Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/980

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908 nm Lv.»L1eH·rs Ann Buoys. 3 Mem 1859. <=· substitution of such light-houses advisable and practicable, such rma- 8l·*·2*"·u·P·‘*24· nent structures ma ge erected in place of any such lightvessel; but the cx ense arising from all such changes and erections shall be defrayed from the general annual appropriations for repairs, and so forth of lightvessels, except when a special appropriation is made for such chan e. Rez¤!¤¢i¤¤¤ for Sec. 4669. The Light-House hoard, with the a_pproval of the éecre-

‘“°fic;1ght'h°°°° tary of the Treasury, shall prescribe, and from time to time may alter

..-—L—-.- or amend, and cause to be distributed, such regulations as they deem Ugl Ag? 183} °· proper for securing an efficient, uniform, and economical administration lmj B' ’ v' ’ p` of the Light-House Establishment. _Lignt»house dis- Sec. 4670. The Light-House Board shall arrange the Atlantic, Gulf, mch'- Paeitie, and Lake coasts of the United States, into light-house districts, Ibid.,s.12,p.119. not exceeding twelve in number. Light-b<>¤S¢ in- Sec. 4671. An officer of the Army or Navy shall be assigned to each “P°°*·°’“· district as a light-house inspector, sub`ect to the orders of the Light- Ibid., s. 12. House Board; and shall receive for sued service the same pay and emoluments that he would be entitled to by law for the performance of duty in the regular line of his profession, and no other, except the legal allowance per mile, when traveling under orders connected with his duties. Collecmrsofcus- Sec. 4672. The Secretary of the Treasury shall assign to any of the

  • °”?S t° 3*** ’”’ ’“‘ collectors of the customs the superintendence of such light-houses,
 beacons, light-ships and buoys, as he deems best; but no person whose

28S¢Pt-.1850.<=- compensation as collector of customs exceeds three thousand dollars a 77;,“£é;'·9i§’é.?°g‘ vear shall receive any compensation as disbursing agent for the Light- I6'-}, s_ 4;’,_ 14; PQ House Establishment, whether the sums disbursed by him be for arti- 466. cles to be used or services rendered within or without the limits of his superintendency or collection-district: Provided, That where the compensation of any collector as disbursing agent is not more than three thousand dollars a year, such agent shall receive for such services not _ more than four hundred dollars in any fiscal year. ti£‘°“°°mP°”““` Sec. 4673. The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to regulate the ——4——-— salaries of the respective keepers of light—houses in such manner as he Hg Ig“_;‘·v18g· °` deems just and proper, but the whole sum allowed for such salaries shall 4g5T’’ P' not exceed an average of six hundred dollars to each keeper. [B¤¤§4i4¤-1 Di“°°"m‘“°¥‘°" Sec. 4674. The Secretar of the Treasur ma u on the recommenda-

2,;:, m£P8h` tion of the Light-House Bdyard, discontinueyfrorhatidie to time such lights

-—-——————— as may from any cause become useless or unnecessary. And he may, 813s§°f‘i11;5l22$‘ uplon the like recommendation, from time to time re-establish any lights ’’’` w ich have been thus discontinued, whenever he believes such re-estab- · lishment to be required by public convenience or the necessities of trade or commerce. [S••$F>$¤8-1 _ Sale of useless Sec. 4675. The Secretary of the Treasury may, after a week’s notice ¤"°* to the public, sell and convey any real estate no longer used for light- 3 Mu, 1869, c_ house purposes, the avails of such sale to be paid into the national éiil dbd, rhlliaiuxdh v 18 217 warnings to be Sec. 4676. The Light-House Board -may, when they deem it is nece - pluced over vb- sary, place a light-vessel, or other suitable warning of danger, on or over ”*'“°“°”’· &°· any wreck or temporary obstruction to the entrance of any harbor, or in N2Li[gr.,}868i§es. the channel or fairway of any bay or sound. . o. ,s. ,v. ,p- 2-9. Pier-heads tobe. Sec. 4677. The Light-House Board shall properly mark all pier-heads m”’k°d· beloning to the United States situated on the northern and northwest- 15 July, 1870, cl ern la es, whenever the board is duly notitied by the department charged 292,s. 3,v. 16, p. with the construction or re ir of pier-heads that the construction or 309- repair of any such pier-head:} has been completed. 0¤1qr 0* l’“0Y¤ Sec. 4678. All buoys along the coast, or in bays, harbors, sounds, or

 channels, shall be colored and numbered, so that passing up the coast

28S0Pt-. 1850.c- or sound, or entering the ba , harbor, or channel, red buoys with even 77»“· 6•"·9·P· 504* numbers shall be passed on the starboard hand, black buo s with uneveli numbers on the port hand, and buoys with red and bllack stripes on