Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/873

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866 INDEX TO PUBLIC TREATIES. Ngu(rqlg.C0¤tiuu°d Page NeulraZa~—C0utinued. Pam (51-(mg,];i-5;,,;;,,1794 _,,_,, , ,,,,, , , . . 281 Neutmls tpken on e11emy’s vessel to be sou Morocco, 1787, 1836 . . . . . . 518, 522 at hberty- _ F l_ ml N5t,hg|·]3ndg,]782_,, _.,,. ,-... 534 MQYO€90;1787n18§6 ·· ·•··'‘ ‘*‘ "":_;¤j_);' Prussia, 1785, 1799 . . . 642, 643, 250 Trng0h. 1796, 1800 --·-·· · ---—--- - ----· • -’·’· ;·"* Tripoli, 1796, 1805 . . ... .. 755, 759 Tunis, 1797- .-.,.. . ...-·. ---· •63 Tunis, Iggy ___________ _ ___________ __ __ 165 Neutrals may trade Wlfih 2111 01161115 0 1110 To recover and restore vessels, &c., 013101 PRN! °K¢€P*· m °°”tmb*md captured within its jurisdiction- _¤f W¤1'··· _Q France, me . . . . . . 205 Bcl1m, 1858 ------ -- ·-----· - --·-- #~ Netherlands, 1782 . .. .. . ... 534 1518211, 1828 -; ··-- ---- -----· - --·-· -··· Bj} Prussia, 1785, 1799 . . . 643, 650 Central Amerwo, 1825 ----·------··-··- 98 To use utmost endeavor to obtain satis- Ch1l1, 1832 .-.. . . . 107 f¤¤ti¤n in such cam- Cvlvnrlpw, 1824 ----- -- ----- -- ---- 153 Great Britain, 1794 .. . . .. .. 281 Domxmcun Republnc, 1867 . 181 Enemy’s vessels not to follow vessels of E01H1d0I`, 1839 --·--- - --·-· · - ---··· · - · · 190 one party from port of the other France, 1778, 1800 ---- - ----· - --·----· 209, 277 for twenty-four hours- Guatemala, 1849 . . . .. . 381 Algiers, 1815, 1816 .. . . 7, 11 Haytn, 1864- .-..-.-.--.-.-.----·--.--- 415 Morocco, 1787, 1836 . . 518, 522 i Italy, 1871 -. .. -..- . .--.-.--.-- 442 Tripoli, 1796, 1805 . L .. 755, 759 1 Mexico, 1831. . -. . . . . . . 480 Tunis, 1797. .. ...;-. . . . ... 765 i New Granada, 1846 .. . .. . .-... 553 Neither party to give offensive or defen- I Pern, 1851 . .-..- . ...--...----· 617 sive aid to an enemy of the other- ‘ Peru-Bolivia, 1836 .. . . . . . . 604 Prussia, 1785, 1799, 1828 .. 646, 653, 659 , Prussia, 1785, 1799, 1828 .. . . . .644, 651, 659 Neutrals bound to prevent the fitting out, . San Salvador, 1850. ...-. . . -... 678 &.c., of vessels intended to carry on Spain, 1795 . -- . . . .-...-... 707 war against a power with which Sweden, 1783 ...-.. . ...-.--... 724 they are at peace- Sweden and Norwa , 1827 . 741 Great Britain, 1871 .. . . .. . . 358 Venezuela, 1836, 18gO . . . . 790, 801 To prevent the departure of such vessels Ncutml Vessels, from their jurisdiction- Protect enemies, except officers and sol- Great Britain, 1871 . .-... .. . . ..---. 358 diers in actual service- Not to permit their ports to be made bases Bmzil, 1828 .. . ..,.. ..., .. - - , , 84 of hostile naval operations- . Central America, 1825 . . . . 98 Great Britain, 1871 .. . . . -.. 358 Chili, 1832. . ,. .. .. . . . . 107 Not to permit renewal or augrneutgtion ofColombia, 1824 ...,., , .,,..,,,,,,,,,,_ 152 military supplies or recruitment of Dominican Republic, 1867 ,____,_______ 182 men- . Ecuador 1839 .. . . . ... 190 Great Britain, 1871 .. . . . . . . 358 F1-ance, 1798, 1800 . ... 210, 228 T0 use due diligence to prevent violation * Guatemala, ]_849,,__ ,___ _ ______ ___ ____ 381 of neutral obligations- i Hayti,'1864.. . ., . . . . . . 416 Great Britain, 1871. . .. 358Italy, 1871 .. . . . , ,,,,.__,,,____,__ 443 N 1-mtr;] property found in en5my’s veggelg Mexico, 183], _Q ___, _ ,_,_, _ ______ _ _____ 480 tg be protected unless contraband Nethelandg, 1782, ________________ 536 0 WN`- New ramada, 1846 ,,.,... .-, . 553 B°11V1¤· 1858 · -· ---· -- ---·-·-----· 72 Peru, 1851.. .. . ... 618 Dnminicen R¤p¤\>1i¤.1B07 .-.- ..--. 182 Peru-Bezavae, 1836 ..,,.,.,,.,, 004 Haytin 1864 --·- - —-----··-·· ---· ----—· 416 Prussia, 1785, 1799, 1828 .. 644, 651, 6.59

