Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/107

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1()2 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. as and 'urors, and twenty-six citizens, having such quahiications, to actggs petlt jurors, or either, as may he needed at any subsequent term of the court to be held between the time of the happening of the contingency mentioned and the first day of February then next ensuing. Vacancies, new Sec. 865. Vacancies in either grand or ]l0hli5_'|ll1'lCS ordered to be sumiiilcd- moned, as provided in the preceding section, may be filled by other —il$1TY;_ persons summoned by the marshal upon the order of the court. Nctlncmcns. Sec. 866. It shall be the duty of the marshal of the District, at

_ five days before the meeting of the court for which a jury is required,.

we c, c, Q, 12,,1), to notify each person drawn, by serving on him a notice in writing or 429. his selection as a juror of the court he is to attend, and of the day and hour he is to appear. _ _ _ H,,,, ,,,,,,,_.,,_ Sec. 867. Such notice shall be given to each juror in person, or be Y left at his usual place of residence. _ - _ _ _ Mmlms mmm_ Sec. 868. A copy of the notice, with his certificate stating when and .;_ in what manner the original was served, shall be returned by the mar- Ibid· shui to the court before the commencement of the term for which the jurors were drawn. _ _ _;,,,,,, ,,,,;,,,5 to Sec. 869. If any person selected as ajuror and duly notified to attend, attend; penalty. shall, without sumcient cause, neglect to attend agreeably to notice, he

 shall be tlned by the court in a_snm not exceeding twenty dollars for

"’ every day he shall be absent during the sitting of the court. Pmmy (hmm Sec. 870. If any onicer shall put on the list the name of any person for collusion. at his own reque t, or on the request of any other person, or shall be ···<—; guilty of any lrnnd or collusion with respect to the drawing of jurors, md" ”‘9’ p' 429‘ he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeauor,·and shall be punished by a line of not less than one hundred dollars, and imprisoned in the county jail not less than sixty days, for each oilbnsc. Pennltv of clerk SEO. 871. If the clerk of the court shall draw from the box a greater for collneion. number of names than is required by the court, in accordance with law,

 or shall put in the box any name atter the same has been delivered to

’him, or shall be guilty of any fraud or collusion in respect to the drawing of jurors, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by u fine of not less than one hundred dollars, and be imprisoned in the District jail not less than sixty days, for each offense. Q,,,,],,,,,,,,,,,,,,, of Sec. 872. No person shall be competent to act as a juror unless he be {umm. a citizen of the’United States, a resident of the District, over twenty-

 one and under sixty-five years of age, and a good and lawful man, who

18 M,,¥cg_i.,(§g, ,,_ has never been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving moral e, v. 16,p. 2. turpitude. _ {secu. s. u. s., gs scam.] Fees. Sec. 873. J urors are entitled to the same compensation as received 1 July, 1838, c. for their attendance in the circuit courts of the District prior to July 192, s. 3, v. 5, p. 307- seventh, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight. u_“;1*° ¤*°¥ *>° °*· Sec. 874. A person may be excused by the court from serving on a ‘L.;...A.. jury when, for any reason, his interests or those of the public will be 18 Juno, 1862, c. materially injured by his attendance, or when he is a party in any action 102, s. B, v. 12. p- or proceeding to be tried or determined by the intervention of a jury ut 4*%,,, B ,_ the term for which he may be summoned, or where his own health or ,,,,8, {'°'é,,mH,':'b_ the death or sickness of a member of his family requires his absence. C., 151; Otfntt ua.P¤.rrott, 1 Cranch, C.C., 154; McIntire’s case, 1 Crunch, C. C., 157; Minus Queen va. Hepburn,2 Cranch,C. U., 3; same case, 7 Crouch, C. C., 290. Who nre exempt Sec. 875. All executive and judicial oilioers, salaried oincers of the "°'“J“'Y d“"Y· Government of the United States, commissioners of police, and those 16 June, 1662, c. connected with the police or tire department, counselors and attorneys 122. ¤· 3. v- 12. p- at law, ministers of the gospel and priests of every denomination, prac- Lzingml N MW ticing physicians and surgeons, keepers of hospitals, asyluins,ailmsh¢num, ,,,,,,_ 1 Cm;,,,,_ C_ or other charitable institutions created by or under the laws relating to 0.,:%<-ss. the District, captains and masters and other persons employed on vessels navigating the waters of the District, and keepers of public ferries, shall be exempt from jury duty, and their names shall not be placed on the jury-lists.