Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1394

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1322 11~am·n·l. Section. !•f¢l¤¤- 1’mACY—C0ntinued. l POBQQAITB, on high seas or in river, &c., out of juris· I of living personsnot to be placed on bonds, diction of State, punishable with = notes, &c .. 576 dggth ___________ _ _____________ 5372 I PORTS OF ENTRY AND DELIVERY, committing acts of hostility on high seas meaning of word "p0rt" asused nn customs or under color of commission from l laws ... _ ... 2767 foreign state ... 5373 ports of entry to be ports of delivery .. 2770 makin war against the United States, &c., I qualiG<·ations, pay, and duties of 0tHc·ers.2613-2746 hy citizens of foreign states contrary shipping commissioners to be appointed at. 4501 to treaty, &c ... 5374 foreign vessels, where to enter Z . : . .2770-2772 crew, &c., confining on vessel or offering ports ofdelivery may bednscontmued m certo sell negro or purpose of enslaving tam (2888 .. 253 him ____,_,,,,,,,,,________,.,,,,,. 5375 President may cause duties to becollected landing on foreign shore,&e.,seizing negro, at ports of delivery or elsewhere in &e., with intent to enslave, &c .. 5376 case of insurrection . 5314-5316 odioer or mariner of vessel on high seas, may close ports, and vessels attempting &c., voluntarily yielding up to .. 5383 to enter to be forfeited . 5317 attempting to corrupt 0Hicer or marinerto forfeitures in such case, in what disyield up tn, or tum pirate, or to con- tricts prosecuted ... 564 federate orto trade with, aiding,&c. 5384 l additional inspectors for certain dis- PITTSBURGH, PA., tricts .. 2605 port of delivery for, New Orleans, Ls .. 2568 weighers, gaugers, messurevs, and inspectsurveyor to reside at, duties of. - . 2569 · ors in certain districts .. 2606 PLANK-ROADS, in district of San Diego ... . . 2607 when to be post-roads 3964 general appraisers appointed to visit ports when mail xo be carried on ... 3968 of entry, &c ... 2608 PLATES AND DIES, (See Dies.) merchant appraisers appointed by collectors for printing United States securities; pun- when there are no others 2609, 2610 ishment for offenses relating to . 5430 I provisions respecting ports on northern 'PLATINA, boundaries (see Nemhem, Northeastshipper of, to notif carrier, &c ... 4281 ern, Northwestern Frontier) ... 3096, 3097 PLAYING-CARDS; · entry for transportation in bond may be imported, mbestsmoled . 3435 { made at New York, Philndel his, tax on . ... Sc edule A, p. 679, of tcr 3437 Boston, Baltimore, Portland, gh., PLEADING, Port Huron, Detroit, New Orleans, in circuit and district courts in civil causes Toledo, San Francisco (see Warcother than equity or udmiralty . 914 houses) ...,...,,... 2990 in equity and admiralty 917 for New York and Buffalo, Boston, Proviwhen not to be used in criminal proceed- dence, R. I.,Philadelnl1ia, Pittsburgh, inwm party .. 860 l Baltimore, Norfolk, u.., Charleston, PLUNDE G, S. C., Savannah, New Orleans, Portby persons in Navy, on shore. p. 278, art. 8, , land, Me., Chicago, Cincinnati, Tole· Jaan-. 16, 1624 I do, Saint Louis, Evansville, Ind., money, goods, &c., from vesel in istress, Milwaukee, Louisville, Cleveland, or wrecked, &c 5358San Francisco, Portland, Oreg., Memattsckirég vessel with intent to plunder 5361 ‘ phis, Mobile, Detroit, and to impor- POISON , tations from or to Europe, Asia, and shall be excluded from mail .. 3878 the islands adjacent thereto, via POLICE COURT, United States .,,,,,.,,________, 2997 of District of Columbia not to natumlize warehouse laws may be extended by Secreforeigners . 2173 j tary of Treasury to Albany __,___,_, 2968 PON'! TRAIN, LA., J privilege extended to Genesee, N. Y., vessels bound for, may unlnde at, after and Saint Paul, Minn .. note of ler 2990 makin? report, &c . 2574 and collection districts in-- departing mm, for foreign ports, how Alabama. ...,,_._____, 2564 cleared 2575 ollieers ..,_,,,,,, 2585 POOR DEBTOBS, weighers, guugers, and other officers Postmaster-General may discharge those may beappointed at Mobile .. 2606 confined on account of depsrtment.410, 411 clearance of vessels from ports in, with discharge of certain, by Secretary of Treas-cargoes of live-oak, provisions con- _ ury .. _ . 3471 · ceming .. 2463, 42% President may discharge . 3472 » merchandise for Selma,-may be entered poor convicts im risoned for lines, &c., how at Mobile ,____,__________________ 2820

 . 1042,5296 Alaska. .,,...,,,,,_,_,__,,,,,, 2591

POB'! EB, officers .,,_,,_,,,____,_,, 2592 Brazilian mnil—stesmsh§>s exempt from 4232 l regulation of coasting-trade in (see PORT JEFFERSON, . Y., Alaska) _____,___________________ 4358 merchandise for, to be entered and duties California ______________________ _ _____ 2582 paid at New York ... . . 2540 odieem ________________ _ ____________ _ 2583 enrollment and license of vessels at ... 4345 I weighers, gouge", md oghoy omoom ?0BT!•AND• OREG-,necessary may be appointed at San masters of vessels bound for, with merchan- Fmooigoo _______________________ 2606 _ dm. What to do --·---------------- 2588 ; and at San Diego . Y 2607 ¤l¤•}!‘{¤8 fl’0I¤ ...--- _ --·-- : --------·--.-- _ .. 2589 entrkof merchandise for Vallejo may amving at Astoria with merchandise _ modo at Sm Fmncigco ______ 2324.2831 for --··--··--·-·-- ; --------·------- 2690 - vessels going to or from Vallejo, where collector of customs to reside at ... 2587 to ygporf, ________________________ 2584