Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1412

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1340 INDEX. Section. * _ S°°u°*· GUI TAM AC'.l‘IONS»-Continued. l B4ILB.0ADS·—-Continued: when alone liable to clerk, marshal, and ¤ m postal serv1ce——(/ontmued. attorney, for fees of prosecution,. .. 976 to bepost-roads _ _ 3964 QUORUM, , termmous or post-roads intersecting, may of House of Representatives; Ctmsliwtion, , the changed . .1. . . 18. , no o carry le ers excep in nai , iv chpocse President; umemlmm! Ckrnstifu- l r0¤f€S to l>€ cjlaséified .. 3997 tion, p. 30, T pay for carrying mall _________________ , _ 3998 of Senate to choose Vice-President; amend- , wher}; reasonablec<>1;1;érac:trn1iinot be made, 3999 ment Cbnsiiiution, . 30. l ow mai may carrie ... of Supreme Court .. ii . 673 l to carry mail on any train, &c ., .. _. . 4000 =¤di<>¤r¤¤¤¢¤t of, for www <>f ---·--------- 685 l pay to land-grant meds f<>r canying mail- 4001 powers of less than. during first twenty 680 repdluftrpetntfot psy} Qi I days ..,..,__ , ,___,___ _ ____T2 usa 0 , 0 urnlg pgs cars_ ______ __ Of judges Of Court of Claims ... 1052 l pay for postal cars. 4004 of supreme court in Territories 1864 léflgth. &0-, of PQSWI CBN of ·--------- - - 4005 QU0 WARRANTO, post·oflice, superintendents of -. 4020 jurisdiction of district court of proceeding employment of clerks, &c., for distributby, for removal from office cl. 14, 563 , mg mail in railroad offices .. 4025 of circuit court of proceedings by, for re- “BANK, _ moval from office p. 112, 629 in Army, officers of llne·may be promoted district attorney to proceed by, against per- to staff without prejudice. , . 1205 sons illegally holding office . 1786 of officers with brevet commissions .. 1211 officers to be addressed by actual ... 1212 R. _ between officers of same grades, &c., com- BACE, L putation of service __,___,,_________ 1219 rights of citizens to vote not to be abridged l of assistant surgeons_ absent, when ention account of, &c.; fifteenth amendment l tled to examinahon 1372 to Cmzstdution, p. 32. relative, of Army and Navy officers .. 1466 no distinction on account of, in homestead in militia, how determined . 1638 laws ___..,,._,,.,.,... 2302 l in Navy, of line-officers according to at elections (see Elections) ... 2004-2010 date .. 1467 in Territories ,,,..,,.,_,.,... 1860 of chiefs of bureaus ... -- . . 1471 RAILBOADS, when line-officers 1472 government directors for roads having sub- when retired - ... 1473 sidies . 5259 of Medical Corps ... 1474 right of, to carry passengers, freight, &c., of Pay Corps .. 1475 from one State to another, form con- of Engineer Corps .. 1476 nection, &c., but not to build new of naval constructors ... 1477 road without consent of State, &c. . - 5258 of assistant naval constructors .. 1477 when foreign, may own and employ tug or of civil engineers ... 1478 ferry—boa.t . 4370 of cha lains ... 1479 transportation of animals by, provisions of proiessors of mathematics ..,,,... 1-180 concerning . 4386--1390 grades of staff officers of abovemamed penslt on, for transporting empty casks, corps, &c., how filled (mw) . 1480 having uncanceled stamps, brands, of retired staff-officers ...,... 1481, 1482 &c., in violation of law . 3324 of graduates of Naval Academy .,... 1483 for carrying persons acting as private let- of engineer graduates ,_,. 1484—expresses .. 3983 precedence and authority on account cars laden with imports, sealed by customs of ..,,,,,,,,____ 14854488 officer, &c·., exempt from manifest of lineland staff on courts, &c ...,... 1489 fees ... 3007 amimi ated to warrant-officers .,._., 1491 and engines lost in military service, how Marine Corps, commandant of .. 1601 paid ... 3483-3488 l of staff of , , ..,..,._.,,_._ 1602 permanent appropriations for payment with Army ..__..,.______,___________ 1603 of those lost in military service. p. 727, 3689 of officers of revenue—cutter service on not subject to forfeiture for goods being duty with Navy ,____._.,_,_,__.__, 1492 transported on, contrary to customs ~ BANSOM MKEY, laws, unless owners are privy to vio· distribution of, to vessels of Navy . 4642 ation . 3063 BAPE, iron, partially wom, im rted for remanu- i by persons in Amiy, in time of war. .p. 235, facture, &c., reguiidions concerning art. 58, 1342 re-exportation . 3021 committed 0n high seas, or in forts, arsenals, land-erantsf pre—emption limits within ( &c., within exclusive jurisdiction of imitc 2279 ‘ United States, unished b death". 5345 settlers on, prior to withdrawal from mar- i RAPPAHANNOCK £.IVE.R. (ga.), két ... 2281 _ surveyor of customs to reside at or near Paciic Railways, provisions concerning. 5256é l RATE iigptggggsgmgident may designate 2553 o‘6 S G , connections may be made with, by other 525 mailable matter divided into three classes, r<>¤ S . 7 3875-3878 government directors of 5259 = on newspapers, &e,, at img-delivery Omega _ 3872 money due from United States to, for on letters and 1et;er-mal;l,gr _______________ 390:; transportation, to be withheld until ondrop-lemgrg __________________ _ ________ 39(yl rights determined by courts, &c. .5260, 5261 i on regular prinijgd Hmmm- ________________ 3995 in posta.1 service, contracts for carrying on packages of small newspapers .. 3907 mail, w1t.hout advertising ,,, 3942 to regular dealers _________ _ ______________ 3903