Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1431

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INDEX. 1 3 59 Section. , SEIZ`UB.ES—fontmued. ; SENA.TE—Continued. mth. fees and charges in cases of . . , 3206 two members of, to be designated as visitof merchandise not transferred, as re- ors to West Point Military Academy 1327 xuired, from unsafe or unfit ware- duties and compensation of v1sitnrs...13é8,1329 ouse . 3272 Joint (bmmittee on Library to have three of cask or package from which marks, members of (see Library) .. 82 _ brands, and stamps not obliterated-. 3324 l to have direction of superintendent and of distillery, &c., when release from, may emplovés of Botanical Garden .. 1827 _ be given before Judgment ... 3331 members of, 'on Joint Committee on Public of (llgulled Epi;-its, bu]-den Of py-Oof in cer. Printing ____ _ ____ _ _________________ 3756 tam casee .. 3333 three members cf, to be reazcnts of Smithof fermented liquors for nompayment of sonian Institution tozbe selected by _ tax ... 3352 President of Senate . 5580,5581 in case of tobaceo—peddler refusing to ex- A SENTENCES, (See C0m·ict.s, Crimex, Pumlehhibit certificate or stamp ,___,,______ 3383 7mm7g_) of taxable articles held with intent to de- by courts-martial in Army, provisions confraud the reyenue, &c .. _ 3453 cerning pp. 239, 240, arts. 96-112, 1342 proceedingsf<.;n seizure of goods for \‘10lu· 2460 in Navy, by what votes to be determined. '°“ 0 laws -·-··---·-·--—·-—··---—· — . 284, art. 50, 1624 for ¥`€Vl$i0¤ of 1190311198 --·-----·------- 3461 when not t0beca.rriedintt$)execution un- BELKA, ALA·, til approved. .pp. 282, 284, arts. 32, 53, 1624 él§’:l’i8é1dlS€ for, where entered ... 2820 limit on, of persons summarily tried 50,- S » offenses a inst navi ation laws . 4304 constitutional provisions respecting (see i SENTINELS, ga g Analylwal Index . pp. 52, 53). in Army, sleeping on post or leaving; pun- _ election of members .. 14-19 ishment for ____,_____ p, 233, arr 39, 1342 vacancies, how filled ... 16,17 , SEBGEANT-AT-ARMS, certificate of election ... 18,19 1 of Senate and House, to render annual Orguniwtion . 28-34 account of property, &c ____________ 72 compensation of . 35-51 ~ to make rules for protection of persons of President of, when no Vice-President., 36 l and property at Capitol; powers of officers and employes of, salaries .. 52 L arrest ...,,.,_,,_,_,_______________ 1820 not to act as agents or attomeys to assist to appoint Capitol police and may susin support of claims against United pend same ..,.,.,,__________ 1821-1823 States, nor receive gratuity from nor to regulate, uniform, and arm police 1824 share of ... 5498 , of Senate, salary 52 expenditures of, when made up and re- ; prohibited from receiving fees .. 52 ported . ... 63 A of House, when to make roll of Reprefurniture and carpets for, how pur- " sentatives-elect ...,..,, 32 chased 1816 salary ,...,.,,,,.,,,,,___ __ 53 contingent fund of .. 76, 3680 prohibited from receivin fees ,, 53 Sergeanbat-Arms of, salary (see Sergeant- to deduct from pay oli members abaz-Anna) .. 52 ~ sent ... 40 Doorkeeper, duties of ,... 73 BEBGEANT-MAJOBS, Secretary of, salary __,__,, , .,..,,, , . 52 for regiment of artillery .___.___,,________ 1099 to deduct from pay of Senators for ab- of cavalry ...,. ,, ,...,, 1102 eenee _ __,____,_,,, . ,,. 40 of infantry ...,_.._,_____ _ _ 1106 to be disbursing officer . 56 , SERGEANTB, bond of ___________,__,,,,.,,_.._.,,,,. 57, 59 for battery of artillery ...,.,,.,.,..._,,_, 1100 to make re »rt to Senate at commence- troop of cavalry .. NO3 ment ofeiwh session ... 60, 61 company of infantry ... 1107 m require reports ot subordinate disburs- ‘ post commissary ... 1142 ing officers ______,_,,_,_,.,,,,,,,,, 62 post ordnance, number and duties .._. 109+1109 m prepare and publish after each session selection of 1110 statement of appropriations, offices i BERVANTS, created, and salaries increased .. 64enlisted men in Army not to be used as 1232 to advertise proposals for stationery an- 1 of foreign ministers to be exempt from legal nually, &c ,,...,... 65-68 , process, when ... 1. .: ..: ... 4063 in purchases, to give preference to domes- what waiges of, have pr1or1ty in order tic productions ,,_____,___,,,,,___. 69 for lvldend m bankruptcy _,,__,,,, 5101 to report receipts and expenditures .. 70 y BET-OFF, _ _ fees gf, for egpieg ______________________ 71 E in Court of Claims on part, of United States, account of property to be rendered by, 1 _ &c 1059 annually _____________________ _ ____ 72 l ]udgment for, hoyv enforced ___,_,,_ r, , _ 1061 to transmit petitions, &c., for private no salary to be_pa1d to debtors of United elgirng to Cgurt of Claims_ _ ________, 1060 l States unt1 they account for and pay to furnish documents to library of West , oyer to Treasury I ...,__ 1766 Point Military Academy .,.. 1332 4 _ provision not to apply to pensions ... 47Ij4 w notify Secretary of Treasury, Auditors, in bankruptcy, allowance 0 .. 50:3 Comptrollers, and other officers 01 I SETTING IRE, _ _ nominations, rejections, &c,, at end l to vessel by any person not owner, with in~ _ _ of mh Session _,__________ _ ________ 1775 l tent to destroy . _ . . .. 0364 printing, binding, &<·., for Senate, done _ I SETTLXIRS, (See Pre-evnptum Lands.{)€ upon mquismon of ______ _ _____ _ ____ 3789 I on Indian lands. m1htary force may emtr, furnish documents to certain National l _ _ mylcyed 10 r¤¤x¤v<= ------------·- 2118 Homes for Disabled Volunteer Sol- mju by construction of ditches or canals, diem _ _ ______ _ ________ _ _______ _ ____ 4837 ! remedies of ... . 2339