Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/153

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FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 342, 343. 187 4. 123 CHAP. 342.—An act to create the Bozeman land district in the Territory of Montana. June 20, 1874. __ Be it wuwtcd the Senate and House of“Representat·ieca of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all that portion of the B¤@¤3¤¤¤l¤¤d dis- Temtory of Montana, lying east of the range line between ranges two *'l°'{J].‘l‘l dM°“"°"" and three west of the principal- meridian and south of the tirst standard °°§`°,,Ed§,.{,,,_ parallel north of the base line, of the public land urveys of said Territory, shall be constituted a separate land district, to be known as the Bozeman land district, the office of which shall be located at Bozeman, LM M i ¤ ¤ 0 f but may be changed from time to time, By the direction of the President °m°°· of the United States, as the interests of ithe public service may require. SEO. 2. That the President shall appoint, by and with the consent of Register and rethe Senate, a register and a receiver of the public moneys of the United °°"°”· States for said district ; and said officers shall reside in the place where . the land office is located, and they shall have the same powers and receive the same emoluments as are or may be prescribed by law in relation to land officers of the United States in other Territ01ies._ Approved, June 20, 1874. ` CHAP. 343.-An act fixing the amount of United States notes, providing for are- J¤¤¤ 20» 1874- distribution of the national-bank currency, and for other purposes. l864, ch. 106, vol. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United xm, P. W States of America, in Congress assembled, That the act entitled “An act The ¤ sti ¤¤¤1- to provide a national currency secured by a pledge of United States "““k "°*· bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereo£” approved June third, eighteen hundred and sixty four, shall hereafter be known as " the national-bank act." Sec. 2. That section thirty one of the “ the national-bank act" be so §- 31. ch 106, vol. amended that the several associations therein provided for shall not X“*· P- 1°8· hereafter be required to keep on hand any amount of money whatever, R010n8c Ofmorm by reason of the amount of their respective eircnlations; but the moneys on eiroulation. required by said section to be kept at all times on hand shall be deter- lteserves o u domined by ;the amount of deposits in all respects, as provided for in the P°°"’“ ’°°°·i“°d· said section.. , Sec. 3. That every association organized, or to be organized, under Five per cent. on the provisions of the said act, and of the several acts amendatory °*"‘Z‘€L*?·'9¤'£;° b° *19* thereof, shall at all times keep and have on deposit in the treasury of $?lr§fk”L"Ptir§';“";*} the United States, in lawful money of the United States, ·a sum equal cmu1w0n_ to five per eentum of its circulation, to be held and used for the redemption of such circulation; which sum shall be counted as a part of its To be counted as lawiul reserve, as provided in section two of this act; and when the Pm °*` *‘°°°"°· circulating notes of any such associations, assorted or unassorted, shall be presented for redemption, in sums of one thousand dollars, or any Notes to ne remultiple thereof; to the Treasurer of the United States, the same shall '<;¤¤¤¤t¢;<{I5>¤ P¤¤¤¤¤{¤=·- beredeemed in United States notes. All notes so redeemed shall be #0 be 'jffjgglito charged by the Treasurer of the United States to the respective assoeia- mpcctiva $,,,,0,, ia, tions issuing the same, and he shall notify them· severally, on the iirst tions. _ day of each month, or oftener, at his discretion, of the amount of such rar*};‘l§’:gLl;1;*°**°° °*` redemptions; and whenever such redemptions for any association shall i _ ‘ _ amount to the sum of five hundred dollars, such association so notified T D 0 P 0: ll; W lil; shall forthwith deposit with the Treasurer of the United States a snm w;3;?";§ ;‘0m';‘:,’;_ in United States notes equal to the amount of its circulating-notes so d00mm, wbgp. redeemed. And all notes of national banks worn, defheed, mutilated, Assistant mms. or otherwise uniit for circulation shall, when received by any assistant drer and depositatreusurer, or at any designated depository of the United States, be *3*3*;*;*; **;**6 forwarded to the Treasurer of the United States for redemption usa-rcusum fo 1. 1.;: provided herein. And when such redemptions have been so reimbursed, q,,mpm,,,_ the eirculatingmotes so redeemed lshall be forwarded to the respective Notes redeemed to s - - - · · · bu forwnraled to asnssoclations by which they were issued; but it any of such notes are sccmkmsl