Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1238

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1 1 66 INDEX. Section. Section. ADKIB.ALTY—Continued. l ADVEQTIBEKENTS-—C0ntinued: what preparatory proceedings in, may be > of notice of sale of real estate for internaltaken by clerk of district court during { _!‘0\'€¤\16_l3X6S -·---- _ -----------··-- 3 197 disability of judge _ .,.,,__,,_,,__,, 590 x of notice of seizure under internal-revenue circuit courts no jurisdlction in civil causes ‘ laws par. 4, 3460 of, arising under laws providing reve· for proposals, to be made before contract for nue from imports or tonnage. .par. 4, 629 supplies, &c ... _ 3709 appeal from district to circuit court in for quarterma.ster’s supphes, what to c0n— muses cf, except prize causes. . ._ 631 tam and vyhere published .. 2 . . . 3716 what copies cases of, be certified 632 for naval supplies, provxsiong7;pn;pLrpi§¥é63gggé u to a a cour ... l , , , limitglgion ogglning for taking ___,,____,_, 635purchase of buuting may be made without. 3721, writ of prohibition to district courts, as 3729 courts of, issued by Supreme Court. . 688 l butter, cheese, &c., for Navy may be purnew evidence in causes of, received in Su- chased without . 3721, 3726 preme Court, on appeal 698 § to be delivered abroad, where and how courts of United States to have exclusive made . 3723 jurisdiction of all civil causes of, sav- for proposals to fumish paper for Governing, &c .. par. 3, 711 g ment Printing Oiice, where to be ting record in causes of, yvhat to contain . . 750f hmlade, Gmc] .. 3767, 3768 m e 0 proc in causes 0 862or 't ograp ing an engravin 492 forms of mesne process and modes of pro- for new proposals for paper, &c.,gin case of ceeding in causes of, in circuit and defau t of contractor ... 3775 district courts .. 913for engraving of maps &c., to illustrate docpower of Supreme Court to prescribe forms 1 uments ordered by Congress 3780 of process, dmc., in circuit and district l what, to be published in (papers selected in courts .. · ... 917 { certain States by erk of House of power of marshal to stay or release arrest of 1 Representatives ...,.,,,. 3823, 3824 l’5€¥§I¥§al‘§s€““’“°f’ °"°°*’°“°`““’°“ 941 i l`2$?“§£€3l’L‘2h`“€iY5.Zll°*"‘e ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 3”3’”$€ .. s u in n ws a rs . . . law of, extended over citizens of United · what, to be published in papers Iofplgistrict States in certain countries ., 4086 ; of Columbia .,,.,,,,_,,_____,______ 3826 condemnations in, of property taken as prize l repealed in part, nom after ,,_____,_____ 3326 on account of use, &c., in aid of re- l of w at mail·r0utes to be made in papers of

  5309-5311 I f E District of Columbia ..,,.,_,,,,,__,, 3827

, » or xecutive De rtments to be ubli hed 01 distilled spirits before tax paid, penalty. 3252 only on aulhority of head of departof1mp0rted_ rugs, medicines, medicinal and ment ______________________________ 3323 chernxcal preparations, to be noted on for proposals for carrying mail 3941 _ invoice by examiners r .. 2935, 2936 l by railways, not required .. 3942 artxclesdmaly be egxpcrted, and 1f not may 2937 l bly stealrnpoats, not required 3943 es roy .. u t roug orei n countries .. 4006 Ap-VALOBEH DUQIIEB, § to foreign cougntries 4007 mvoxce of goods subject to, to be made out l of notice of seizureof vessel, what to s ify. 4379 in currency of country from which of prize—sales by United States marshal: 4628 exported .. 2838 no contract for erection of light-house to be to be verified by oath of purchaser- . .2843, 2844 made, except after advertisement . . . 4667 by oath of manufacturer in certain cases, 2845 of notice in bankruptcy, how made ,... 5019 when representative may make oath to. . 2846 i of assignec-:’s appointment, where made 5054 when, may be Rdmlttbd without . 2847, 2848 l in likenesspf national-bank notes prohibggth when one of gwngrg resides abroad_ 2849 jtgd, penalty ____________ _ _________ 5188 what tx? be colllecéed ig addition to entries l for carrying mail in case of error or omission 0 mcrc an we, c . 2900· astoan rouw i sl. to be Ievied_on ture market value of mer-of mail lettingys for Llgilylahll, ligzilniélssrtld 3957 chandise at time of exportation . .2904-2906 l district of Columbia limited ’note nggrchgndigg gpbjgcfg tg, &c_, to pe gc- after _ ________________ _ ______ v_ _ _ _ _ _ 3826 compauied by copy from mvoice of of unclaimed letters in postrofiices .. 3930 cost, &c ... 3034 l may be in foreign languages in certain equipment and repair of vgggglg in fgrgign QQEQS __________________ 3931 ports liable to payment of, in certain l compensation for .. 3934 cases .. ¢ 3114,3115 to ’’ mvmcummm, 1 b b€¤€5Z°gi{l¤l'lltl .°ddm°"”1 p°s°°*° 33353 of Navy officers for distinguished conduct; _ 1596 ; AFF£3 Av1és, ``'`'```’‘’ ` although grade may be full .. 1364, 1507 l Commissioner of circuit court may take in 0fl1ne officers, receiving vote of thanks 1508 civil causes ____________ ’ 945 ADVLNCEQ OF MONEY, * making or using, by persons in military-ser to persons m naval servwe -----·---------- 1563 l Vice 0* f¤l¤¤ W <>b*¤i¤ ¤ m•=¤t 0* when may be made to disbursing—0fHcers . . 3648 l clainx ... l- p art 60 1342 what to be made to Congressional Printer. . 3816 i by persons in naval 278, art 14, 1624 may be made to certain postal agents .. 4055of settler on land subject to private entr 7 2264 for searnexfs wages to be in presence of ship- 1 of homestead applicant how made y- l 2290 pmg·comm1ssioner ..,.. 4532 [ in military service , -H-.2208 2293 axnvmtusnzmmus, ~ may be made mms 2>ié£1i5r ````` i ```` rt ’ required for stationery for Congress ... 65-68 ·h coun y cou ’ 3; ;:;s:1;.1l¥¤;1a?s1e¤ .h:.£ . 1. { E. - ., .. 1. 2359 l of wadgwill iiéiié X:'13E>H»£»é{é&i RM1;} '```` gl c 0 e on is ram or mtema - of purchaser of public land to correct revenue Mxés -. 3190 take in enllry ... l .. 2372