any crime or offence of convension no se aplicai-an a cri- fences not includ- B, political character, and the per- mines 6 delitos de un cm-acter °dl“°h° “`““‘Y· son or persons delivered up for the politico; i la persona. 6 personas crimes enumerated in the preceding entregadas por razon de los criarticle, shall in no case be tried for menes enumerados en el articulo any ordinary crime, committed pre- anterior no podran de ningun modo viously to that for which his or their .ser procesadas por crimen comun surrender is asked. cualquiera, cometido anteriormente 5. aquel por el cual la cntrega ha sido pedida. Anrzcnn IV. Anrrcuno IV. If the person, whose surrender Si la persona, de quien la entrega Extruditgon may be claimed pursuant to the ha sido demandada con arreglo alas {nag be dsfeffsd. stipulations of the present treaty, estipulaciones del presente tratado In °‘ shall have been arrested for the hubiera sido arrestada por infraccommission of offences in the coun- ciones cometidas en el pais a. donde try where he has sought an asylum, se ha reihgiado, 6 condenada por or shall have been convicted thereof; ellas, entonces su estradicion podra his extradition may be deferred un- ser suspendida hasta ·que sea abtil he shall have been acquitted, or suelta 6 concluya el térmiuo de la have served the term of imprison- prision iijada en la sentencia. ment to which he may have been sentenced. Aa-rroms V. Anrxouro V. Requisitions for the surrender of Las requisitorias para la estradi- Requisitionsfor fugitives from justice shall be made cion de fugitivos ante la justicia, w;§“gg;Y°fo{‘,;§" by the respective diplomatic agents seran hechas por los ajentes diplo- mgdé, of the contracting parties, or, in maticos respectivos de las partes the event of the absence of these contratantes, 6 en caso de su ausenfrom the country or its seat of gov- cia del pais 6 de la capital del goernment, they may be made by bierno, pueden practicarse por los superior consular officers. If the superiores oficiales consulares. Si pmoy of the person whose extradition may be la persona de que se pide la es- ¤¤‘i¤¤¤- asked for shall have been con- tradicion esta condenada por un victed of a crime, a copy of the sen- crimen, la requisitoria debe ser teh0B of the court in which he may acompaiiada de una copia de la have been convicted, authenticated sentencia del tribunal que le ha under its seal. and an attestation condenado, autenticada con su sello of the official character of the judge i con atestacion del caracter 01'icial by the proper executive authority, del juez firmante dada por la autorand of the latter by the minister or idad ejecutiva propia,i legalizacion consul of the United States or of de la ultima por el ministro 6 c6n- Nicaragua, respectively, shall ac- sul de Nicaragua 6 de los Estados company the requisition. When, Unidos respectivamente. AI conhowever, the fugitive shall have trario, cuando el fujitivo solo esta been merely charged with crime, acusado de crimen, una copia debivoL. xvii. ’l`nsA:r.--52