Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/1030

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1000 mmx. Page, Pa. a Sea Wam . Sacretwry of tha Ln'crior~—Continued. 8 mama of brig Sidi changed to; ... -- 198 also itemized report of salaries, &c., paid Second Auditor,· at each agency, and appropriations out apprepdamné fg pay of, a.nd'for clerks, &c.,91 350 r dof which paid . ... . . 176 _in co .. . ... . .. , Ian s, salary of . 397 to coutixzm titles of corqain settlers ou Fort of omcets,c1¤rks,aud omployés in Office of- 397 Randall military reservation . . . . 47 . copies of contracts for Indian service to be . may discontinue office of recorder of landfurnished to, before payment .. . 450 titles in Missouri, when ... .. 62 Second Comptroller, t0_ sell military resorvntion , &c., oi Fort nppropriatiousfor pay of, and for clerks, &c., Reynolds . . . 85 iu offico of .. . -. . 91, 350 to prescribe rules for ra-issue of agriculjurisdiction of, over accounts for stoambouts · tuml college mud-scrip in certain cases. 111 and other vessels, &c .. . 222 duties of, under mot to ascertain possessory with First Comptroller to constitute a. bmml 4 rights of Hu<1sou’s Bay Company, &c., to examine and audit accounts of Dis- within limits awarded by Emperor of trict of Columbia ...,, , 118, 119 Germany, &c . . . ... 129, 130 salary of .. . . ; , ,. . ... . 396 to offor for sale portions ot Fort Yuma., Fort ' of 0Hi0¤rs, clcrkspudcmployés in Odica of. 396 Whipple, and Camp Dmgc Crack 1‘6S01‘— Second National Bank of Havana, M K vations .. .-.. .. ... . -.. . 201 xmmo changed to Havana. National Bank of shall make rules, &c., concerning gnxvcmp- _Naw York . . 4 tion and homestead claims 0 settlers cxponsus of change to he borne by bmxk. 4 on certain lands in Missouri claimed proceedings, rights, and liabilities, &,c.. . 4 to be swamp, &c .. . . -.. . 334 Second National Bank of Jrmwnlown, JW Y., to sell buildings aud grounds known zw’Doname. of, to be changed to CityNa.tiona,1 Bunk trait arsenal, Michigan . , . . . . 510 of Jamestown, New York 521 to czmsc psmtcuts to issue to certain Ottawa Second National Bank af Pzptcrcon, and Chippewa Indians for selections name of Passaic County Nation al Bank of made by them in certain lands in · Paterson changed to .. . . 30 Michigan . ... . . . ... 516 Second National Bank of Watkmc, NZ K, to withdraw frpm sale, &,c., one hundred name of, to be changed to Watkins National and stxé? acres included within limits Bank ... . . .. 520 occupi by Holy Cross Mission, in Second St ··ctm~iea of Lcgation, sec Diplomatu and Dakota, and convey same to. .. .. 519 Consular Ojfwero, Indians, ·_ appropriations for salaries of .. -.- . 67, 321 to cause patent to be issued for certain land ut Paris, allowance to .. . . . G7 on White Earth reservation to Domessalaries nt .. . .. { . . -. -. . . 483 tic and Foreign Missionary Society, Secrciarics of Lcgaiion, scc Diplomatic and Con- &c . . .. . . .. . .. . . 31 uular Ojjicera, duties of, in relation to private contuzcta appropriations for salaries of .. 67,321 with Indians made prior to May 21, an Pmis, allowance to . . . . . . . . 67 1872 .. . . . . - - 35, 36 salaries of .. .- .. . ... .; . . 483 to discharge obligations of United States 170 Secretm-ies of Territories} crcdxtorso Upper and Lower panda of appropriations for salaries of ... 98,99, 357-359 Sioux Iudimm under treaty of J uno to furnish annual estimates in detail Ior1a.w— 19, 1858 . : ... . . . . 47 ful expenses of each Territory.- . ,. . . 99 zxuthorizecl to expend from Wceeds of sale estimates to be presented to Secretary of · of Osage buds, $200, per year for '.l‘rcasu¥g:8w11en . .- .. 99 two years for purchasing stock, open- Seoreiary of thetrict of Columbia, ing farms, &,c . . 161 laws providing for, repealed . .. 116 to direct use of moneys paid to Omalms for Secretary of thu Inwrior, lands sold for use of Winnobagces. . . 170 np|Il’0p\'i¤ti0I|S, to pay $100,000 to treasurer of Cherokee Naior, and for clerks, &c.,_ in omco of . 103. 363 tion from proceeds of sale of Cherokee ` may usc appropriation for additional clerks strip . . ;. ... 173 in General Land-Oiiico for piecerwork, to determine point on Northern Pacific Rail- &c ... . 104,364 way fqr trans ormtion from, of supma.y use nertuiu nucxpenclod balances of plies for Red Bake saéicucy. . . 173 appropriations for removal of Kicka- 110 credit Stockbridge and unsee tribe with ~ poos and Wiuncbagos to rescrvmziun- 27 stipulated price of certain lands. 174 to pay expenses of Board of Indian Com- to pay certain childmn of Delaware Indians ' missxoucrs .. . . . . 31 who became citizens their share of may uso, for civilizmun of Pawnccs; uucx- trust—funds, &c .. . . . 175 pcmdcd balances of appropriation for how payments to be made L. . 175 year cndigg June 30, 187 3, &c ... 161 to cause patents to issue for lands gallottcd. may direct HBO pa.11: of appropriation for them . ... ...». .. 175 Sacs and Foxes of Lim Mississippi for may cxcopt, by written order, may Indians civilization, &c -- . . . . 163 hom labor rule .. . . - .»... 176, 449 of Sncs and Foxes of Missouri ... 164 may direct certain returns of Indian agguts shall use appropriation for relief of Oboe to be made on certificate, when .. 176 and Missouri tribe in rebuilding to regulutp distribution of supplies to In- . agency-building, &c -. .. 177 di¤us> . ... -. 176 to cause reimbursement from proceeds_ of duties of, under act providing for sale of sado of their lands . . . 177 Kansas Indian lands, in Kansas, to to cause to be prepared and delivered to , actual sattl<>1•s.§ ..-1 ..,, . 272 Public Pmntaer tabulated statement to prescribe regulations for payments to be of payments from Indian appropria.- made by settlers on .Mi¤.miéI¤dia.u mms ·----- . ·---· · . . H 178 mnds .. . . . . . ... - 22*3