Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/782

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710 Trnm xL.—THE PUBLIC MONEYS. ofslgrsiigéeggggs Sec. 3594. The superintendent of the mint at Carson City, and the and wmyomm at superintendent of the assay-ofiice at Boisé City, shall be assistant treas- 3,,,,; Cm, ,0 be urers of the United States, and shall respective} have the custod · and assistant treason- care of all public moneys deposited therein, andy shall rform all the ‘f'P- _____ dgties Hejunlred of them in re erence to the receipt, safegcheping, trans- · I sl. 5 1 s 502; égniblggghg 3 fisn 18;; cur); mgnt of2a] sash moneys, as provided by law. 27; 2 Atari, 11271; c. 113, s. 1, v. 1c, p. ms. 12`reb.,fs7:s,e.1:i1,;iii5,is?s?Si·'.i7,3fiil;asf " 15'p` om men , _ _· _ _ dmypxgf Mmmm a Sec. There shall be assistant treasnirvrs of the United States, ,,.eB_s,,,m_ ppom , rom time to time by the I’r¢·s1dent, by and with the advice and -6 Au';.;--l846’ ci G0§:;1tl;>gt)l;e0§`enate, to serve for the term of four years, as follows: 90, s. 5, v. 9, p. 60. ' 7 A ·;, 1868, '_ One at New York. 28...1EE. 14,,..28. one at Philadelphia. 15 June, 1870, c. One at Baltimore 12f;}5;'i)16iQ,§5€: [One at Oharlextob.] 131, s. es,»·.17,'p. One M New Orleans. 435. One at Saint Louis. 3 Mar., 1873, c. One at San Francisco gg S- 5» V· l7· P- gne at giancinnati. i 7;,,,,,,;,,; · ,., ne at icago. gg71F;~.»t1ég., By statute of August 15, 1876, c. 287, v. 19, p. 155 so much of this _;' "° ° ?>°1$§`Ii2.€L“..‘l$`Z£`?L"p‘€.”1sllT° “""°‘“""°"“ °‘ "“ '°“‘°‘**"° *"=¤¤··~* ·* .‘ lari s- · _ um mm:’“:_r*:’*¤¤* mE‘1:;;S3o;))6i)BThedass1smnt treasurers shall be entntled to the following {:06 ASETQH {O wit: , pai quarter-yearly at the lreasury of the United States, ,8.22, .9, .65.• 3 MMX ,8;,, C. Ié`1crst.dThe assistant treasurer at Boston, to five thousand dollars a year g2g1kg_ 16. v_ IQ, P lam :0;le8;r The KS-‘!l¤t9·Dl· tl‘98·S\1I`9I` 811 New Y0l‘l(, to eight thousand dol; 3M .,1.%.6, . Th'- _ 'i g . . , gg, mai, “ 10, Ic. lm-S ,:1;,1% [the ass stant treasurer at Philadelphia, to hvc thousand dol- ' · F ·th. Th . '· · 28?s·,§5,,cjlL?(:),,bg: R ycolui e assistant treasurer at Baltimore, to five thousand dollars 20.1 1 ,1868, . Fif . ass' {gg, Snly vn 15, a Ruth The lstant treasurer at Charleston, to four thousand dollars 1}, J ,_ 1870, __ Sixth. The assistant treasure t N · n {Eg, sjav. 16, huggwd dollars a yum P 11 €W 01130. s, to four thousand five Rlé Fig, 1g3m. d0"av;§1;tl;,.pMThe assistant treasurer at Saint Louis, to flvc thousand . , 8. , V. , p. —· i .

 Mu, 1873 c l“rI;1’,<fl17gr·The assistant treasurer at San Francisco, to six thousand dol-

22s,s.a,.17fZ N'", ; . . . . 543. V p 3 The ass stant tieasurer at Cincinnati, to five thousand dollars yjfenth. The assistant treasurer at Chicago to five thousand donna u r. ` Receipt of com- Sac 3597 The s l‘ minions md _ · ; a arnes named in the precedin sect' h ll b ' quisites 1‘orbidd:;_ Szrrglgzizgrgaglezgrilgliy l:GSpect1ve officers, and nogno of hhalfdhaiigd 6 A _, ,846, L u · i 1801011 pay or perquisite fo an iii isl .1 *i ·. 90_s_ 2g?,,_ 9, P_ a:; glllzhaglelr or descrnptidn whatsoever. Evéry huqllogiiczplwifowmhlggg

  • '8`°·» 0I' receives any such com ’

II . . pensation shall l d d Rooms for use of Wsgglgsggmlgmihznor, and shall be fined or innprissined, omhothimc

¤,;*~*···t ¢»··~—~·»— tems., L..,,...1...~ .'$?tE““€lf£`°}i*.l."pl22'¢°° ”°1€.°°€l."i°‘l by “"’““"‘”"“"‘

_ ·_____r_ · I _ · vau er _ · ~ 9D6u1g1g_' $46,; glfiregdtlphzhgubheaaeppropripted to the use of the assiiiitanftl t:e)1i.1sri1die?s(i ‘22,5;mng.]kp6's. respectively. ping o the public moneys deposited with them, ,s.2,v. 16, p. 152. The` d ‘ . . the Q; cmg? me th:!;:;;) 21299. Tim assistant treasurers shall have the charge and care of {'1Fo5___" there perfbygutm Sgdiezuf-gs assigned to them, respe<·tivelv, and shall . · | . .,| · .‘ · “ An ‘ I 6 km m t I _ _' q\lll(‘ of t 1a U1 u ating to the I3081 t, safest. 84 , c. P g, ransfei and disburse · p 9,,,% 3,4, K9, pim- 15 June, 1870, cl 1:39 B. 2 v .16 P lisnent of the pulrlw moneys.