Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/186

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INDEX. 131 Militia-Continued. _ Page. Ministers of the Gospel, hg" b**;*¤h°¤ °°¤¤`1¤ of {¤¢1¤11‘y- ---.. . 1258 145 any, may be authorized to celebrate marl6¤l°¤¤¤'>' °<>¤1"¤¤ ¤f 1¤q¤¤‘y ... 1261 145 ringes .. . ... . ...,,_, 718 gg how composed .. . .. 1263 146 to record certiiicates of marriage .. 721 S6 proceedings . . . . . . .1264 146 form of minister's certificate .. .-..722 86 return_of delinquent cdicers 1265 146 -Minors, remission of lines and duties-- -1266 146 special laws for sale or mortgage of real clerk and provost-marshal, appointment estate oi} prohibited . . .. .54 6 _°f -··— · ·-·-···---- -- · ··.- . 1267 146 redemption by, of roperty sold for taxes, duties of clerk .. . . 1268 146 time allowed) for .. . . 169 10 legiouary courts, extraordinary .. .1262 146 guardian of, appointed without the Dissquadron courts of inquiry ... 1269 146 trict, may institute suits, &c 951 112 legipnary courts of cavalry . . .1270 146` may collect and receive money .. 952 112 wcomposed and governed 1271 146 ‘ may convey property, when . 952 112 ‘G11_l|IIOI¢10l, to ille certilicate of bond to account to forfeiturss and penalties incurred for- minor .. .. .. . . . . 953 lll by commanding officer of legion. ..1272 Miodcmeanor, 146, 147 using pgrsonal violence upon an elector to by major . . 1272 147 , penalty for ... .. 103 11 gy wg -.. ., ,.-. . .. disturlgpg lelectorbian the exercise of the y BH ms . . uc isc to . 04 ] [ bynon-commimionedoihccrs audsoldiers, misapplication of certain certiticates of in- 1272 147 debtedness deemed . .. .. 129 14 by prlvates at muster .. . ... 1272 147 unlawfully tapping water-pipe deemed.218 25 reminion of lines in certain cases . 1273 147 police oillcer neglecting to make arrests fines of minors, Gro., how paid 1274 147 deemed gong of . .. .. .. 400 47 collection of Enesamethed of .. .. -1275 147 , assaulting police officer in the discharge of procesdmgs in istress. .,... .1276, 147, 14S » duty tube,. . ,... . . ,432 5Q commitment to jail, when . 1271 -148 i fslsepersonatxon of police oirlcer to be.433 60 accounts ’and compensation of 14 p convicéioti; ci} a disqualification for jug; 0 8 8 u -... . .. . ... · 1 9 reeov? from marshal .,,,., . ., 1279 148 not otherwise provided for, how punished, remov of paymaster not to abate pro- Q (see Orimesand Ojcsssa,) 1146 131 ceedinfs .. . ... 1280 148 Milcovrdtwt, Ojctal, disposal o ine;. ..., , , ..,,.,., ,.. .1281 [qs justices of the peace may be removed for, p:ymssters’ accounts. . . 1282 148 · _ _ _ _ 1030 120 nd, liability, and comminions of pay- 4 { Mmnongy Soczcttcs,tgs;e Sgcietm,) all 545 mute; __,,_______,______,_____ 1233 I 3 may inoorpora uu er gener aw. 66 remission of fines, when .. . . 1284 148 Mock Auctionvh _ exe-,".-S, g board of po ce to enforce laws regardipgé professors, Students, Jac., exempt from mil- 14 j MMM 40 itia uty .. . ...--.. 8 . Mami!] , _ _ , g to informers under Maryland laws, _ ‘"“' 753. $»‘i‘“"‘“‘Z`r}'...£‘E'Z‘f’£‘E.‘ff’f‘};F°‘“ me r . f howtggwm pg wd ··v·=m,¤=¤ •¤ odlcers and privstes exemptfrom civil pro- m °rmgt“1_y_:::l* ° °° r°°°v° 1 5 .. . . - o ~ °'° - -·--- - ···-· * Mui when d uu of I? 14 Money, (see Interest,) ‘m“? ¥‘“• ‘“ ‘"·‘ ""• ‘°' · me or anmese auaweu on ima ua sa Lnbntion of .. . - ...- ..-. 1288 149 M Pau. P bl. M""'“ when called into actual service c M‘;'_:V;• M ’°* (‘°° " ‘° '”""‘) Pmeidmt my °au'T '''`‘` 1296 14, · redzam tion b of repert sold for taxes equipment and subsistence. .. 1290 no I;. dpwgdllor Y 16,; 1, °'°¤§°£'““° °°.I2i°ii' '‘`° 1 ‘``‘ F `‘'° I?Mw Mm 0 '°`·.` I --`°` to vera yarticeso war 1 9’ “ · .· conrtsqmartisl, regulation of . ... .1292 140 °f magtggq °° b° "`hd fmm d°t° °f4;°°`62 58 '1’1"°‘:l tg; P'”'°°“‘ "°°°°""'*'· “’ 1 upon m1 e¤¤i¢e`I»iXe}tL£n`é4£E,S8££€ion¤ ie- ’ n ces .. . .--.. . 49 · . .1i . l stncted . . . .. .-:.554, 67, 68

         Ig? 149 in suifs for foreclosure 06 publication may

·;;tg_;·,¤_;;·;;_·,,¤··q;·3_, -----—----—-- {3 {gg $:1,::‘i1i‘ft‘Ef‘f€ oa pay me mam .. . . .ZZCZZZZZZZZZZ12ee no °‘°*°';‘,1;1¥;{‘,;§_$'fY_'jjf j“[‘j'}_l'ff{‘f’f*f_f'}§‘Qg ,6 Mineral Watsr•,J·c., , Motions, _ manufacturers and vendors ot] may filo de- r what are non-enumerated and may bo scriptiou of marks ..-.. 1188 187 E heard at a special term, supreme to ublish notice, how .. . ... 1188 137 t court may determine .. . .-.. 770 09 DIS, Ec., of marked bottles without per- ’ what may be heard at general term in first mission, penalty for ... 1180 140 instance, supreme court may dctga . · f-----.-.----.·_-____.·_·_ Mining Composites, l _ mlm s g I mr be f¤¤¤··1 ¤¤<*¤r s¤¤¤¤·¤·*» <·¤¤ I·· i “°“ °“E§T£'$°?}.tX l?.???`? ”}l.T°é5’o as °°'?°"““°”) ··•*·· ···· •‘‘‘‘‘‘ *553 in g may be first heard at a general termd ¤r··¤·;-¤-; cam. g wm ---- y -----·-- -,1 ------- 8g_ °° legislative assembly may provide for elec- , for new trial ID civil cases,w en may tion or appointment of ..-. . .- 64 7 , entertained . . . ..:.804, 95, 96 duties, terms of otllce, and compensation g appeal to general term from decision onoi} how prescribed. . . -... 64 7 I 815 96