Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1342

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1270 mnmx. gsm", Section. urrmamrou wnngg, IIPBISGNLIENT-Continued. interna}-revenue mx nn _________________, 3328 when, for n0n·payment oi fine or fine and 1042 WEGBATION, COS S .-------------·------·--·----· from (glrisntal countries, involuntary, pgogs-2 62 by S60ff餷!`{ of TTGBBUTY ··-·-----·----- i.itcd . 1 1 > 1 GH -----------·-------··------ i States not to impose unequal charges upon. 2164 in '1Ietr;rit0rial_penitentia;·ies£ ... 1894, tgz; IHIORAL AND INDECENT ABTI- o pu ic minister, pena ty or GLES, I process for, or their domestics, void . 4063 not ynailgblg ______ _ __________,_,_______,, 3893 A consular courts may snunish by 4101 not to be imported ... .*1 {gil, 2492 for debt, again foam ation for adjudication 5021 IMPORT AND IHIPOB ON, in n rup c ‘ . · Entry of Merchandise, Customs Duties, I from malice, &c., ol) crews of vessel 5347 Comrnercw, and Navigation.) INCOBPORATIONB. (See Corporatimm.) Secretary of Treasury to direct superintend- i INDEPENDENT TREASURY, (See Pubence of collection of duties and taxes, lic Money.) gn imports and tonnage .._,. : ,,. 249 provisions respecting .. 3591-3613 to give instructions tfasrexrentggigom- 4 _ f 531 tion of impurean u terat rugs, · ju icia lstrwt 0 medicinu, and chemicals ... 2612 1 deputy clerks at New Albany and Evansto make regulations as to bond for ex- ville .. 559 mrtatiormithorit pgynient. of duty disltrict courtfiu, terms of ... i :.1 @.5- 572 ot impo rai roa iron parti y uration o , at one p ace not im: y wom after being repaired or manu- i intervening term elsewhere . 577 factored .,. 3021 l according to convenience and in case of to furnish condensed statement of amount · intervening term .. 577, 579, 580 of, to Congressional Printer before Q adjoummegmth of, in case of non-attend- November annually 3812 g anceo thejudge ... 584 bond and warehouse system for storage and ‘ by clerk, by written order of the judge. 585 transportation of imported tgoods.2954—-008 I circuit court in, terms of .. 658 """“°§’ °‘ "“‘}£“°"‘“5‘“d*’°““tE°f“ ‘Zf ‘° my I *"§§£"i 3$¥.£°““¤§”;1;.; ze; sgmx ‘‘‘‘‘` S'}? uro , s1a,a.n ayacen san s.. w > ss a n a . from Britislgic North 1§merica,h hlow trans- deputy_ wks of, for what places apporte to ports rom w ic exports pom ... 625 may]; be made with allowance of draw- 3053 suits instituted at New Albany and Evansbac ,.., . . vi e, ow comrnenc .,,..,,,, 743 transportation of, tohBritish£Torth Ameri- Egtit and grand juirigs, how summoned in. . 815 can provinces ow ma e ... 3054 un aries 0 an istrict iu, estab ished-. 2256 may be brought into United States in col- collection districts and ports of entry and lection districts on northern and delivery in , 2601, 2602 northwestern boundaries in vessels of additional officer for , 2569, 2606 any burden or in rafts or carriages. - - 3096 ports of entry, &c., of, in collection district not to be brought into other districts ex- of New Orleans ,...,..,._,,,,,_ 2.558 cept in vessels ogethirty tons or other- S merchandise for certain places in, may be wise, as prescri < . 3095 entered at New Orleans ..,..,,,, 2823 prohibition _ for Jeffersonville, insnected at Louisof obscene articles and their condeiinnaél 24 n . IND vwgknaybeemterec at former place. 2967 tion . . .. .. . 9.. · IAN exns , of neat-cattle and their hides. when. .249312495 I imports for exportation in bond to Mexico of watches, &c., with trade-mark, &u., of 2 wgthoult payment of duties may pam omestic manu acture .. 496 t roug port of ,,,,,._,__,_________ 3004 in foreign vessels in certain cases . 2497, 2498 rt of entry, provisions for 2578, 2579 of dutiable articles in public vessels .. $1AN AFFAIRS, F. 278, art. 12, 1624 I omcers of, their duties and compensaregulation of importation 0 firearms and tion .._...___,_,,__,,,, 2039-2073

éklgsilra   .. 1955 additboinal security may be required of

IMP S officers .. 2075 duty of inaster of . 7 . f compansatiori for traveling expenses of penal y or neglec 0 pro es .. o eerso ,,..,,_,.__.______ 20"7 regi>3sag§>i£%§e;remry· of State .. 4591 1 compensation allowed to be in full for all I I i services except contingent expenses not allowed in of division of opinion and travel in certain cases ... 2076, 2077 between )udges .. r . 651 Commissioner cf, appointment and salnor for (I€bI.g)I‘OC€BS€; of Ignifedlcgtatgs [ ary of . 462 courts in 1 tates w ere, a 0 is 990 I to have management of Indian affairs ..- 463 before indictmentnotextended by summon- _ duties as to accounts of Indian affairs .. . 464 mg grand jury during term . 810 regulations of Indian affairs by President. 465 bail may be taken in States where impris— I as to claims for Indian depredations"- 466 omnent for debt is not abolished 942 sales of arms, &c., in territory of uncivil- Postmaster·(ien(;zdml may discharge persons ized Indians _________ _ _____________ 457 imprison on exevutionin civi cases annual re Om; { _____________________ 453 459 _ _ nndenlfost-Ofhce Department laws.410, 411to report so Corigress Indian hostilities -. 9100 gnvilege of gnhyard in cases of. . gi. 992 j to consult Indian commissioners in maky w om o en ers_ against `nit tutesing purchases for Indians ... 2041 {MY be 00mm11i6d to ----------·~--- 1014 to direct purchase of goods for Indians .- 2083 execution todengorce nayment of fine, &c., 1041 to retmove persons from reservations . 2;):9 I DO 8 ISC 83*28 l`OI1'l.. I *1] ,3, p0in|;¤]gn|·,0 _____ ___ ____ _____ 2 dwchvzc fmm, nby Sww 1¤w¤ -.. 991 i dispsnwl with when pmnssb1s ,_,,,,.. 2053