Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/765

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htm xxxvu.——COII\AGE, WEIGHTS, AND MEASURES. 693 . NY Y TITL}. XXXY II. COI} .&GE, WEIGHTS, AND BIEASLYRES. Sw sec. 3495. Enutnemtiou of mints and assay 3535. Deviations allowed in adjusting offices. weights of gold coins. 3496. Officegs of mmts. 3536. Of silver coins. 3497. Supermtendsqts of cemnixx mints to 3537. Of minor coins. pexjform dutxe-s of troqsurer. 3538. Delivery of coins by coiner and trial 3498. Salanes of officers of mmts. of pieces.

 Salaries of nsistams, clerks, and 3539. Trial-pieces to be sealed up and

laborers employed m the mints. transmitted quarterly to the Mint 3511). Oath of office, of officers, clerks, kc-. at Philadelphia. 3501. Bonds of officers, clerks, &c. 3-540. Dispoml of chppings, &c. 3502. Who to act in absence of Director. 3541. Yearly settlement of coiner, melter superintendent, &c. and refiner. 3503. General duties of superintendents. 3542. Allowance for wastuge. 3504. Ib1d. 3-543. Statement of balancosheet to be 35(`KS. Coms reduced in weight by abrasion. sent by superintendent to Director 3506. Duties of sugerintendents_respect- of Mints. mg coin an bullion. 3544. Delivery of coin or bars to depositor. 3507. Duties of ussaycm. 3545. Payment in money to depositors, 3508. Duties of meltcrs and reiinem. when. 3509. Duties of coinors. 3546. Exchange of unpartod bullion for 3510. Duties of ongmvers. fine bars. 3511. Gold coins o the United States and 3547. Appointment and meetings of assay their weight. commissioners. 3512. Recoinago of gold coins. 3548. Standard troy pound for regulation 3513. Silver coins and their weight. of coinage. 3514. Standard for gold and silver coins. 3549. Standard weights for mints and as- 3515. Minor coins; their weight and alloy. say-oliices. 3516. Issue of other coins prohibited. 3550. Yearly destruction of obverse work- 3517. Inscriptions upon coms. ing dies. 3518. Gold and silver bars. 3551. National and other medals may be 3519. Coinin gold bullion; when deposits struck at Philadelphia. maygnc refused. 3552. Moneys arising from charges and 3520. Silver bullion may be received for deductions to be covcrod into forming into bars or trade-dollars. Treasury. 3521. Weighing bullion and ascertaining 3553. Businom of asso?-otlioc at New York. its vdluc. 3554. Appointmento officematNewYork. 3522. Assy of bullion. 3555. Duties, &c., of officers at New York. 3523. Amayers to report to superintendent 3556. Salaries of officers at New York. quality of bullion assayed. 3557. Appointment and salaries of unist- 3524. Charges for converting bullion, &c., ants and employés at New York. into coin. 3558. Business of mmt at Denver and of 3525. Ama ·er to verify calculations of assay-offices at Boise City and vafue of deposits and countersign Charlotte. certificate. 3559. Algointment of offncers at Denver, 3526. Purchase of bullion for silver coin- isc City, &c. ago; the silver protit fund. 3560. Powers and duties of assayers at 3527. Paying out silver coin for gold coin assay-offices. authorized. Comfensation of employés. 3528. Purchase of metals for minor coins; 3561. Bon and oath of officers and clerks. the minor coinage profit fund. 3562. Laws relating to mints extended to 3529. Delivery of minor coins; rodemp- assayofficos. tion. . 3563. Decimal system estabhshod. 3530. Transfer of bullion for formation 3564. Valqo of foreign coins, how ascerinto ingots. tamed. 3531. I ts to be assayed and reoeiptod 3565. Value of the sovcrmgn or pound ug;. ° sterling. 3532. Delivery of ingots to coincr for coin- 3566. Rccognugc of fore1g·n corps. age. K 3567. Sgsmsh and MQXl%D comq 3533. Standard of ingots uawd for coinage. 3568. T sir transrmssnon for rccomago. 3534. Preparation and stamping of fine- 3569. Use of themetric system aqthonzed. nos of bars for payment of do- · 3570. Authorized tables of werghts and posits. measures. Sec. 3495. The different mints and uss¤y—0i1iccs shqll be known as- Ezlmvlélhvn of First. The mint of the Unitqd States at Ph1ladalph1u: ;'é’:m ““ ”’“Y' Second. The mint of the United States at San Francnsco. Third. The mint of the Unitpd States at New Orleans. 131, s. 66, v. 17, p. Fourth. Tho mint of the Ummd States at Carson. 435.