Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/199

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194 INDEX. . Pm .. . Pm Stay of Emuu%n—Continneg;·wH·,.,a H S¢ookt;) ofr’ilt1i1:)¤;ed. _0n 7 oru n u ments ess an ve dollars, pecti _. . ..5GI • P0 j 8 1025 120 transfers to be entered lll-.: _ 661 qq Stealing, to be presumptive evidence m suits, Jac., to amount of $35 end u ward, unishment _ 582 70 for .. . . . .. 13- . 1158 1 8 3 penalty for neglect to make proper entries for second offense, punishment for. . 1158 133 i in . 583 70 where property less t an $35 in value,p¤n- I penalty for neglect to keep open to inishmeut for .. .. 1173 135 . specticu ... 584 70 seeondconviction of punishment on.l161 138 Stolen, Lost, and Abandoned Property, with destruction, where value $35 or up- custody and record <>f' ---------- ---409. 410 4s ward . ..-. 1159 133 return of, to owner when not held as prowhere value less than $35 .. 1173 135 ceeds of crime ------ - -------·--- 413 48 Steamboat Landings, taken from arrested persons, return of ..414 48 protection of strangers and travelers nt, when otherwise cla.imed,retention of.415,4§, 49 335 40 taken on suspicion, custody, &c., of 416 40 Slack, sale of unclaimed property .. . 417 QQ for carrying on business of debtor, exempt of horses, dw ·----- - --·--· · --------- 418 49 from seizure, when .. . . 797, 94,95 of perishable property ------ · ·-·--·· H9 49 Siockholderu, delivery of property to owner on bond, of manufacturing, mining, &.c., corpora- when . ... ,. Z. .. 420-422 49 tions, (see ncorporation, General,) when repaired as evidence in court423 49 mortgages or liens upon real estate only when to treated as unclaimed .. 424 49 by vote of . 554, 67, 68 buying or receivingstoleu property to value to elect trustees {rom among themselves, of $35 or upward, penalty for..1160 l8$ 555 68 where value under $35, penalty for.. 1173 IB5 to have a vote for each share of stock, 556 68 second conviction of, where value under not paying subscription to forfeit stock, $35,pe¤¤lty fol‘ ..···- . .-.. ·. -... H6}. [88 560 08 Sirangcra, individual liability . 562 68 police protection of ... 335 40 ollieers, making false statements liable for Straw, debts .. . . . . . ... 568 39 regulations for sale of .. . . .. . .1190 138 loans to, by company forbidden .. 570 69 Street Ligh U, liability of, for dues to laborers, servants, when lamps to be kept lighted 27 &c .. .. . ... 574 69 increase in number of lamps, &c. . 233 B7 liable to amount of stock held . 575, 69, 70 tax for, bow levied and collected"233, BJ4 27 limitation upon liability of .. 576 70 Street Railroads, executors, administrators, guardians, not to be laid in Washington without an- &c., not liable .. 577 70 thority of Congress . 2M IG may represent and vote stock held by Slr¢¢tr,Aue••uea,§·c., (see Isnprovannlc,) t em . . . ... 575 70 repair and improvement of .. . .. 77 S holders of stock as collateral security not disbursements fo1·,.bow made ... 7B g liable .. . . . . .. . .57:5 70 in the city of Washingtonperson pledging such stock liable.. 578 70 no part of any,to beoocupied by private may represent and vote upon it.579 70 persons ,_,... . .,,, , , ,,,_,_ 222, Q§,Q6 record of, to be kept in books. .. 5:50 70 railroads prohibited on parts of I and K to have access to records and stock- streets . 223 26 books ..». . . 588 71 no more street railroads without the cunmeeting of, to increase or diminish capital sent of Con . . .. 224 2O stock . .. . .. 588 71 parking, &,o., ole, authorized . 225 26 to take benefit of general incorporation improved wholly or in part by the United` laws_. .. . ... 589 71 Statestwo-tlurdsof stock mustberepresented to be kept free from obstructionsni.226 26 at . . . . . 590 7], suits against persons obstructing 227 96 certificate and record of proceedings at, permits for laying gas-pipes, &,c . 228 26 to be acknowledged Mid tiled with removal of obstructions . . ..239 $6 recorder of deeds ...591 71 penalty for obstructing .. . .. 2z9 26 copy so filed to be evidence ... 593 1] penalty fer failing te replace pavingof railroad companies, (see Railroad Compa· stones, dw . .. ... ...230 26 nice,) _ in the vicinity of the Capitolto be specified in certificate of incorpo· grades of,estab1lshsd .. .. .. 231, 26,27 ration ...:. . .. . 18 74 Sub-contractor, when deemed incorporated . . 619 74 notice by, of claim on building for labor or ¤·¤¤¤¤l ¤1e¢¤¤g to elect directors 623 74 material fnmisbed .. . .. 709, 84,85 judges of election to be .. . . .624 75 owner of building liable for such claim, gglled meeting; of,.-:,. ..,,_, :..,..629 75 709, 8},85 object to be stated in notice .. 630 76 Subdivision of Squares, may remove premdent and officers, when, in city of Washiugtomhow made .477-480 57 _ 633 75 plot, bow made and certitied .. .. 477 57 statement nt meetings by president and examinations by surveyor .. 478 57 directors ... 634 75 surveyors certiticate aud record . 478 57 may require statement from directors, reference torecorded plat in descriptions, SloobB In 635 ,5 i be bl 479, 51 W » we s alle s end usss es to u ie. of manufacturing, &,c., corporations organ- y , y I P 8 P 480 67 ized under general law- Subniuion Bond, (see Boarda of Trade,) how to be kept,. . . . . 579 70 . not required to be filed, when..., .615 73