Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/198

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INDEX. 193 P e. P . $00878,; _ ag Sepcial Partners-—Contiu¤ed. age repair and improvement cf. .. . . 77 S affidavit as to payment of capital by. . .494 59 Sad-1:-5_>umemmm for. - .. . . 78 8 false statements to render liable as genergé 50 art ... . .. . . 4 subjcontractofs, journeymen’s, or laborers' ; when Eernilslosf partnership not published, clzriml recovered against owner ofliability of . 495 _ 60 bmlding, may be set of · against illegal renewal, &e., of partnerships to ¤°¤U‘¤0¥¤!'~ ---·-· - - ·--·---.··-- 710, 94,95 render liable .. . ... 501 60 mutual deb)? between parties to nctgoré 9 when name used in Erm, liability of.. .506 60 m3! ·----- · -·------ - ---- -... 6 interfering with business liability of..507 60 form of plea ct} .. ... _ . ..811 96 capital contributed by, not to be withon tual of issue, Judgment may be io); bg} 96 drawn __________ _ ____________ 508, 60, 6] ance --.. .. ...- -.. , ‘ i tobe rl d'f rl db t mutual judgments in court may be, on mo- l otiuigiiterisilto, go F.- . 61 tion .. -.-. .. .- . 813 96 : liability of, for violation of two preceding Shade Trees, _ _ sections .. ... . ..511 61 Shpenalty for malicious injuryto 1184 137 g eloims of, as creditor of partnership recrp, l stricted . ... . - . . 5i? 61 six, exempt from seizure, when .. 797, 94, 95 wnen not liable to suit, toreeovcr costs.514 61 Shnp Landmgs, 4 suit may be brought against, when 515 6l protecltgsugof strangers and travelers at 335 40 w general partners to account to .. .. .518 01 Sinking 1• Y Special Policeman tax may bé levied for . . .. .. .130, 14, 15 2 appointment oi] on application, when 44 when and bow collected. .. . .131 15 E to be at expense of person applying for.375 44 limit of amount for one year .. .. 131 15 { duties and powers of . . . . . . 376 44 provision for deficiency in trust—funds.13‘2 15 removal of ... ... J. ... 377 44 payment of moneys collected for, to com- \ appointment of, without pay in certgig 44 missioners of .. . ... .133 15cases .. . . . . commissioners to pay coupons, &c 134 15 E powers, privileges, and duties of ... 379 44 to invest surplus, how ... 134 15 Special Privileges, record and report to be made by. 135 15 l laws granting, to corporations, &e., proregister of bonds of..,- .. . 136 15 I _ hibited . .-- - ·---- 54 6 part of not of legislative assembly of Jun- { Spccsal Taxes, _ nary 19, 1%:72, disapproved .. 137 15 [ grey be lfvied for lpcaldimnropements. . Slaughter-Houses, g ow to e sssesse an co ec eo ... - police inspection of . . .. . 382, 44, 45 . Special Terms, (see Supreme Court,) oomplgints against .. .. . . .383 45 y of supreme court, how held .. . ·-.. 75;} 90 warrant on complaint . 384 45 E periods of holding, bovy regulated .. 75o 96 arrest of persons in charge, when .. 384 45 i for orpha.ns’ court business, bow l1el<1..9d0 108 Snsummary hearing of case, procecdings.2}35 45 S_pirglum;s 1iig;1m·e;,1_ f bud Br 51 all-Pax ~ su e o wx on ieense or 1 en .. . o children to be protected against, before ad-licenses for sale of, to be approved by board mission to public schools . ..274 82 lr of police .i(i_x; 51 Societies, ; se ing or giving oso ier 1 , _ · benevolent, charitable, musical, &c., may 3 _ alty for .. ._ . . lldl 136 be incorporated under general law, g licensed dealer in, allowing soldier to drink 545, 552, 66, 67 on premises, penalty for .. .. 1l82 1 37 who may form .. .. . . .. . . 545 66 forfeiture of license for. .. . . 1183 187 certificate to be tiled with recorder sg 66 gguadron, gsegjzlifggmguwcjor ) deeds .. . . . . uarca un_ , r ,_ _ _ what certificate shall specify 545 66 in \Vashington, records of division og be when to be deemed incorporated. .. 546 66 tween original pjigoprieitors an 47; 57 corporate powers .. .546 66 public, wheredtc ep .. .. 47_ 57 °‘°°“°” if “““‘°°°’ S2'°"‘°”’ "° ‘‘‘‘‘‘ Ei? 23 ""€§“.§’.}.?i"§.€’.‘2Z.£3¥$?.;;;g1; ‘g;;;t;.i J; trustees c .. ..·- -··-·· I , ° ggiiiccigrpomtion oi! existing societies.. .548 66 d corxgpletigp off;). . R. . .£r;T;ééH·é&4’Q5) 57 may dispose of real estate, how .. 549, 66,67 escrip non p pe _ y_ :476 57 investment of proceeds .. . ... 549 67 _ show hues then existing . . .. disposal of real estate given for specified subdivision of, by proprietor, plat toqbp 57 benevolent purposes ..., . ... 550 67 ruadesnd cergigedtto . Ll of limit of time for holding surplus real estgstp 67 examination, certificate, a 478 ug 57 b ••-·•·-·••····-··•·•··••·--·· 1 ' no two to be of same name 552 67 2g];): 31:; *13536*; ggé · Xgé 57 Soldiers, ¤ » si “ 480 57 umgpegn:ill:J§as‘i'i:(i·’.].Lljfllnllgilgiltl, 136, 137 measurement of fronts by surveyor . . :481, 57,58 · · apportionment of excess or deficiency SOIICWOT of Ch! TPO41E!'!']}, _ lots - U . -..481 clerk of supreme court to furmsb copy of among .. .. . , , decree to, respecting his accounts 928 108 Slgmgmy for mumutiug &c ’ on grounds of Solicitors, _ ’ ' taxable fee to, in clmncery suits. .. 903 106 Q · 1;j·¤<>¤l:;; é,;é;;chéb3·) ‘‘‘‘‘ J184 137 Special Partnera, (seo Partncrnfnpa,) Ja!} ofh Wfmd » ts of hmcas éf the peace to contribute a specitic sum in cash 489 59 on w at gl; lgzaen J i _---1023 I 19 1ir¤i#¤<>¤¤¤¤b<=r of -----·---- - ----- ----*90 *9 h *4* mod ······ ·jjj;jjjj_jj ____ ,024 lm 11”LZ‘§.’Jl.1‘§’.{“f.¥Zf,;em.;.;t;‘.;e‘,;.;;i:.;.;;.;i$‘I,{ °” J1°J§§m;.;;5;.ag...M,...,..t..,. dw .. . . . .. . . . . . .492 59 1a.borers’ wages. . ------ - ··----- 1025 120 B s 11--13