Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1000

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928 Trru: 1.v11.—-—PENSIONS. Mpreirequeetex- Sec. 4772. Nothing in the preceding section shall be construed to pre- “"{‘““*"’“· vent the Commissioner of Pensions from requiring a more frequent exami- Ibid. nation, if, in his judgment, it is necessary. 3,8,,,,5,,; 6,,,,,,,,- Sue. 4773. The biennial certificate of two unappointed civil surgeons nations by unap- shall not be accepted in any case, except upon satisfactory evidence that

’gg‘1;°d&;""‘l *‘“" an qniamination by a commissioned or uly appointed surgeon is imprac-

.‘;.4-;- .- tica i e.

4 July, 1864, c. 247, s. 1, v. 13, p. 387. _ Boards of exam- Sec. 4774. The Commissioner of Pensions is authorized to or nize, '“‘“€ “"’S*‘°“s· at his discretion. boards of examinin surgeons, not to exceedlu three 3 Mar.,1873, c. members, and each member of a board thus organized who is actually 2-% S- 36»\'· 17» P- present and n1akes, in connection with other members or member, an 572 ordered or periodical examination, shall be entitled to the fee of one dollar, on the receipt of a proper certificate of such examination by the Commissioner of Pensions. _Specia1examina- Sec. 4775. Examining surgeons duly appointed by the Commissioner

  • ‘°“S- of Pensions. and such other qualified surgeons as may be employed in

1i,id_,E_ 37, the Pension-Office, maybe required by him, from time to time, as he deems for the interests of the Government, to make special examinations of pensioners, or applicants for pension, and such examinations shall have precedence orer previous examinations, whether special o1· biennial; but when injustice is alleged to have been done by an examination so ordered, the Commissioner of Pensions may, at his discretion, select a board of three duly appointed examining surgeons, who shall meet at a place to be designated by him, and shall review such cases as may be ordered before them on appeal from an i special examination, and the decision of such board shall be final on the question so submitted thereto, provided the Commissioner approve the same. The compensation of each of such surgeons shall be three dollars, and shall be paid out of any appropriations made for the payment of pensions, in the same maplner as thedordinary fees of appointed surgeons are or may be aut iorizc to be ai . Medical referee Sec. 4776. The Seldretary of the interior is authorized to appoint a duly ¤¤d¤¤¤mi¤i¤E*‘¤¤'· qualified surgeon as medical referee who. under the control and direcg2€·__ _ _ A tion of the Commissioner of Pensions, shall have charge of the exam- Ibid.,¤.3$,p·577· ination and revision of the reports of examining surgeons, and such other duties touching medical and surgical questions in the Pension- Oilice, as the interests of the service may demand; and his salary shall be two thousand five hundred dollars per annum. And the Secretary of the Interior is further authorized to appoint such qualified surgeons (not exceeding four) as the cxigencies of the service may require, who may perform the duties of examining surgeons when so required, and who shall be borne upon the rolls as clerks of the fourth class; but such A _ tm t { appointnigntsfpllzalanot increase tlpellclerical force of said gureau. , P m °P_ 0 Sec. 47 7. e ommissionero ensions is em owere toa oint, at

?“m'”‘"g his disere{•iop, civil surgeqns to iiiaksiqhe periocliglsil exaniinatioiigqf pen-

-...--- . _.--- sioners w ici are or may vere uir v aw an to examine a icants Ibid·»"·i”*5rP-576- for pension, where he deems ar? examin'ation’by a surgeon appdiiited by him necessary; and the fee for such examinations, and the requisite certificates thereof in duplicate, including postage on such as are transmitted to pension-agents, shall be two dollars, which shall be paid by the agent For paying pensions in the district within which the pensioner or claimant resides, out of any money appropriated for the payment of pensions. Pension meme unéller sppggregpgtgpns tlLlC'COlllg{lllSSl0!:10lk()f Pensiqns;) may (preqpip:. , ‘ ·· :0. . resu en is au orize o a om , y an wi e ?gl;§l3i'x,$,r;;_“"‘l advicetand cpinsenit of tqhe penateilqll pensionagelplts, who shall hold tpeir ——--—T~ respec 1ve offices or e erm 0 our years, un ess sooner remove or 325f‘;l3·»pl8£H· *'· sujlpended, as provided by law, and until their successors are appointed Q Mali., cl {Ul fluallhed. 154, as- 1, 2, v. 14, p. 430. 5 Apr., 1869, v. 10, ss. l, 2, v. 16, pp. 6, 7. Bond of pension- Sec. 4779. All pension-agents shall give bond, with good and sufficiént Wgniféb -1867 -6 suretics. for such amount and in such form as the Secretary of the Inte- 32; ‘_. 1 . 39,; · rior may approve.