Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1283

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INDEX. .1 2 1 1 Sootlou. Section.


appomtment, salary, and general duties- . -268-275 Continued. c erks rn office of . 235 Commissioner of Customs to perform balances certified by, tobe conclusive except duties of Comptroller as to accounts on Congress and courts ..._,-.._ 191 relating to customs, &c ..-_,_,_ 316-318 may refer cases to Court of Claims . 1063,1064 certain contracts to be deposited in office to certify to Solicitor for suit, accounts of ____,__________,,________________ 3743 of disbursing officem failing to pay Sixth Auditor performs duties of Compovcr_ ... _ ... 3633 troller as to accounts of Post-Office to be furmsbed with copy of appointment Department. (See Auditors.) of inspector of fuel in District of (‘o- appeal from, to First Comptroller upon _ lumbm ..-...-...-...-. 3712 certified balances ..---- 270 Putt, general duties of .. 269-272 CONCEALING, to approve and have custody of bonds of on high seas, &c., mone , goods, &.c., known clerks of Senate and House . 57-59 to have been stol>en 5357 not to carry on trade or business. . . 243 merchandise known to have been imported to hear appeals on accounts from Sixth contrary to law 3082 Auditor -...-.-...- 270 dutiable articles in baggage ... 2802 may order accounts to be settled by First of invoice, book or paper relating to merand Fifth Auditors __,___,_,__ _ ____. 271 chandise liable to duty ___-_.,,,,,,_ 5443 to report to Congress annually officers fail- of pro rtv by bankrupt -.. . .5021, 5110, 5132 mg to make settlements, &c . 272 CONDEPQNATION, accounts audited by Commissioner of Gen- of property captured in insurrection, eral Land Office to be sent to, for ex- jurisdiction ot courts ...-.. 563, 629 amiuation and decision . 456 claims of loyal creditors in be provided in case of absence of Secretary of Treasury, for --..-... . .- , ..-. 5322 may order removal of customs reve- in prize cases, nue offices to other places on account proceedings of courts (see Prize) .565, 4618, 5308, of epidemic disease . 4797 [ 5309, 5311 cost in such case to be reported to Con- I under customs laws, roceedings after, gross ...--.-.-.--.. 1776 for sale of vessels, distribrrtion, &c , _ 939 to notify district attomey of marehal’s l may be before judge in vacation ..-... 940 failure to pay over fines collected of of clothing in Navy, proceeds of sale of, militia 1660 not to be covered into Treasury _____ 3618 to institute suits against persons account- how disposed of ...-.-.-.._-___, _ _ _ 3692 able for public moneys ... 269, 3624 of horses, condemned, when to be paid for to certify to Solicitor for suit, &c., ac- by government .--.-.,, ____ 3485 counts of officers failing to pay over- of stores, proceeds of condemned stores to 3625, 3633 * be deposited in Treasury ...-..- 3618 bonds of collectors of intemal revenue to ; statement of, in book oi estimates ... 3672 be filed with -..- 3143,3144 { of vessels, extra wages not to be paid to to prescribe sum and form of bond of seamen discharged on account of -... 4583 such collectors as disbur-sing agents. . 3144 l CONFEDERATION, to report to Solicitor of Treasury delin- of States previous to formation of United quencies of collectors of internal rev- _ States Constitution, articles of. . p. 7. enue in rendering accounts or collect- ordmance by Congress of, for government of ing ...-..---..- 3217 territory5N. W. of Ohio River. . p. 13. (`ommrssioner of Internal Revenue to CONFEDEBA E STATES, certify to, as to due diligence of col- persons in service of, not to he appointed lectors respecting uneollected taxes- 3218 in Army .-...-. - ..-... 1218 warrants drawn hy Secretarymof Treas- ‘ collectron of moneys, &c., due 3755 ury to be charged in the ks of . . . 3675 I CONFQNEHENT, to be furnished with copy of appointment , duration of, previous to trial by court-man of inspector, weigber and measurer of j tial, m Army .. p.237, art. 70, 1342 {ucl in District of Columbia . 3712 1 in Navy, punishment by p. 281, art. 24, 1624 what contracts shall be deposited in office by officers temporari y commanding of 3743 I _ p. 281,art. 25, 1624 to allow equitable compensation for trans- i b mmm? court-mart1al.p. 282, art. 30, 1624 portation home o destitute seamen. 4579 CONSIBCATI Ns _ _ duties as to refund of taxes paul by na.- of property on account of use in insurrectional banks in excess of what was tron ... 5308 dug _____________ _ ____________,,_ ,, 5218 f proceedmgs for ... 5309, 5311 Second, ggngml dutigg of ___________ _ _, ,273-275 Q CONGRES , (See bbruue, clerks in cmpé Of ___________________ _ _ _ 235 Election of Senators . _ ..,..,,... 14-19 to regulate payment of arrears of pay ofApportronment and electron of Reprepetty officers and seamen, dw ,.. 274 §9¤t§t\V6| . Z ..-·------ 20-27 may detail clerk to sign papers relating Orgamzauon of meetmgs of ... 28-34 u, bounties _________________ _ ______ 275 S Compensation of members . 35-51 to state and certify accounts of delin- , Ofhcen andpersons in employ of Senate qugnt, disbm-sing officers to Folic- and House of Representatives 52-79 iter . . . 3633 Q Library of . _ .. , .. 80-100 to countersign requisitions drawn on g Cvllyrvnllvlul IPVBBUQSUODI . 101-104 retary of Treasury by Secretaries 5 Contested elections ...,.. . 105-130 War and Navy .. 3673 Congressaoenlal Directory, when to be pubh 3801 certain u Ii ntracts to be deI IS  : .. , w1¥hPw€;}$;;; ninety days ansi-`ozheir I laws, drc., of, to be deposited rn State Dedate ,.,.,.,. . . 3743 I partment .. . ... N4