Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1262

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1 190 mnrzx. smm. _ S¤=¤·••- CAVALRY—Continued. CENBUB—C0rrtrpued. _ regiments, of colored msn 11% penalty fornassrstant marshal making false 2W; i n _ ____ _ _____ __ ______ _ _______ ___ 11 cer! va 8 . _ .._ . . ... ··

 how for-med, armed, &e ,... t.. 1632 examination and tran musron of returns

corps of, in States not incorporated with | _ by ¥¤¤¤‘Sh¤1·_ ····- - -·-·---··---—···· 219*1 mimi. __ _ ______ 1641 Secretary of Internor may order new enu- 1; ur h rggnjeql 1 Ppegiql f, __ 1646 { neration .,,,... . , 2195 CAJETT, d ow 0 I V en to see that diligence is employed by marwhcn b whom and how filed in Putcrw · shale, &¤ -..----------- - -----.-..-. 2196 'Oéce; effect; of ____________________ 4902 1 to cause returns:.:0 bzclassified, &c ,,,,, 2196 GE ul: TEBIEB, NATIONAL · to lay returns be ore ongress ...,...___. 190 lands for, purchased or appropriated by 1 compensation of marshals ..;- 219· Secretary of \Var ,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,___,_, 4870 marshal' may perfcrrrr duties of assistant rn _ appraisement when so appropriated . 4871 hrs own subdrvrsron .: .. 2l9» when fee-simple vests in Unit States, pay- compensation of assistants, fees for enument, 'urisdiction, &c 4872 meration of inhabitants . _ . .. 2198 superintendents of, how appointed 4873 fees for farms returned, for establishportgfg lodges {0,- ____________________ _ 4873 ments of productive industry, for 2 -h I 8 bg 1 md ________________ 4874 social statistics, c . 199

alr3·vnoH...T .?? . 4875 no allowance for unauthorized retums, 2

t0h`· rte dful . 48"5 &c 199 inspeczibirbffby bstliuxers og Army. Repealed 4876 fees fpr makirig out and returning copies 2200 ` f, to be f sto_,,__,,., 4877 o origirm returns _,________________

1; for, to the ofudeutrablreustone . 4877 payment to marshals, dsc., how made . 2201

register ofblzuaials to be kept .. $7; penaltyffor marshaé malcrng fatlsetcertrficate 2202 h a u ed ‘ __________________,, 7 o compensa ron o assis n . wsgltlllebs, sailorrs, ahd marines dying in fines and penalties, where may be enforced. 2203 United sum gervice ______________, 4878 Superintendent of Census, appointment, honorably discharged, dying destitute. .. 4878 duties, and compensation of 2204 production of honorable discharge su1'H- clerks in U611811S 011106 --------··--·.-.-.- 2205 cient authority for burial ... 4878 forms for census returns .. 1 .. - 2206 cemetery near city of Mexico, care and in Territories hereafter established to be preservation of . 4879 I taken of voters, dec., under direction subject to same rules as military ceme- 4880 , of gcxreréroai;5 .. ... 1847 teries .,,,. 1 CEB: , penalty for infjuring, defacing, dw . 4881 for coin and bullion .. 254 iurisdiction o the United States over .. 4882 f reéeixaglg for customs duties . 3009, 0 NSUS, or ni tates notes ... 1 method of takin rescribed . 2175 for public money paid to assistant treasuren y mars als .. . ... m be tak u g' Ph 2176P ers &¤ sem proceedings of marshals, to be under Secre- imitatin;r’<X’F£inting on, hoxirlpunished 3708 tary of Interior ..., 443 CERTIFIC S OF MER statistical information to be obtained .. 21;6 to soldiers gra d istinguxhed conduct .. 1216 oath of m . 21 7 y o en is men, w o receive . 1285 limits and subdivision of districts . 2178 Hi- character, when to be given to disstatemtegt of subdgrdisionssgrid uestimates {gn c Lagnarged seamen 4553 transmit to re ry o n — HAL N ES rior ... 2178in Army, punishment for sending, acceptassistant marshals, appointment of 2179 ‘ in , ring, or upbraiding persons to lac cpmmissicned . f 179, 2180 re?using.;t;i . . .p. 232, arts. 26, 27, 28, 1342 pena ty or marsha mg y 0 assist- on courts-ma..,... p. 238, art 88, 1342 I émts and for neelect of duties ... 2180 in Navy, for sending or accepting . .p. 277, oat r o assistant mars a s .,.. 2181 » art. 8, 1624 penalty of assistant marshals for neglect . . . 2182oftjurors in criminal cases _______________ 319 becretary of Interior to provide blanks and 21 or additional causes ,,_...,,.. 820-822 instructions ... 83in capital cases .. 819, 1031 to direct taking statistics as to hemp 2184 in summary trials under navigation laws. 4303 marshals to sirpmy guts with instruc· _ of voters, (see Electioaw.) . 2016-2021 tions, ban s, · ... 2185CHAMPAGNE, to supervise bdutiee of assistants and ap- tax ora imitations of .,,,,__,,_____________ 3328 point su 'tutes ... 2186 CHAN EB. , dlltlw of BSB18h1H1I! ... . ... 2187 jurisdiction of courts of Territories in ______ 1868 personal visits and inpuiries to be made . - - 2187 of probate courts of Colorado ... 1929 rom what sources in ormation obtained. - . 2187 probate courts of Montana not to have. . 1932 memoranda read to persons furnishing clerks of district courts, 'sters in ... 1872 facts 2187OHAPLAINS reg] errors and omissions to corrected, &u... 2187 ‘ to Senate and House of Representatives, enumeration m California, Oregon, Utah, _ salaries, how payable 52, 53,55 and New Merdco . I ...,,,,,,, 2188 in Army, poet andregimental ______.,.,, 1094 marshals may appoint deputres . .: .: .. 2189 number and appointment of -. ... 1121 apporntments to collect socral statrstres ,,,, 2189 rank, tenure of office, Ju; _ ______________ 1122 Secretarkyrlff \Na5-utc furmsh ard of officers grmliflcgtiong of _______,________________ 1123 0 rmy, ...-..-.--. 2190 uties of ... 1124 persons-required to answer inquiria s _. - 2191 [ gg clergymgn _________________ _ ______ 1125 !`¢¥¤!'¤§, ¤¤S1¤¤ll1f 1l18¥'¤h¤1¤ to furnish of1s;- * monthly re rts to he made by . 1126 rnals to clerk of county court ... 2192 1 facilities toll; extended to . 1127 to furnrsh correct copies to marshal ,__,_ 2192 · pay of _________________________________ 1261