Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/829

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822 INDEX T0 PUBLIC TREATIES. Page. B _ C t_ d Page. B dm-C t· d_ avarza— on inue . _ _ a Eiidhib; of criminality required 37 3. Convention of 1853, forextraditiori of r Expense of arrest and delivery, by criminals, to remain lll force -. 4-3

... 38 4. Renunciatxon of naturalization .. 45

whom borne. .--.. Political ddlmses not included _______ 38 Intent not to return, when held to ' 2- Neither party ta surrender its own exist .. ... 4; citizens .. , . . . ..,. . ...,. , _,_,. 385, Dnratienl of convention ____ _ ____ _ _ _ _ 49 3. Criminals may be retained to answer l 6. Ratifications . . . . 4o for local offenses. .. . . 38 ‘ Protocol—_ _ _ 4, Duration of convention, ,___ ._,, ,,_, 38 1, What is reqnlred {,0 constitute 3, Hat- Ratiiicatious . . . . . .. 38 uralized citizen . .‘.. . . I . .. _. 46 Convcntion relative 30 nuturali- 0 hieanauel of words ‘ resided uninter- 46 zmiou July l 1868 . up eq y . . s _ . · 1. Who to bei deemed ndtnralized citi- 39 §op1¤:u1sl1me%t fdr dmigration .. -. . ,. ze!] . ,.., __,, ._.,,_,. __,, . ig 80 reg; en 3](§uS____ ____ ____ Declaiaation of intention, effect of 39 Permanent residencelrneaning of term 46 2. Liability for offenses committed before Recovery of former citizenship.? 46, 47 naturalization .. . . ... . 39 _ Choice to resume former ngtlgnnlligy _ _ 47 Liability for non-fulfilment of military Beglutm, t [ .1 duty , _,,,. , _,_,,_,__.,, , , ____ , _ _ , ICh. y 0 60E1I1I0f6G {lll DaVi- When not reliable for non-fulfilment gution, N ovcmbcr 10, of military duty,. 39 1845 ---- - ·----·----·-·-·--· 48-52 3. Extrndition convention unchanged.. 39 I- Freedom of¤0¤1111f>1‘0Q -------- _ --. 48 4. Renunciation of naturalization., 40 Same duties to be paid by citizens of Recovery of original citizenship. 40 either country .. ._. 48 5. Duration of convention . 40 2. Duties on Belgian vessels in ports of 6. Ratitications.. . . . ..., . -, 40 3 D the United Stlatee. . r. 48 Barbary Powers . nties on vesse s o the United States rue United states to be amen in forming *”.P°'P“ °*"fBP‘g*“m -·-- .- -·-- - --·-· 49

    • ·=a**~· ****1- é €§$€I.2‘.1“";‘€.I;..?$‘;‘;l‘§f.'*‘LEé2‘3.;gx ei"` ""

