Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/635

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628 PUBLIC TREATIES. Anrrcmi IV. Decision of =srbi· The sentence or decision of said arbiter, when given, shall be final "°' *° "° “"“]· and conclusive upon all the questions hereby referred, and the contracting parties hereby agree to carry the same into immediate effect. ARTICLE V. R“**€°“*i°“¤· This convention shall be ratiiied and the ratificatious exchanged in the term of six months from the date hereof Sif<¤°*“*°°· In faith whereof the Plenipotentiaries of the two Governments have signed and sealed, with their respective seals, the present convention. DMG- Done in the city of Lima, in duplicate, on the twentieth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty- two. CHRISTOPHER ROBINSON. L. s.] Josn G. PAZ SOLDAN. L. s.] PERU, 1863. J"- mv 1863- COWENTION WITH PERU FOR THE SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS, CONCLUDED —`_` itt§i¥tEi?£“t§£ét£§$3i8‘i$6€‘Ft'itii?£DA£¥’ii£S?EE§}’%‘%T£i§tt’l£%


Oonfvention between the United States of America and the Republic of Peru for the settlement of the pending claims of the citizens of either country against the other. _C0¤tracting par- The United States of America andthe Republic of Peru, desiring to

  • ‘°“· settle and adjust amicably the claims which have been made by the citizens of each country against the Government of the other, have agreed

to make arrangements for that purpose by means of. a convention and page named as their Plenipotentiaries to confer and agree thereupon as o ows: Negotiamrs. The President of the United States, Christopher Robinson, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of said States to Peru, and the President of Peru, Dr. José Gregorio Paz Soldan, the Minister of _Foreign Relations and President of the Council of Ministers; Who, aiter having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found to bein due and proper form, have agreed as follows: Amrrcnn I. _ Claims to be re- All claims of citizens of the United States against the Government of $*;*21,30: "“"°d gpm, an]d_o£ clitizens ofbPeru aglainstdthe Government of the United ' a s w ic ave no een em race in conventional or diplomatic agreement between the two Governments or their Plenipotentiaries, and statements of which, soliciting the interposition of either Government, may, previously to the exchange of the ratitications of this couvention, have been filed in the Department of State at Washington, or the Department of Foreign Aiiairs at Lima, shall be referred to a mixed Appointment of commission composed of four members, appointed as follows; Two by °°"*¤“¤¤l°¤°’¤- the Government of the United States, and two by the Government of Vacancies. ·Peru. In case of the death, absence, or incapacity of either Commissioner, pr finliihejevenés of either Commissioner ceasing to uct, the Governmen o the United States or its Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in Peru, acting under its direction, or that of the Repnblig of Peru, shall forthwith proceed to dll the vacancy thus occasione .