Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1310

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1 238 INDEX. Swtlcn. I _ Sertion. DESIGNS-Continued. I DIPLOHATI0 Ol§'FI0EB8—C0ntmued. rules apgliqable m patents for __,,,,._.,... 4933 ’ secretary of leggzgoriiaqulary of, when acting 1685 DEQ K0 B RIVER, an c large ’a tres . free of toll on property or persmm in service compensation of person filling two offices. . 1686 of United States __________________, 5246 fees uenlected at legations to be accounted 1b87 DESTITUTE BEAMEN, 0I' --.------~· · ----- . -..·-------.·. ` consular Officers not to rgceivg few, &t·,, on uniforms and official costumes 1688 glgtlijng, &c_, for _____,______ , ,.,,. 1719 term for which salaries payable ... 1740 fund fm- relief gf, pmgmd ________,________ 4545 absent from Host without permission, Ju:. . . 1741 to be returned to United States by console, 4577 salaries, yv et; glgqcnglm .. f ... 1 742 (gc __________________________ , ,__,, compensation m payment or servvessels belonging to citizens required to ices, &c .. . 1743 carry; pay for ______,____,,,,___,,, -1578 not to receive compensation when not citipay for carrying, from ports Where no cfm- f Zvfa of Ulligéd Si·?l8B sul . . .. 4579 ees regu ation c., 0 .., fund for relief of, part of extra wages re- to collected in United States coin or ceived by consular ggicerg on dis- 45 Bbw its value i;; extibang; . .. charge of seaman, to pai to . 84 ’ nonery, 0., or, s al provi . unclaimed deserters’ wages, to go to . 4604 dying abroad, allowance to widow, &c 1749 penalties, to go to .. 4610 _ correspondence, &c., by,prohibited, except. 1751 DESTROYING LETTERS, ; President may make regulations, &c., govpenglty for, by persons in postal service . . - 3891erning . .: . 1752 big personxgelgore delivery .. 3892 i may ragixirel nuns toedbgtgrarried in vessels 3976 DES BUCT , , um 0 Init tes . . of property by persons in Army . p. 235, { issue and veriécation of passports by .. 4075 art. 55, 1342 3 retums of passports issued or verified by. . 4077 of stills, &c., in certain cases of forfeit- Q issuing or verifying passports illegally . 4078 ure ... . ... 3332 judicial authority, &c., in China, Japan, of tobacco, snuff, and cigars abandoned, con- l Siam, Egdypt, and Madagascar .. 4083 damned, or forfeited .., 3369 , in islands an countries inhabited by unof empty cigar-boxes with stamp thereon. . 3406 j civilized people 4088 of records gi couéts of justice or deposited 1 in gttoman dommions . 4125 in pu ic 0 ce . 5403 5 in emiu ..,... 4126 by officer having custody of 5408 { in Tripoli, Tunis, Morocco, and Muscat. . 4127 DETAILS (iu Army), in other countries of like diameter (see of enlisted men as artiticenn and laborers,. 1235 x (hnwular Courts) 4128 for special service 1236 table of fees to be attached to clearances of Doi cooks from privutes 1233 D cergirarregistered vessels .. _,,, 4207 IAMONDS , (See - im.) Dshipper of, rb notify carrier ... 4281 aqpointmsnt and tern; of office of .,... 343 IES, sa ary an expenses o ... 344 of national character may be executed at poger and duties of . . .1 _,,._.,_,_,,,,, 345 Mint . .. 3551 to etermine certain sa aries .. 3499 for coins at the mints; 3510 [ to approve bonds of assistants, &¤- ...,...,. 3501 obversei wkorkingwiies to be destroyed at l to approve appointments to at-t in case of em o em- year ... a isence, c ...,,,_,,,____ , , 3502 of national-bank notes 5172 i Secretary of Treasury to designate acting . . 3502 custody and exmninatighg ... 5173, 5174 g superintenclenfs control to be subject to gp- DHLOMATIC OFFIC , ; proval of ., 3503 provisions concerning . 1674-1688 } to prescribe time and form of reports of sip coninlar officers .. .. . .1639-1739 l periiitendents .,.,., 3503 w en, may pe orm unctions o , an · reports to >e made to . 3503, 3504 have pay in such case ... 1738, 1739 to approve all appointments nf assistants, provisions eonitibclni toaang to consular 0Hil0— l Sw., in mints ... - - . -. .. 3504 vers see mm r _ vers ... 17 1752 may engage artists, &c ... 3510 acceptigng appointgent ogblgy olflicers in I shsgl Hx price cli silver in gold deroeits 3520 rmy an ’avy to resxgna ion, , to x coinage c urge on trade-dollars .. 3524 &c .. _ ... _ 1223, 1440 to pFOROSé fégulations for transmission of not to correspond with foreign governments :~1lver coins 3527 uint tr) !'8('O}UIYl€!Hl persons1Y0!' Ob)- , to ztpprfive purchase Oi lncml fur minor p oyment 0 governmen w iere o- wnnage 3528 rated ... . .. 1751 discretion as to free delivery of minor min. not to accept pre·sent.·<. &c 1751 I age- in vities, &c 3529 definition of term_ .. _ ... I . . 1674 copy of triztl—piut·e, record to he Sem m ____ 3539 of *‘ minister" in laws respecting foreign I may prescribe tests of coins __,,_,_________ relations ... 4130 l duty as to ammul genleinem ______________ 3543 salaries of Z. 2 ... z-- ., _ . 1675 i to prescribe rules for exchange of fine bam of comnngsxoners and ohargvs gl nffaires. . 163} , for imported bullion _____________ __ 3546 pe; ~€retar¥ ot lgrution attC¤&nst:i1t1nr»ple {gig { to apprzwécgl regulations for striking, &c., in rpre El'0 vga mn 0 t1!` Gy.. ... . 1 in 5 ,______ _ ______ _ _____________ 355] Jagnn, sulmy of 1679 to estimate value of foreign mins _______ 2366, 3564 Clima, salary of . . -...-··.. . 1Q8i) l11B}' |rr€#<:I‘ll1c regulations respecting certain ministennt Urugtmy, ¤l=*0 hl P&¥‘8·§l\|§)' ----· 1Q81 S[_rR¤lSh and Mcxiran voins ,____,,__ 3568 one nnmuter to tmateinala, Costa. Riqa, &c. 1682 . to examine books, &c., of trew.·ur•—rnofn1int.~• 3650 tn llayti and Liberia, titles an;1lsalur1es 1083 { DIRECTORS, vhargo <l’affaire:< or secretary o egation, ap- _ of National Bank, boa l f . T136 pointment and compensation of . 1684 [ when may sellshares ofliilelinquent lmlder. gill