Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/202

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INDEX. 197 Pa e. | - _ Supreme Ccurl·—Continue<l. g Supreme Court-Continued. Pago supersedeas only upon injunction or pro- l appeal to, from police court in gift-enter (;ggd]¤g;g·iu engr to Supreme Court I priggggggg ____________________]]’i8 138 of the imned States .. . .. 850 100 · judgment oil tnul .. . ... 1178 136 miscellaneous provisions,_ 1 Supreme Court of the United Sum, court may appoint trustees for relignousso- s removal of causes to, provisions concern- . met)es,wheu,,, ,,,,__ __ ,__, ___,454, 53, 54 f ing ,,,,, , ,,,, , ,,_, , ,_,., $46,550,99, ]00 to issue writ of quo warranto against insti— i Sureties of the Peace, tutions of learning, when . . . .532 64 · President may grant runissions for forfeitrule ot, upon awards of committees of refer- ures of .. . .. 844 09 ence of boards of trade .. 614 73Surgeons of Poliex, may appoint appraisers to value land taken number and appointment of . . . 349 4 l by railroad companies .. 654 78 ; duties and compensation of 349 41 may enforce payment of award by exe— ; Survey, rfc., _¤¤U0¤ ·----~------· - ---- -··- ·-·- 657 79 i of highways, (see Highways) .. 246-254, 28,20 review of award . ... 658 79 I Suorreyor, may direct money paid into court, &c., g record of plats of property, &c.,to be kept _ 661 79 { in office of . . . ... 472 57 to appoint attorney to appear for un- ; certified transcripts to be evidence"473 57 known parties in interest .-.-662 79 oath of office of .. . . . .. 474 67 may amend informal ities, appoint new I plats of squares in Washington, how commissioners, &c .. 79 I made .. .. . . . ... 475 57 may appoint commissioners to iix rates, &c., i method of description prescribed -..- 476 6 7 or carrying the mail on certain 0 i subdivision of squares or lots by proprie- 1‘o¤d¤ ··-·-- . ·.--·-.- . . . . ...- 8 · for ...- - .-. . - ... . ...-... 477 5 7 appeals to, from justices of the peace in y examination of such subdivision by surcases of dctainer, how tried .. 688 89 1 veyor .,.,,.,..,,,,. _ ., , ,_,,,._, 478 51 all petitions for divorce to be made to. . .731 87 i certificate and record by surveyor 478 57 to direct notice by publication to non-resi- ] reference to such platsin descriptions.479 57 dent defendant in divorce ease, y ways, alleys,and passages to remain pubwhen ...-.-..-...-.. 735 87 , lie -. . -- . .-. 480 57 to hear and determine divorce causes, i measurement of fronts of squares and apwheu ... . . . ...-. 736 81* · portionmeut of lots .-.-..-. 481, 57, 58 may grant alimony and retain dower to di- { where walls encrouch on adjoining lots.482 58 vorced wife ...-. 745 88when walls deemed party walls .-.- .. . .483 68 may grant alimonytowifepending petition record of occupation of land by party for divorce .---.. . . . - . .. . --.. 746 88 wall . . . . .-.-.. . -.-. 484 58 to direct as to guardianship and ma.inte— examination and alignment of foundation nance of children of divorced pa- walls ..-... . .-. 485 58 rents .--.-.. 47 88 surveyor’s certificate oi] to be evidence, may restore to divorced wife her previous 485 58 name -.. 748 88 fees of surveyor, by whom paid,. ..-... 486 58 may deprive wife of alimony, dower, and » subdivision of squares or lots belonging to custody of children for adultery after United States . ...- . . 487 58 divorce from bed and board .-.- 749, 88, 89to record plat of burial grounds ... 596 72 may designate oillcers or persons to make i Swine, ligtg of jiu-em, when- ..-.. ..851 101 I one, exempt from seizure, when .. 797, 94, 95 may issue commissions for taking depositions in criminal cases ...--. 884, 888 104 for taking depositions of witnesses to T• will. ...-. . . .. -. -. . ..-.. 894 105 Table of Fccc, appointment of clerk by . . 915 107 clerk of supreme court to post . 899 105 decrees in special term of, for orphan’s court marshal to post. ... . .· .-..899 105 business, how recorded .. .-. . 930 108 to be posted in office of register of wills.933 1 10 has power to a point guardian to intlmt penalty for each day’s neglect ... 934 1 I0 orphan, when . . . 937 1 1 1 Tacit Lien, _ proceedings in orphans’ court husiness.937- I landlord to have, on chattels of tenant in 978, 111-114 arrenr .. .. .. ..-... .. 678 81 power oi to appoint new administrator, how may be enforced. ... 679,81, 82 may be exercised ex~oHicio or on ap- Taleamcn, plication ... .. .. 977 1 14 to be summoned when panel exhausted by to establish rules and forms for trials before challenge, &,c .. .. . . . . 863 101 jplstioes of the peace...}-;;!;; 996 117 when may be summoned in capital cage? 101 wer to remove 'ustice o peace, ·> P0 ’ J 1031 120 Taxes, (see of Taxes,) _ to lix bill of fees and costs of justices of not to be levied on property of the United peace .. . .. . ... 1034 120 _ _ States .. ._ -.. : -·------ 57 6 to enter up judgment against constable discriminating, against non-residents, profailing to pay over moneys collected, hnbitcd ...-... Z .57 6 1039 121 for suplport of paupers, money to he raiscad right fa to, from 'nd cnt of lice y . . . . .. .. . . 6 g (eongiwi . ... { . . E? . ..1:1073 124 may be levied in Wn.shingtou,_Ge0rgetown, to appoint a warden of District jail..108l 124 and county, to pay their respective may remove warden and iillvacnncies-1082 125 debts- --.-.-·--...-. 68 7 to make rules for government and protec- schoormoncy raised by, how to be appro; tion of prisoners in the jail 1090 125 prlutod ...-· 11·> 18