Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/197

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INDEX. Pen Prac Echoolv, Publio—Continued. Bccond Marrhddr _ school-funds, apportionment of 285 88 when dissolved by reason of former wife deduction for colored children ... 285 88 or husband living, fact to be stated division of remainder .. : 285 83 _ nu decree ..._.:. 74l QQ condemnation of land for school-sites ro- issue oty to be deemed le t1mate_ 742 QQ ceedings for- . 286-2g.!, 88,84 Secretary of Board o_[M Polsce, ‘°°“"°".`¥ °°"°°""°“i°° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ *3 °‘ ZE"i?‘$Z“p°3»?.`£‘?JF’a.'Z2.,";‘3fi.§‘7a;,? °’ olo ho Is n uslsin on e _ an c rifnduiéeoggetown. ..294-gid, 84-86 tree of the peace .- . .. . . .. ..358 48 hoard of trustees o , how constituted"294 84 may admimsteroaths at police hear11m.39*3 40 appointment and term of office. . 295 85 1 Secrotuojy ofBoard of Tnmeceof Colored ooh annual repo? of .. . . ..-. @6 8: Eppypntmgngsal of .. . ... 291, g 82 secret an r .. . . . 8 u 1 s a ary o .. 8 romovalasrgnd vacanciesr? .. 298 85 not entitledto a vote in the board. 303 '86 duties and compensation of secretary. .299 86 Secretary of Dnstricti duties of mmm ,.,,.,.. 800 $6 l appointment, salary and duties cf...1l-15 3 annual statement of treasurer . 300, 301 85 how governed in dishnrsing appropriations salary and bond of treasurer .. 302 86 made by Congress -.113 18 secretagytgnd treasurer to attend meetipgg seml—a1’;_nua1 account cd to Secretaryuog 1 0 aboard .. . . . . ..· $5 l‘6&Sul’y- .·--..·· . ··.·. ... 8 not entitledtto a vo:et;1...£ .. ,. .30g 85 Ssorcgery of Legouden, uk k su 'tn en en salary, an in orei counmay eso new

  • ’°“'é.$fa£é’.’i‘Z2 . .. 304 as 53..1. MQ.. . . . W as

trustees not to create additional omces, &c. Secretary of the Interior, 305 85 to appoint persons to value United States apportionment of school-hind ... 306, 85, 86 property ... . . . . 139 16 proporplom of school-money set apart, 11;; to levy {rnd collect tax for street-llgw 7 ep .. .-.. .. .- . 86 w en .. . ... 9 to whom and when payable . -. . .307 86 for re-imburseing United States for part when not paid, interest may be collecggd, Md ofctogtuciftizew RTI ‘ 1096, 109: 186 86 w enom eanannu repo tnisiigestmayfhpve action oféleht agaiéngg sm to!..;;; .--. .. ..1091 185 is 'ct non-paymen 86 ·clory o I iheasury, trustees to have sole control of fund. . .309 86 to prescribe security to be given by certain to provide schools and teachers-.310 86 officers . . 87 0 to exercise what powers, functions, grid to direézt goverpor and secreistary in expelpsupervision ... . . 86 iture 0 a ro 'at ons made y supfportofpnblic schools.312-316,86,81 Congress .. 113 ll tux or, how assessed and collected 312 86 to pay to District one-third cost of dn de-. moneys derived from lines, penalties, and partmeut . . 19I Sl forfeitures, to constitute funds Sig; 6, 7 to prescribe fopm of returnof district debt; I , 8 8 to s eu . . . 06 apportionment of such funds .. 313. 86,87 clerk ofrghegreme court to make semi-anto be equally applied fur white and col- _ nnal return of fog; to .,,,...,,,, 923 108 ored children .. 314 87 seep-nary of War, proportion for colored schools in Wash- to distribute articles of war and militia ingtou and Georgetown to be paidlaws, _,,, ,, _,_,, , ,_,,, ,,,,,,,,]_288 jjj to trustees quarterly-. . . 315 87_ Security, (see Bond,) penalty on oiilcer failing to pay 0\mTé 87 contraptor on page wgsrlrs to give what; m n .. . . 28 dne,_how tcl oollt<;ot{ed.d.. .-éallllti 87 gugdiatgs mhyybgglcuim to give 938 lll. provisions re a mg an conve , at e 'nfant 'ng separate as nemo sam rm mtgé pug °{, Q1,. ____ X' ____ ____ {YE H; poses ... . . —d20' , 87,8S , - failing to give, court may appoint special seimspo socsezm, (see Somoa.) _ guardian -.--· , lll mymiewrportm ¤¤a»rgs¤o¤11¤w.s4s co M1¤¤=i<:¤:knm¤r be r¢<1¤¤¤¤d of zusrvlppi lu Sow- Sq""' _ notice of such Ill ra1lroa‘d¢L¢;:dI orKstreet,irontso!Q%1éo3 d. i H.0!f.lm°t° .v° 943 ll 1 1 .. . . . ... 26 . . ¤ c¤ ---- - ---- I SML L when administrator or executor may be th, Dm,.;,,,, m, have · ______ ____ ____ __2 Q _ called upon to give other or further poiies-Sturmés lm I; 1,.%}; . mso me 1 Summa V'; in otan n n .. . 6 . · B im uga °;°:1{,£ dew m,;y°_ 980 11 president, professors, students, ko., in,exv . pos . ..981 115 . to be exempt from execution .--.982 116 S or g Muay1mg:"`;" mum 9***7- ··----- usa 14s Search, | hm-.]"` l’ l . I pence pgggrs of suspected 1;; 46 of w¤t§:a¤tso¤1;?.??r ...f2;¤g’» I of w¤¤*¤g:¤¤¤·<=·» ¤•¤w¤r-¤¤¤¤·=¤» &·<=·· ¤¤- S°It°Z.'L°Zf{.¤1°t'§°5°1¤tm..t ..1 no so 41 of mxhfgicg ····· 1 ··············· 402 4* salary of .. .  ::::...l366 48 n _ premises, doe., when an; Sm,""' d45B3i;;?', ‘‘‘‘°‘‘ ‘ ‘' ‘‘'‘’‘ ··40" 47 attachment or execution for wages oi} may , , °"·’» be levied on what property 797, 94, 96 ¤¤P¤¤'Vi¤1¤¤ of} by ¥.•0ll¤B- ·: ·. d04—406, 47,4Q{ no stay of execution, on judgment for penn ty for inter enng with police -.407 48 I wages of __________ ,__ ________ _]()·35 ]Q0