France 1778 -- . . . . 205 · ,Om Neumianus, 1782 . .- . .. 539 d¤§¤a¤ ·------- - -·-—·—-------·- - - - - 49 Baac of Operations G' Coaeting t¤id°"T' '`' " '“‘ 49 Nentjrlegnlggis ta a tt used ra, by Muir- 3; £§°.‘§3.2§.€lE.’§22?§‘}%rt1Z°..E§f°?T`?`}J T}? Gum Bmaln, 1871 ________________ __ _ _ 358 lg: gggglaglazpgysgxg aégithar ramp gg Bavaria 11. san and Hsheries . Ziiiiiiiiii :0 C0lliV€:l¢:Q:ld’ fo{)a_ub0Iit2)u of 12. Nationdlity of vessels .. . . . .. rio Ir 1 au Inc an laxcs 13. P ts ‘ ‘ b ·d_ 0 3-; fgmaiaon, runway 41 43 14. v5‘.f..i§’°..‘L'€i‘I‘?..*3g‘§.2‘f‘§L"?‘.‘€ S'?. .°f‘ff.. it . ·---··---· · -·-- -·-·15. F ted h i - 1. Droit ’d’aubaine and taxes on emigra- 7 a<i,d)1ii]eg;:Immo1l?.({t. .??? to be 50 _ti°¤ abolished -—·· --·· ---- ---- ---- 41 Duties on products of either country. 51 2. Tirlgfillpgved heirs to real property to 41 l6. éssistance in case of shipwreck .. 51 _ _ •··j ····-·-··—··- -·---· -·-· 7. (l i - I ____________ " 3· Cluzcim _°f either Pa-"?}' may dispose Rig;-iiuiatibnvdgedgggpiiesg ______ _ _____ of their personal property by will 18. Exemption from transit duties on 0* °°b°1`“*“ ·--- -- -; -·-- - ---· - ·--· 41 Belgian railroads .,,,._ _,, ____ ____ 5] 4. Propertyfof absent heirs to be taken 19. Duration of treaty 51 _ ,°*=“`° 0 -—-—--·--------- - -·--·---·- 42 20.`R tu f ,,._ , _,,___ __ ```` " 5. Disputes concerning inheritauces to Treat;] ($1% hoallinnmercc 52 be settled according to local law. -- 42 gation, July 17, 1858., ,_,, 52-55 6. Bavarian laws against emigration not 1. Freedom of commerce and navigation. 52 7 R fmm- ---- -- -- -· -- -- gg Equality erxiuties ____ _ ____ ____ __ 52 ¤¤¤·-¤·pll»p2cfiggétii6s‘, s€i»i3£aZ W4  ;‘1'iI.`3"r§’.§t.E’1°E‘€.‘f€i..I‘T‘Z“f’}‘f-fi .?‘fTF"T f’Y a . ¢ . ···· · ··--· · ·--··-· · f l f th. . 1. Crllmes fordwlnch persons may be de- llIi6I?0(;I;S?i§§€dg;dUm?.l-ililtf States 53 _6 IVCPO up . .____ __ _ ____ 43 4_ E · _ "` ` . Evidence of criminality required 43 5_ Cgggxltgoa-a7é`:???? vessels " `````` Emizya ai arrest and delivery, how 43 6. Duties on imports1»{¥éQS2»ié`0`{X1£i1Q} . ··-· ---· ·-·· ---·--.- .--- if ________•______..`_-·-.- - ' 2. Othsgagyerruau States may accede to 43 7. Dultilerioiin exports in vessels of either 53 . — ·············· ·---- nation . .. ..., ____ 53 3' N°;;l};r party to suncnder its °W¤ cm' B. Premiums, drawbacks, &c ____ _ ______ 53 '‘‘ Z ‘. ‘‘‘‘‘‘···· · ···· · ·--·-· 43 9. Salt and fisheries . __,______ _ _____ 53 4. When extradition may be delayed 44 ]()_ Natig · fg { l .· 5. Duration of convention 4 nd I y 0 wsse ST'? '’'`°' " °4 6- Ratmcmionsl I A -·-- - -·---·--- 42 lgartsgf cargrges remaining on board.. 54 la i . are ouse c arges dsc . ._,, 54 Tr c*nfi:3’ nig': 2% 1862 PR La 44-47 13. Favors to other natwns to become 1. When natives of elthe St--te c9mm0¤·" "` ```°` Y` ''''''54 bald a aaani af ¤¤»r·»¤¤5.. ..“T..T’ 44, 45 {22 é223f.i§°.$¤E‘ $t?.‘f..Z‘3.‘i‘.i"'°°" ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 23 2 ‘;.;;l“é‘l;g2';s°f i¤*°I):£°3-i)-- 45 Reclamation of deserters U un 54 · _ _ °°m¤¤ 0 6- 16. Exemption from transit duties U .11 fam mmgmm°u" ‘‘‘‘ ·· · · ··--· 45 Belgian railroads .,,,__ . ,_____ 55