Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/1057

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INDEX. 1027 Pago. rmt Webster, C rua, Waatern Land Dmrict,` claxm of Thpulton Chailiu and, allowed. by , osmblislgmcut of, in Kuusus . . . ...121,122 commxsuoncrs . . . . . . 592 mgxster and receiver, duties and compon- Wgbgégr,E, Cgyguyw, sg,|j0ugf_ _________________________ 122 wi 0w*g Pension,,,,,, __,_ ,___ .,_, ,,, __,__ , 614 W Lg A tl · Webager, Henry A., ‘ going; 02 umné/{ved by commissionsés 649 .cla.1m of for imprcvcxneuts taken possession Wetherfxprd, Nancy C., ggggggtgg §t&1; <;: to be snttlod by ;l?im§£, allowed by commissioners 642

. . .. e cr, amy,

Webster Jacob a.t' I a t to .. . ... 13 ‘ cluiulof ostazte of, gllowccl by commissioners. 588 WlzIz)?;y?Erl:¢;Ln:§;10n;)r D ymon b Webafer, Susan, adonomabratmm, claim of, allowed by commissioners .. . . 646 clmm of J acob Webster allowed by c0mmis— Whedon, Ansel, W m $3¤§;¤E 5}-bi; Y- -_ ------ - -----——--- 588 Ivygag < g;$1¤w¤d by ¤<>¤¤¤¤i¤¤i<>¤¤r¤ -·----- Y 600 . . Mw rwmd approprlatxous for .. .. .. 168, 169, 443 ·clu.iu; oh allowsé by uommissionors .. .. 646 x·n,1g1’dca,tion of agreements with, 6::0., made Wheeler, James E.,

   Sggtcmbor 13. 1873 .. . . .. 36 41 claim of, allowed by commissioners .. .. 646

Wcoghugg ada; Wheeler, Jesse M., administrator, on rmggggtes 3 gggone lay imployigeéaé ;la;m ojestagn of, allowed by ¢0ID1!\lI8l0D.01'B. 649 · cm o mon -; ow s · and verified; expenses, how paid 341 ggliizzufgaggébilitios mmovcd .. . . . ._ 617 Wvwhw “: iW; M”“;'”'”’» b _ _ Whetstone Indian Agcncy, ' “’PP'·`°I:M ‘“;“ tg! °°”° "“°**°” Wd V°““°°‘ npproprmbiou for winter-quarters for troops . Wm J h I}{° ° udmd * •··•······· · ····· ·· 409 ututzioucel ucar. . ... : 223 Wgfm M3 ggzwed by ¤¤¤¤¤i¤¤i<>¤¤re ---- 642 M ‘§1”2”T‘T'f? .Tw?.??Z 2 T??}????? 224 '! I-° . I Wgyiglggww by <=¤¤¤¤i¤¤i<>¤¤r¤ ---- -- ·- 639 zggélkncgtlj :{l;l;>w0d by commissioners ass A v. V . to ornc we · WP°““l°“ W mm" chudmu °f -··~·· · ····· ·- 612 cluiln of, allovlrcd by ccmznissloucis . . . . 650 d°°"’“r _ While, David, admimh!·ratm‘, ¤·’··m° 25 ¤°h°°¤°*"·5’¤°]§* Q¤¤·¤*¤“¤° °h”·¤8°d 62 claim oi J phu L. Hunter allowed by com- - ·-·---··· ---·:- -------·-—-•--—--- msmmmrs .. . ..> WMM, Hwy S-, _ _ www umn zum zzmmzm, ‘ payment to, for romovlug cbstructxcns from certain land om gmnmq to Domestic md Wah Ct? S*·'"m¤“·h R“'°'·' ·----· · ·---- ---· · 532 Foreign Missignuiy Fiocicty, &.c., for · · `us` s .. Wagfhgglziggg Zccept ¢1c¤om.tio¤· __________ 681  ;;%é°¤0·1`y M1 c 00 purposes e w ., ·, - · %;§¤¤}3&;;£gv&m by commissioners .,,, _ 542 Eyed by ccmmnssmners ..., 591 .· ’ · · . .m' ... .

G%iéé1m of, allowezl by 00mm18S10U6TH .. .. 659 Iyiwgxéhglgvw by °° ml°°l°°°m 591

. .» · , . , ‘gla{r£f, allowed by pommlssionem .. .. 591 W2?;mA;°:;{;B°W°d by commmsmmm ’' *,85 W:$'g°€lv?'g“’:£ig; ‘ · · ‘ · . 633 clnilu ol`, n.ll:>wc<l by commissicmcm 596 wom, Dsvgdc '```````````` ‘ ```` ""¥"?> Mgjh cd 1, · - V · ,,0 655 claim of, qlloyvad by commissioners ,. .. 600 '.W;£";£3m;_ °W Y °°mm1“‘° H '`' Wg$ £¢:'23*:;;*éd \ m 659 approygxggioq fp: improving, above J mckspu- ‘ We1¢.g¤r,J¢wab · . . U."-"-H"."--N-U-..--.'.` · · · Wm R ver Mach., Wm? 3§;,:d§Y°d by commmswmm ```` "" 659 approgridtions for improving harbor ms. ..238, 456 claim of, allowed by commissioners 659 WWQ ·S“"U`°"d Méam , i Wen Chamm W alum of, mlluw y commnss cnérs 655 -:1 i rc riatign far payment to . .. 136 WWE: W*UW”% ‘ We£FJa€M8 H ``' " · # l¤,ir:§;$2 allogml by commissioners 595 W£;u?u°mfB’,°u?w°d by c°mmmm0nfuS` ``````` 591 claim ¢:f,·;HLownd by commissioucrs . 659· Wg;;·i·;0,3;»;%¤w¤¤ *·v·=¤·¤¤=·¤**···¤<·¤ ----·--· 585 ”£{.Z€£’2Ef*Z{¥0f$}1 M,.;3 .;.miS¤i0¤em 655 ’.· - Wing] d, Ma L. gm an ` Wx?;? °li°w°d by °°mmmm°u°m` °`` " 585 claiyuf Hegy 8:H(1MlU!)l(gw1llt0]l8&d and I, ’ 1 . {mam 0:, nlowgg. 1;; commissxouors ssa Eggggggé Mmser ¢··¤<>w¤<\ by <=¤¤¤ 585 gmw¤Iu•;1iuuvil1ag:>0£,tob0 surveyed, &.c. 330 Whgehcad, glfgttliaéb WestVi ‘n4a , ¤¤·fg0° 6* n _ ?'

pg5{;.;  égtaklighed   . . ,`, . . 14, 27]., 496       lgwgdg -L-· ·-~··· --- -··•·· · ········ 605

t ,twenem ucur,... ggggdatiogs for fog-signal; on .. . . 220 cllmu ofwallgwccfby commmsxoucrs 588 life-saving service csmbllslmd on . 126, 127 Whdjlcld, ilham, Western Bands d Shoohmwc Indiana, clsum of, allowed by ccmmxsmoucrs o treaty with, October 1, 1863 ... 689 WlnL{cn, Tlwmas, bounsiaries of Western bands of Shoshouoos. 690 clmnvof, allowed by commlsswnexs 586 ' > _ _ _ _______ __ ___;__, 690 W/Lflllny[g1;’ P4r]pqp·, reservamogs for.».. , . ._ _ H annuity ____ ______ _ __ ___ _ _________,,,,__ 690 4;]_mm of, ullqwgd by qommgggmuing _______ JJ}