Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/877

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870 11:0111; sro PUB L10 r1mA·r11is. Page. NKY- Otloman Empii·e——Contiuued. Panama, Isthmus of (Sec Guarantee ; hm r- 4. Duties on exports in cither country .. 586 oceanic Commumcatwns.) Prohibitions to bb general ... 586 Paraguay, _ Limitation of export duties in Onto- cmims convention, P0bI'IHll‘!( F A wan dominions. .. . . . . 586 4, 1859 .. _ . i J2, 59.; Annual reduction of export duties .. . 586 Settlement ot c1ai_ms_of Iinitcu bmies mid 5. Duties on imports in either country.586, 587 Paraguay 1\av1gation Lonipuiny . .. 592 Prohibitions to be general ... . . . . 587 I 1. Paraguay to accept decree of com- - i Limitation of import duties in Otto- missioncrs . .- . 1. ._ .. . . wz! man dominions .. ... . . 587 ‘ 2. Appointment of {50mm18S10D9TH ------ 592 Re-exportation, regulation of .. . . 587 Selection of umpire ...-.-------...-. 592 6: lmpogtations into Mc1do·Wal1acbia, 587 Iuvgntifation of claims. . or ervia .. . .. 3. Ont o commissioners .. .. .. ’ Through those principalities to other 4. Meeting of commissioners . .. .. . . 393 ports .. . . 587 Duration of session . 593 Exports from principalities or ports.. 587 When decision to be proclaimed . 593 Import or export duties payable but 5. Payment of award .. .. . . 593 once .-.. . -- .. 587 6. Expen es of commission .. . . 593 7. Warehousing, bounties, facilities, and 7. Ratiiiuntious . . . . . . . . 593 drawbacks . . - .. . . 587 Treaty of friendship, commerce, 8. Importuiions and exportations in ves- _ and navigation, February sels of either nation --.. .. .. . . 588 4, [859 ,, . ,_.. ..-. ..,_ ,,. . 594-598 Equality of duties, treatment, &c 588 1. Peace and friendship .,.. -. ..,... .,.. 594 9. Tonnage, light, harbor, and other dues 588 2. Privileges of citizens of United States 10. Nationality of vessels . .. 588 in Paraguay- 11. Free passage of the Dardancllcs and Free navigation of rivers Paraguay Bosphorus .. .-.. J 588 and Parané .. . . . . 594 Transit magazines for goods landed.. 588 Freedom of commerce and navigation . 594 Caro of goods whore no entrepot 588 Rights of residence and business 594 12. Reductmn of transit duties in Otto- Ports of Pilar and Assumption. .. 594 man dominions . .. 589 Privile es of citizens of Paraguay in Prgvgutign of rgvgpug frauds ____ _ _ _ _ 589 tha énitgd S|;3,t,g,g_ ______ _ _ _ _ ______ 595 13. Privileges of traders .. .. 589 3. Favors granted to other nations to 14; '_\‘0b3(;(;g und salt in Ottoman dgmiu- bggoing cgmmgn ____ _ _____ _ _______ 595 ions, importation of prohibited 589 4. Duties on products of either country- 595 Rggu]3ti°u of tl-ada in __ _ _ __ Pggbibitjgng to bg ugyg] _ ____" __ _ _ 595 No duty on exportation of .-. 589 ! 5. Tonnage, light, or izrbor dues, dw. . . 595 Suporvlsivlk of ¢=¤¤i30m—h0¤s¤ ulliihori-6. Importations and exportation in vestics  :... . . .--- 589 sels of either nation .. 595 15- Gunpowder. sms, M-. importation of 1. Nationality of vessels ... .. .. 595 in 0¤t¤m¤¤ EWPM |¤¤Y U6 P!'0· 8. Import and export duties in either

 ________ _____________,_____   c0u¤try_ _____ _____________ __ __ _  

Notice of prohibition to be given 589 9. Management of buginggg dw _: _ I 596 When not prohibited, regulation of Employment of agents.: ,.,. _,:, I,- 596 vrsdsin -~---- ---··------.-· 589 Limty oftradc .. . . 506 Special license, when grunted.. .. 589 Protection to persons and ropcrty. . 596 Particular stipulations respecting sale Acces, to judicial trjbunag ____ ____;_ 596 of 8¤}¤P0Wd0¤` --·-·----· ---- ·----· 589 Employment of attorneys, &c .-. 596 R¤¤P¤¤*1¤g ¤t01‘¤g¤i &»¤·i of 8110- 10. Police of ports .. . . .. .. .. 596 povydcr -- z--- ------ -.-· --· - : ·--.- 590 Loading and unlading ships .. 596 Sp:1r;:sm¤t::::?:;):¤¤·, not s¤1».i¤¤¢ to 590 ; gefcty of iiismiiaiiuiss me aims 596 -- ----•·---·- ‘ is osu cr o 10. Firmuns for vessels passing the Dur- i sucgcssioii tg psu22a?;??:;;;.;:: 2::: dnnsllcs and Bosvborus ...---- 590 Administration of justice 596 17. Duty of masters of vessels arriving at Duties payable same as by native citiports in Ottoman dominions- mm ______ _ _____ 596 Copies or minimis to be deposited iii mimics of miu¤¤i¤H§i£g'iLt}L%L£éZI ass °"*°"%‘h°““° ···- · ---·---- ,— ···-·· 590 11- Exemption from military service 18. Confiscatxou of contraband articles. . . 590 forced loam gw596 19- Privilpgss ¤f 0¤¤¤m¤¤ subjects in the 12. cousins, appoiiisméiit H Z: Z" `````` 596 Umwd Simms ’·‘· · ··••··· ·· · · ·--- 590 Commissions and cxequaturg - n N . . · · 596 20- Eifsvii ¤g¤¤ <1¤¤a=i<»¤ ¤§ irssiy .. .. 590 Piiviitgss or iiipiomiic 5g5X6J {dh I gxccgigiug of sytulizuons .. .. 590 consult __________ 59-, 2 . ons c·1ono may . .. 591 , · B ```°``'``'`' 22. ,£m_ig°fc“w?£h0¥° dams ---- .1-- 591 19 Agslcgggntéxrca c of war between on inusnco o _ ar .. , . .. .. 591 si ma sfu lm · u Rcviigion of tamif . . . 591 Kathi?-lgsmplcgrglgrut ____ 5 Fftuj _ 6 59] 23- R“"h°“‘°“° ---··· · · ---· · -·--·-· 591 Tiici: eircom mit 1.5 be mud f__f 5,97 P• i Timed2r1I1c::;] to settle their aiihirs Mis ¤-·· 1 t.1·‘.,'f.,.,..?i‘3mi;.;i,:·=o:,;.·ii.;,;.;·‘· ·‘‘‘ E3 S*'P“]*;;;g;‘°6;`§¤l;$1T¤€ ¤*W1B¤i·¤0¤i fish-Public fundé not toglte confiscated . .- 597 . r n ·» 14. Protection of the government _______ 597 Russmi 18;*4 ‘‘‘‘ , · * ····· · ·····-- - -··-· 664, 665 Rehgious liberty_ _ ______ _ _ 597 PM'"- <§,¤¤LLg¤*·00·¤¤ Psskw; Paswigw , Rights or imiiii I. I. ZZ] I [ZZ sur °° •) | 15. Duration of treaty . . . ... 597