Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1152

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1080 rim mm.-ouauo isnxnos. T I T L E L X X I I . GUANO ISLANDS. Sec. ‘ Sec. 5570. Claim of United States to islands. 5574. Restrictions upon exportation. 5571. Noticeof discovery and proofs to be 5575. Regulation of guano trade. _ furnished. _ E 5576. Qrimmal gurisdiction. 5542. Completion of proof in caseof death 5577. Lmploymeut of land and naval of discoverer. forces. 5573. Exclusive privileges of discoverer. 5578. Right to abandon island. Claim of United Sec. 5570. Wl1enever any citizen of the United States discovers a Smes te ¤¤l¤¤d¤g deposit of guano on any island, rock, or key, not within the lawful juris- 13 Augq 1856, c_ diction of any other government, and not occupied by the citizens of any {$3, s. 1, v. 11, p. olther government,. agd taklps peaceable possession thereof, and occupies · the same, suc is an , roc , or key mav, at the discretion of the President be considered as a rtainin to the United States. Noticeoidiscow Siic. 5571. The disco€diibr shall? as soon as practicable, give notice, §;Y{u;;;,l°£°fB*° verified_ by afliddavit, t0_ thedDepartmenlt, of1Stgte, of such discovery, ..T_.;_. occupa ion an possession escribingt e is an , rock or key and the Ibid. laltiauge mid, longitugek thereotfl, as near fashmay tshowiag · c ossession was en in e nameo e nies· an s a furlriish ssgisfactory evidence to the State Department that shch island, roc , or ey was not, at the time of the discovery thereof. or of the taking possession and occupation thereof by the claimants, in the posseplsion or occupagiolp of any; other goyeanrlpent or (pf tlée citizens of any o er overnmen , e ore the same s a e consi ere as appertaining to thedlnited States. Completion of Sec. 5572. If the discoverer dies before perfecting proof of discovery g2g3i0g3i8g2i:};, if or fully complying with the provisions of the preceding section, his

 vspdowl, (heir, executor, or udnimistrator, shall be entitled to the benefits

pri , , v- o suc iscoyery u n comp ying with the provisions of this Title· but 81·’·1·"·17·P·48· nothing herein sliallmbe held to impair any rights of discovery or, any Exclusive rm- assignment by a discoverer heretofore recognized by the United States. ,€g8S0,d,Sc0&m_ Sec. 5573. The discoverer, or his assigns, being citizens of the United _.._.; States, may be allowed, at the pleasure of Congress, the exclusive right 16é?éW‘i*s¤ °i.£.°§"5%`铧iS2§iii.I§}T.‘I.‘Pi’5.‘?§l‘2;i"` as *0* *:1* *::*·‘m.P£:bt‘¤1*;s H9_ _ , n _ v · n e same o on zens o e lni §t¤;t¤?,t;g liplgpsglf thiefcin, aindlniayibp allowed ltd charge and igzceiveufor ’ ‘ _ ‘ e were a ongsn e a vesse , in roper tu s, wi in reach of ship’s tackle, a sum not exceeding eight dollars per ton for the bps; quality, or four dollars for every ton taken while in ILS native place o cposi . Restricgpns up- Sec. 557-I. No guano shall be taken from any such island, rock, or

 keyhexpeiplt for theTiEse(pf the citizens of the United States or of persons

i . residen erem. e iscoverer or his widow heir executor adminis-

éI¤1gy,`lf§6£, It trator, or assigns, shall enter intd bond, in such pexialty and ivith such

328. sureties as mayibe reqnned by the President, to dehver the gunno to 8 2 Ap,.,,, ,8;2_ c_ Egtizens ofhthe ngeé; Sltates, for the purpose of being used therein. and 1,s.1,v.1 ,p. 48. none 0 ers, an a e price prescribe , and to provide all necessary facilities for that purpose within a time to be fixed in the boi d· a id an breach of the provisions thereof shall he deemed a forfeiture df all! rightls pjccruing ranger and by virtucilof this Title. This section shall, liowever, esuspen e in rea 10D toa erson h h Y · l' d "th th - v1sions_of this Title, for five yelzirs frdrrivadd dft;ii(tIlilepfd}urdei·nth deayrdf July, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. Regulation of Sec. 5575. The introduction of guano from such islands, rocks, or keys, guano trade- shall be regulated as in the coasting-trade between diiferent parts of the mpg éughlgm States, and the same laws shall govern the vessels concerned ,E. ,\'. ,P. ..