1)doroc§7B7, 1836 .. . -.. 517, gg gnu Sugager, 1850 .. . . . . . . 679

un! •···••······· ···· • -·--·· -··- 3111 1 9 - . ...-... .. .,,. Russia, 1854 . ... .-. . .. 670 gg-oqén i733_ ____ _ ___________________ TW° Si°m°¤» 1855 ·--·---·----· ·· ---··- 777 Swedeurund Norway,1B27 ,,...,.,. 741 Such property if captured to be restored- Venezuela, 1836, 1860 . ... 791, 801, 802 M01'0¢=<>0. 1787, 1836 ···· - --·-- - ---··- -517, 521 Protect enem ’s property except contro- T11nis,_1797 . .' . 763 baud oiywm. '1`¤P¤1¤» 179*1 1805 -----------------·-- 755, 758 Algiers, 1815, 1816 . ,, , , _.,__ _ _,,,, 6, 10 Such property to be confiscated- Bolivia, 185,8 _________________ ____ ____ 72 I·`r¤·nce,1778.: - .. 207,208 Bmzii, iggg ____ _ _____________________ E4 Such property lmble to confiscation unless Cen tm] America 1825 ____________ ___ _ 98 put ,en board in ignorance of the Chili, 1832 . I .. 107 wr- Colombia, 1824 ZZZIIZZZZIZ III 153 Bnmlr 1828· ·············-·- -·-· ·• ·--· 85 Dominican Republic 1867, 182 <>¤e·t¤»1 A¤¤¤¤¤¤» 1825 ---- - --·-·--- 98 » me¤¤1er,18;>,0 ,_., '‘'‘‘` ‘ ° 100 Cb11h W32 -····- ·----~ - ·--·------- 107 1 Fmnee ms 1800. . ```` T ``````'``` 210 228 Cclnmbw. 1824 ...- ... 153 (1,,,,1,,,},,;,, {849' ° ’ " ‘' ’38i 1:e¤mer,18:s9 .., . . 191 Ha.yti,186£ . ZQZZZZZZIZZIIIZZIZZIII 416 F¤·¤<=¤· 1800 -----·--- ·----- -- -----· 228 muy, 1871 .,._,_ _ __,_, 443 0‘·¤¤¢¤¤¤1·» 1849 -----·---------- .. :181 Meme 1831 480 M°xi°°¤ 18**1 ······ · ····-··-- · ---··-- · 480 Netherfands 1782-- .--i ~ ·--- n -·-· -·.. 526 N°°”°*‘*°d°· 1787 - ——··-·----·--------- 536 New emma, 1846-1;;::::1:::;::::t 553 g'"' G"“““]“· 1846 ······ · -··· - -··---- 554 Peru, 1851 -. . 617, 618 P§fS:£i?}4;,:·1s1zz1 ···· · ·············· 6*8 ***=····¥*·***··· 1****- ---—-·- --·- 605 ¤ ······ · ----· ·· ·-·-·- 605 Prnssm, 1785, 1799, 1828 __,_______ 644 651, 6.59 Sunegulvnggg, 1850 . .._ mg Russia im ’ 6,0 W eu, . .- , , __,,____ 725" ' '° '''''''''’'°' sweden ¤~¤dN<>¤W¤y.1816.1827- .. mm §3§1E?}¥3‘é°T·.¥???:;1:::;;::;:;:i::::?”“’?ZZ