Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/183

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1 78 INDEX. Pago. _ Y116- Marricd Woman-Continued. Mayhcnr—C0¤h¤¤¤d· properltynoit not subject to disposal of lm;} 7 acccsspzy *t;>,¤lécfore the fact, pnnisbmppg I ,,,,,. ,-.. ;... .. . . 8 .. 32 nor liable for husband’s debts . . . .7YI 87 M caouremgn 0, _ _ may convey, devise, and bequeath, as if of public hurldrngprand works, rule for.242 gg unmarried . 728 S7 Measarer of Pablw ark, may contract as to separate property. .729 87 to be sworn, how ui. . .H . :...242 QQ may sue, hc., in her own name 729 87 duty of, in measurcmen an examépgtaoin non-liability of husband on separate con- , of work . , . .·-·- . 3 98 tracts, &c__ ____ ____ __ _______ ___130 Q1 , penalty gf, for making f315a vouchers, &c? Marshal of the United States, . _ _ 24e 28 additional duties may be imposed on.. . .63 7Mechamcal Corporations, odlce and duties oh how continued- 90 9 may be organized under general law, (ses when may be directed to summonsjury to _Iacoyjporatum, General,) .. 553 C7 assess road damages .. . . 257 29 Mechanics' Duma, (see Luna.) notice to owners by .. .. . . .. .258 80 Mcchanecf Toole, _ to summon jury and administer oath.260 80 exempt from seizure, when .. 797, 94, 95 fees for summons, travel, and attendance, Mercantile Gmporatemu, ° 266 80 may be formed under general law, (pee summons of jury by, to assess land dam- lawzoralioa, General,) . .153 47 ages on account of school sites..288 84 Metropolitan alice, _ _ may administer oath to jury ... .288 84 establishment of police dlstrict. ... 321 39 fees ot] how computed .. .--. 289 34 b0uIjd_0f pol cc, _ attestation of verdict by 290 84 commissioners, number, appointment, and collection by of fines, csc., accruing under term of office of ..-: ... :322 89 Mary and laws . 837 99 from whence to be appomted . ... .323 89 to notify persons drawn ss jurors for oath of . 324 89 supreme court .. . . . . N6 102 authority of..._... .. . . .. 325 89 notice, how to befgiven . 867 102 board, b0W wnltltuwd -··· ·· ·····-··- 326 89 to make return o service, when . 868 102 quorum . ... . ... 328 89 summons of tulesmen by 857, 863 101 coplpensation of commissioners 329 89 fees oi] how regulated . . . .. 897 105 d1t10!1al, to frets0f8i' ··-- .- · · --···· 399 · 89 daily compensation for attending court officers of board .. . .··----·-·· 330 $9 - we 105 president and treasurer, how selected"331 89 to make and post table of fees 899 105 duties of .---- - ----- 331 39 to attend sittmgs of criminal court 900 100 treasurer’s bond and salary , . 332 89, 40 to make payment to bailitfs and orier..902 100 secrotaoriy, appointment, duties, and salary appointment,,an'd bond,. 910 106 : . ,...333 40 fee ot, for service of warrant, attachment, general tpowers of the board . . 334 40 bc. .. . . .911 107 uties c the board . ... . .. 335 40 may levy executions, &,c., issued by jus- howto be specially executed 336 40 tlces of thepeace ... 912 107 rules and regulations .. .. 40 commission allowed for . 912 107 information to District authorities 338 40 judgment against, for neglect to deliver annual report to Attorney-General . 339 40 moneys .. . . 913 107 the police force .: .340-368,41-48 may demand payment before serving proc- of what onices to consist . 340 41 ess, when . . 914 107 ‘ how to be appointed . . .. . · 341 41 to serve process of police court, when-1066 188 , to hold office, how long .. . 341 41 fees for such service .- . 1067 188 ‘ qualidcations, duties, &.c., how defined .342 41 authority of, to commit persons to jail.1087 126 major of polieteapowers and duties 012.343 41 deliveriy of prisoners to, for production be- ‘ to be respec and obeyed.; 344 41 ore court . 1088 126 to promulgate orders of the board.- .345 41 collection of militia fines by.1275-1280, 147, 148 to make what reports and suggestions to Maryland, the board .. 346 4 1 territory ceded by, constitutes the District captain, to be inspector of the force. -.347 41 _ of Columbia .. r ... 1 2 to command in absence of the major.347 41 certain laws oi, continued in force .. 92 9 to perform what other duties 347 41 lines, &c., accruing under laws of, how re- clerk in office of majonappointmentof.348 41 covered and paid over . . 837 99 to have charge of records of sanitary Masters in Chancery, company .. . . . .. 348 41 in foreign countries, deeds may be ac- other duties of .. . ... 348 41 knowledged before ... . . 444 62 salary of ,,,_.. . ..,, ... .348 41 odlcial character of, how certilied"443, 445 52 sergeants ofpolice appointment, duties, and M cteriala, l compensation of .. . . 349 41 for Government buildipgs and public = majpr and lieuteuants to give sccurity.350 41 . works,how measu and examinpdé l oat oflptdce to be taken by membegglofl BS , the orce .. .. .. , 1,48 furnished by contractor for erection or ‘ how administered and recorded 351, 41,48 repair of private buildings, lieu for, I members of board of police to have powers M { Ht 692 S8 of notaries pub ic and justices of gg ¤ ¤ y, i peace ·.. . ll of notes, drafts, &c., to be deemed as of Q secretary of the board and major to have previous day, when. .. . . 993 110 ‘ . such powers .. . . ... .352 48 Mayhem`, l exemption of officers of police from military punls ment oi for first on`ense 1155 182 . and jury duty .. .- . , ..·-- 353 49 for second offense .. ..1155 182 l from arrest on eiyll process.,., ..,.--353 49