Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1464

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1392 1NDEX. Section. Section. WIBCONSIN'—Continued. WITNESSES—Continued. for what purposes always open as courts in courts of United States—Coutinued. of admiralty ... 576 recoinizances of, where to be returned clerks of circuit and district courts in west- 1 y committing magistrate . ; 1014 em district of _._,.. 623 removal of imprisoned, to district where circuit courts in, terms of .r. 658 , trial to be ad . 1014 special sessions of .._,,.._,,.,,..,.. 668 ‘ list of, to be delivered before trial to perwhat business may be transacted at . . . 670 son indicted of capital offense ... 1033 transcript into new books of records of in bankruptcy proceedings, before regisdistrict court in 897 ter .. . . . 5002-5006 land districts in _,,..,,.. , . p. 399, 2256 summons of, by court, when 5081 mineral lands in, exempt from certain pro- any, may be required to attend . 5087 visions of mining laws ,, 2345 bankrupfs wife may be examined as 5088 bona-fide entries on, may be patented, summons 0n application of trustees .. 5103 when .._,,.,,..,,. 2345 in Court of Claims, not excluded on acto be open to sale and preemption .. 2345 count of color .. 1078 collection district, port of entry and deliv- , claimant and persons interested not comery in (see Ports of Entry) .. 2597 petent as .. 1079 ofheers in ,, 2598, 2606 testimony to be taken where witness reports of, belonging to collection district of sides, when, &c 1081 New Urleans .. 2568 before commissioner, &c., of . 10824084 WISCONSIN' RIVER, in courts-martial, in Army ,.. . . 1202 provisions concerning tolls from improve- oath of .. p. 239, art. 92, 1342 ments of .. 5249 in consular courts, oath for Christian . . . 4117 WITNESBES, (See Depositions.) before investigations by steamboat inin claims before departments, subpoenas, spectors, how paid 4451 oaths, fees, &c 183-186 in prize cases, what persons to be sent for examination of, how professional serv- into port as, &c 4615 ices may be obtained ... 187 to be delivered to custody of marshal . .. 4617 in Congressional investigations, by whom fees of, how paid 4651 sworn . 101 in Patent Ofhce, subpoenas for ... 4906 refusing to testify, penalty .. 102 fees of . , . . 4907 when not privileged . . . 103 attendance, &c., of, how compelled .. 4908 proceedings against, for refusing to tesl when not in contempt fordisobeying subtify . .. 104 pcena . 4908 testimony not admissible against them under letters rogat0ry,how compelled to in criminal prosecutions 859 testify . . 875, 4071 in contested elections, provisions con- not compelled to make criminating discerning .. 107-130 closures ... 4072 how summoned ... 114 penalty of, for refusal to appear or annot to attend examination out of county swer .. 4073 of residence . . .. 115 fees and mileage of . 4074 refusin to testify, penalty , 116 penalties for conspiracy to deter or injure, out of district, depositions how taken . . . 117 in violation of civil-rights laws. . 1980 how examined 120 for corruptly, &c., eudeavoring to influin courts of United States, fees and mile- ence, in discharge of duty in age of ... 848, 1883 court .. 5399 ofiioers of United States, when not enti- for conspiring to deter, 6:0., from attendtitled to fees as 849 ing court and testifying fully, or to inwhen sent from places of business enti— jure, on account of having attended tled to expenses ... 850 and testified ... 5406 fees, &c., of seamen and others sent home WOMEN, from foreign ports as ... 851 1 may be clerks in departments, salaries . . .165, 167 where United tates are parties, how paid. 855 l employed as nurses in Army 1238 not excluded by color and when not by as hospital matrons in Army ...,... 1239 interest or being party . 858 Q in Post-Office Department, salaries .. 393 examination of, in actions at common law. 861may accompany troops as laundresses . 1240 Indians competent, in cases for violation citizenship of . 1992, 1994 of laws against introduction of liq- as laborers in office of Treasurer .. 235 uors into Indian country ... 2140 may be employed as customs inspectors to informers may be, in suits to recover tine, search liaggage and persons of fepenalty, &c., without losing share, males . . ...,.,..__...,__ 3064 &c 5295 , WOOD, disqualification of, by conviction of per- custom duties on, in different forms..Sd1edjury . . 5392 ule K, p. -470, 2504 disclosures by, not to be used in criminal for government use in District of Columbia, proceedings against ... 859, 860 rovisions for inspection, &c . 3711-3713 subpoena for, where to run -.-. 876 l WOOLSP (imported), 0n behalf of United States .. . 877 divided into three classes for fixin rates of of accused unable to pay fees ... 878 l duty: 1. Clothing-wool; 2. (gombingrecognizance of, when and by whom re- wools; 3. Carpet-vi ools and other quired at hearing of charge . 879similar wools Schedule L, p. 470, 2504 how taken in Vermont ... 880 samples of, to determine class, how prepared how required after hearing of charge and kept _,,_,,,,,__,__,,_,_____,,, 2916 and for appearance at rial . 881 what additional duties beyond entered value taxation of fees of, in criminal cases be— , in certain cages ____________________ 2908 fore commissioners of circuit court . . 981 | appraisal, in an unfinished condition .. 2902