Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1441

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musx. 1369 S tl n.on S g€e0 E2cS (Navy), {2:90 i 8T0¥iEKEEP$?B—Continued. Mw ` ¤ . s . ..-.. » u owance 0 om e to V .. 1271 STEEBIN G AND- SAILING, at national armorges to give bond ... 1664 rules to be observed .___,__, p, 817, 4233 in Navy, at nawwenis __________________ 1413 for steam and sail vessels ... 4233 on foreign stations .. 1414,1415 hgh? ------------------------.-- p- 816, 423% demi! of .. 1438,1439 fog-mgnsls _..._.,. I _.._.,..,. p. 817, 4233 at Naval Academy . 1527 other pnovigiong relating to navigation (gee my of _____________________________ ]566.]568 °gGl'lgU¢|0h)i§ .. 4234-4251 internal-crease, appointment, salary, BTFN RUF! r . - . 31 3 to House of Relpreseritatives, salary_ ... 53 not soabe eiiglagecl in other business with- 5 111 Post-Office partment, salary ot ... 393 out permimion of Commissioner . 3153 BTEWARD T0 THE PRESIDENT, _ may he transferred by Commissioner, &c. 3154 rguliyry 0; . temoorury, may be <le=¤ignated by colu ies 0 . ector . 3155 bond of Z . . . . 157 may be suspended by supervisor 3163 BTILLS (mternal revenue), spirits to be drawn from receiving-cistern manufacturer of, to_pay special tax- .p. 623, 3244 in presence of .. 3267 penalty for carrying on business without 2242 to have charge of distillery warehouse. . 3271, paylng ..-..·-...-...- _ ..-...--. - 3273, 3274 to givp notice before removing from place 3265 110 matergl for alisgillinygo be used nor o manu sc ure . spin remove in a ence 0 ... 3284 Set llp, to be registered, &c 3258 warehouse stamp to be placed on Spirits not to be set up without permit from col- by gauger in presence of, &c 3287 lector of internal revenue ... 3265 and ta.x·paid stumps of, also, &c .. 3295 not to be used for distilling on certain prem- penalties relating to .,.. 3300 iseséeunder é. . . ,... ..6;% 3266to kegep so. warehouse book, make returns, space 0 _ aroun w , an pipes o c 3301 painted ... 3269 to keep record of distillery 0 rations . . . 3302 Commissioner may require such fastenings, in Treasury Department, saigiy of .. 235 locks, and seals as he deems neces- STORES, sary .,, 3270 military, sale of damaged . 1241 not to be used between 11 p. Ill. Saturday g for Navy, purchase and care of . 417, 1549 and I 8. m. Monday .,.. 3283 g dealing ln, on private account ____ p_ 278, reduction of capacity of, notice and other § art. 11, 1624 dproceedings in relation to ... 3311 · sold, disposal of proceeds .. 3618, 3692 to be estroyed and material sold in certain . to be stated in book of estimates ._,, 3672 cases of forfeiture .. 3332 STORM-SIGNALS, STOCKBBEGE KUNBEE INDIANS, Secretary of War to provide .. 221 may acquire homestead and, abandoned por- STRANDIN G VESSELS, tion of their reservation may be sold. 2310 · punishment for, willfully, &4·., in Navy ____ homea=tea.ds of, exempt from tax, &c ... 2311 , p. 276, art. 4, ar. 10, 1624 admitted as citizens .. 2312 1 on foreign coast, O011S1I1F, &c., to render aid. 4238 not to be deprived of aimuities, but subject I STBIIQIN G, To to taxation, &u 2312 superior officer in Army .é_;ép. 232, art. 21, 1342 8 GKS, m uvy .. ..p. , art, 4 par. 3, 1624 of Fnited States exempt from taxation 3701 L any person in Navy.. .p. 277, art. 8; par. 3, 1624 sale of, under distraint for intemal-revenue 3194 1 with muliole, timibvemin waters, when taxes ,,,.. _ ... . . { eat cau y ..._..,.__,, , _ _ 5339 of national banks. (See Natimzal Banks.)withouté malice, in certain places {or i11 wa- STOLE , rs unc er exc usive juris< iction of checks, d11p|i•·au·s cf, how procured 3646, 3547 lZnite·<l States .. 5341 goods, buymg, receiving, Arc., on high seas, the i1a.g1uNavy,without uuthority_p. 276, or in places within exclusivejnrisdic- art. 4, par. 12, 1624 tion of United States ,_,,,_,_.., 5357 SUBOBNATION OF PERJURY, Treasury notes, credit to be allowed to ofli- punishment of ... 5393 cern innocently paying ,__,...___,,. 3707 indictment of, what to set forth ,.. 5397 articles from mail may be delivered to own- SUBPCEN4 DUCES TECUK, em when repeived at department 4058 holw obtained and enforced ,., 869 BTOPPAGEB w ere to r11n 876 from pay of soldiers, when to be applied to 1S$\1€(1 bv COHW of C1211i1S. &0 . 1082 support of Soldiers' Home . . 4818 SUBBIBTENCE DEPQBTHENT (Army), when to National Home for Volunteers. . 4831 authorized (see 5 bn1nl;u.w·y og Aw-.) ,_,_,,_, STORAGE organiza 1011 an mn of goods latnded from vessels in distress. .2892-2894 appointments and promotionsin, suspended at warehouses, \\’hRI’\’€S, 0I' iI1¢‘l0Sl11‘€B pro- IUIU1, &C ..-..--..- 1194 vided by order of President., under officers of, to give bonds., .. . .. 1194 quarantine laws . 4794, 4795 to purchase and issue rst1v11s to Army . 1141 mimi and warehouse system for (see Ware- post cprmmssary sqrgeunts for .-..- 1142 ],,,,Wg) _____________________ , _ _ ,2954, 3008 to ration cooperating naral detachments . . 1143 fees paid into Treasury through customs of- sales by officers oi, of designated articles. . . 1144 ficerg for, permanently appropriated_ 3687 of rations to ofhoers in 'field ___,,___,__,_ 1145 STOBEKEEPEBS, officers of, not to selldaé·t1c1es except on ac- 70 ` A ,__,,_,,,_,,,,... , ...,__,,.__,, l1’9 connto nite totes. .,,.. 11F lnsixrihgyonct as puymasters ,_.,,,___,,__ purchasfs, {xc., by, not to exceed necessities T32 i · d __________, , ,_,____________ o year _,,._,_.,_,,_ , , . , _..,,...,.. . 4

1a_ _ _1? ______________ _ _ _________ _ _ _ 1261 i provisions concerning ooritracts by ,,_..,,_ 3715