Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1343

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INDEX. 1 27 1 Soetlan. Section. INDIAN AFFAIIBS—Continued. INDIAN AFFAIB.B—Oont.iuued. Ag·0¤ts—C0ntinued. cc\u1try—Continued. required to perform additional duties 2053 arson, penalty , 2143 to report direct to Commissioner, when. . 2054 laws relating to forgery and mail depresalary of; term of office; bond ... 2055-2057 datinns extended to ________________ 2144 duties of . . .. 2058 laws sslto crimes extended to 2145, 2146 to ive HSM ri ... -.- 2060 remove of persons in contrar tel , ,2147 2149 not to depart without permission 2060 penalty on person reinoved igeturiniixg to. , 2148 residence of, &c., in Callgorniaégi 2061 \ employment of military force in enforcemilitary officers may requi to per- ment of laws in, &t: ___________ _ _2150, 2151 form duties of ... . .. 1224, 2062 i arrest of Indians in, fugitivea from jugrestrictions on pay of, thr extra services. - 2063 tice ,,____.________________________ 2152 may take depositwns, acknowledgments, executing process in, . , _,____________ 2153 administer oaths, &c 2064,2157 ‘ reparation to friend} Indians in, for inevillence in pensioncases taken before- . - 4721 1 jury to property hy whites ... 2154, 2155 appointment of subagents ..,... 2065 * injuxéy hy Indianein, reparation .: . . .2156, 2157 of special {agents . 2067 - depre ations, militia employed in eupma suspem mterpreters when . 2068 ? pressing, in Florida ,_..,_______ 1657 adtiitional security may ,be required of, I paid only from special appropriations . . - 2098 · and of other officers . .. 2075funds, restrictions upon application of .,._ 2097 to be present at and certify to delivery of 5 inspectfors, appointment and term of office goods and annuities 2088 0 .. . ,,...___, 2043 restrictions on advances to .. 2092 i salary and allowances of. . . T ...,.._...,. 2044 advising pr sanctioning illegal contmcts. . 2105statement of expenses of ...,..,,,_, , , , _ 2044 payments on receipts of, how restricted. . 2107 interpreters, appointment, &c ..,.,_. 2068 to protect Indians desiring to adopt hab- prfferenc? of Indians in appointment of . 2069 its of civilized life . . 2119sa aries 0 . 2070 to sell cattle for Indians, when .. 2127 i to witness delivery of annuities and to ap 1-ove and issue trading-licenses, i goods ,,.,. 2089 wlien . Z _ ... 2 129lands, United States may regulate, in Termay refuse trading-licenses, when ... 2130 V _ rltcrles 1840 to grant passports to foreigners entering 2 34 l dnsposzl of pnlocceds E; sales of .. 2093 Indian country ,,.,,,..,.. , 1. { reserve. xons ow to surveyed .,,,,.,_ 2115 ma search for concealed liquors 2140 r 8COH11S, in Arnly . 1094 to destroy distilleries in Indian country. . 2141 Gnhstrnent of .. 1112 to remove persons in Indian country con- pay of . : ... 1276 trary to law ... 2147 subsgeuts, limits of subagencies . 2066 to procure arrest, &c., of Indians guilty { appointment of . 2065, 2067 of crimes' __________ : ___, _ _,,____ · __’__ 2152 | duties, compensation, and bond of .. _ 2065 to apply to tribes for Satfstaction ger mju- 2156 to be present anfl cerfnfy to delivery ot )0 nes to roperty y n inns c .. ; annul nes am gom s._ ... 1. 88 Agonciesin Iislahoand Montanapimtinued- 1949 when to approve and msue trading—limaybediscontinuedortra.nsferred,when. 2059 1 C€!l8€S ... _ .. 2 129 limits of, how established  ;. 2066 { to grant passports to foreigners entering Annuities under treaties may be paid m { Indian country 2134 coin, when .,.. , , ... 2081 to search for and destroy concealed liquors when mav be paid in goods . 2082 and distilleries in Indian wuntry.2140, 2141 purchases and payments, how made . 2083 to procure trial of Indians guilty of c0mm1'ss`o 5 be rd of ,__,,,_, , ,___.__ 2039 crimes __.,________._ _ _._,_,__,,_,_ 2152 to serve xxthoint cgmpensation .. i to appl); toltribes for r~paration for injury 2] W - ta to ,____,.,_,,____..,.._.,.,.. i y nt ians ni Btgcsspeiiizise eagpenditlure for Indians . I supsritgtendeggs, appointment of, for cer- 2046 tot 3 ,,_,_,,,,..,, L . in r1 ,___..,... . .. mzi;is§€essti;:f:1(te leloiittmcts, expenditures, offices of four, abolished . . _ . . 2047 and accounts of Ipdian SBYVICB .. 23462 assignment 0; di,sc0nt1nt;ance of remain- 204- 3lt t ___________,_____ - 7 mg our y res; en __,,... I cmpgegtgitgohe iiimxriijing, and other pro- 2 03 superintendggcies in Idaho and Montana 1949 ·`f ________________ _ _ 1 con .1nu ,______, _ _ , , , restrietigiig iliploxinetiualggnents under ... 2104 examination of, by Indian inspectors 2045 penalty for receiving money under pro- l;m1ts?f,fl;0w{astal{»l1(sihe;d ..} ..,...,. h` ted t t3_ ______,,,__ _ ______ 2105 rm 0 0 ce, mnt , u [eg 0 __,_ ,_,_ assigninentig? gstricted ... 2106 temporary clerks for I .. 2051 country, gnvernment of ___,,_____,__, 2127-2157 to be present at andleertify to delivery of sale of cattle of Indians in, by agents of- 2127 _ goods and annuities to Indiana ,..., , 2088 trading with Indians in ,... . ... 2128 1 dxsburiements oédmoneystto Indians . l` d___________________ 2129-2131 restric ions on vanees 0 ,__,_,,, . . . ‘ l§lIi?§itt;90i;r1:·;f·i:·;;l;1g in _ _____________ 2132-2133 restriction on payments on receipts oi. . . 2107 Hrreigner entering, without {passport . 2134 to proteqt lfgdigninélesiring to adopt habits 2 purciasing certain articles rom Indians. 2135 of CM we 1 0; -----·------------- 11** selling at-ms to hostile Indians in, &c 2136 to uspend, &c., chiefs or headmen for hunting and trapping in, by whites ,..,, 2137 trespass, when .. I _ .. 2 120 removing cattle from, pens ty .. 2138 to approve and issue trading—l1censes 2129 ¤<>11i¤¤ ¤piri¤¤¤¤¤ 1iq¤<>r¤ in, penalty . 2139 w refuse 1¤¢¢¤¤¢¤. when -_ -----------»--- 2130

 for and destruction of such 2140 :p`p(e;lt{golméft<%;E5o]¤;i8n;;sioner ..  

nnl2£‘,€"§.; m,a.a;,;e;(; sz1x;;;;;;::: 2141 to gm_,mm to foreigners entering assault with intent to kili; penalty .. 2142 Indian country . . .. 2134 s·r—03——85