Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/310

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238 1*m.E m.-THE .uz1»1Y.—<;¤. 5. Murine ¤¤dR¤g— Am, 78. ()tlie·ers of the Marina Corgi, detached for service with the “l’“` A'!"}' "m°""`” Army bv order of the President. may B.Ss0Cl¤.bEd with officers of the 1B;,;"° md °" Regulm: Ax-ng on court,+martiul for the trial of offenders belnngiugm 1 . S. . ` —A5n 68 the Regular rmy, or to forces Of the Manne ({0PpS S0 detachedrand 30 jam, 1,3; ‘_ nn such cases the orders of the scmor 0m(J8l‘ of either corps. who may bg 132,s. 2,v. 3, prix. present and duly authorized. shall he obeyed. (>ml·¤r»¢ri¤1»1»m· Am. T9. Officers shall he tried onl · by general c0urts-martial: and general cuurté- no officer shall, when it van be avoldeg. he tried by Ofllcers inferior to "‘“"““l· i him in rank. Artl of war 75. Fi¢!d·<>m¢€*¤' ART. SU. In time of war a tield-officer may be detailed in every regi- E°1'"”‘_.. .,,_ ment,, to try soldiers thereof for offenses not capital; and no soldier, 17·7_}1lY, U6?. ¢· serving with his regiment. shall be tried by a regimental (‘) garrison 2°l·“·'·"·12·P·598· court-martial when u 6Pld-OmCBl' of his regiment may be so detailed. Regimenmlmurm. Ama 81. Every officer commanding a regiment or corps shall, subject "’]{;]‘;;é9f’ to the provisions of article eighty, ba competent to appoint, for his own 1;- July_ [862,0 1'(&g‘llllPDt mr coygf, courts-martlal. vonsxsting of three officers, to try 20l,s.7,v.l2,p.598. 0 CDSES H0 C3 1 . Garrison enum. ART. »2. Iixgry officer commanding an garrison, fogt, or other place, ’A,}j o`f‘i;6T where the troops consist of different corps, shall. sub]ec·t the provis- 17 July, ]862, c_ ions of article [ninetyfv-e.] [eighty] be competent to appoint. for such ggé, e. 7, v. 12, p. garrison or othey place. c0urts·111artial. consisting of three officers. to try ' ‘ lg H_b mw C olfenses not capmal. 80, r. IB, p. 318.

 Jurisqiction of Am: 83. Regimental and garrison courts-nmrtial, and field—0{Hce1¤ deh;";:;"F"`°"{*’·’°¥'!‘ tailed to try offenders, »hall not have power to try capital cases or com-
,2 p:`]:? K""` missioned ofhcvrs. or to inflict a tinc exceeding one m0nth`s pay, or to

_r imprison or put to hard labor any non-commissioned officer or soldier for a longer time than one month. Art. of war66aud 67. 17 July, 1862, c. 201, n. T, v. 12, p. 598. O¤Yh¤f¤¤€¤¤b•>f¤ Am`. S4. The- judgeudvocata shall administer to each member of the ‘}£}`°""""““"““l· court, before they roceed upon any trial, the following oath, which shall Art. of war 69. also he taken by all nnembers of re imemtal und garrison c0urts·murtiul: " You, A B, d0 swear that you wgl well and truly try und determine, according to evidence. the matter now before you, between the United States of Anxerica and the prisoner to be tried, and that you will duly administer justice, without partiality, fau·o1·. or affection, according to the rovisions of the rules and articles for the ovcrnment of the armies of the United States. and if any doubt shexulfarise, not explained by said articles, then according to your conscience. the best of your understanding, and the custom of war in like cases: and you do further swear that you will not divulge the sentence of the court until nt shall be published by tlnc proper authority: neither will you disclose or discover the vote or opinion of any particular member of the c0urt—mm·tiu1. unless Required to gi}? evideu<i;— thereofé anhu witness. by :1 court of justice. in 8 ue course of uw. So e- vou lo ." 0**}* of i“*lR°· ART. 85. \Vhen the outhpllas been administered to the members of 3 ["l"°°°l°‘ _ cnurt-martial, the president of the court shall administer to the judg€· An. of wm 69. advocate. or person officiating su such, an with in the following form: " You, A B, do swear that you will not disclose or discover the- vote or opinion of any articular men1bm· of the court-martial, unless required to give evidence thereof, as a. witness, by a court of justice, in due course of law: nor divulge the sentence of the court to any but the proper authority, until it shall be duly disclosed by the same. Su help you God." c0S;““‘mP*“ of ART. 86. A cqurt—martial may punish, at discretion, any person Wl10

  • _‘ , _ uses any menacing words, signs, or gestures, in its presence. or who

A"- Q? WM 76- disturbs its proceedings by any riot or disorder. hE|f‘sh°"‘°'°f“‘°m‘ ART. 87. All members of :1 court-martial are to behave with decélwy Q and calmness. . . 0 W3! 1-. Qh allenges by A mu 88. Members of a court—mnrtial may be challenged by a prisoner, P"“‘?“°’· ______ but only for cause stated to the court. The court shall determine W9 (") The word or omitted from the Roll.