Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/232

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202 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 419, 420, 421, 422. 1874, J uno 22, 1874. CHAP. 419.-An act authorizing the transfer of gold zmintbars from the bullion fund ""’“`;_`“ of the assay offico New York to the Asmsmuls 'lieasurer at N cw York. Bc it enacted by th; Senate cmd House of Representatives of the United f1`¤>¤¤f¤r ¤f g5>1r>li<>d P0 same to the redemption of coin certificates or in exchange fqr gold coins

 gi °°‘“ aq nots loss than par and not less than the market value subject: to such

’regulations as he may prescribe. Approved, June 22, 1874. J uno 22, 1874. CHAP. 420. A¤ not to change tho nnmc of the plcusurc·ya.c1ib “P1zmchcttc,” to that """”""‘"""" of “Ls,xen." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of RepresentaMvcs of tiw United H N¤·¤¤¤ of yu (lb}; States of America in Congress assembled, That the name of tho plcasum chg; tg tg BI;;;:,, yacht “Planchcti:c,” owned by Samuel Johnson, of Boston, State of gMassachusetts, bc, and hereby is, changed to that of “Laxcu," and the Secretary of tho Treasury is hereby authorized to grant said vessel proper mariuc—pa.pcrs in said name. Approved, J unc 22, 1874. J ¤¤•> 22, 1874- CHAP. 421.-}.11 act to place on the retired list of the Navy, M. H. Plunkett, Inte soccud assistant engineer of the Rcgrxlar Navy. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United M· H·P*¤¤kf** *0 States of America, in Congress assembled, That the President bc,m1d is

’i‘;gg"f§‘; Q“;f"; hereby, authorized to nominate and appoint M. H. Plunkett, late second

Navy. assistant engineer of the regular naval service, on the retired list of the Navy, with pay to begin from the passage of this act- Approved, June 22, 1874. ( J11Hé 22- WN- CHAP. 422.-An awt to appropriate lands for the support of schools in certain fractional townships in the State of Missouri. Bo it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United $¢l9¤¤l !=¤1d¤ fw States of America in Oemgress assembled, That for all fractional town-

  Qi';} ships in the State of Missouri, which are entitled to public lands for the

som. I support of schools, according to the provisions of the uci: of Congress . approved May twentieth eighteen hundred and twenty-six entitled _ 1826, cb- 83, W1- “An hcl: to appropriate lands for the support of schools in certain town- "’· P- 179- ships and fractional townships not before provided foz·," and for which no selections have heretofore been made, there shall be reserved and appropriated out of the public lands, for each of said fractional townships, the amount of land to which they were respectively entitled

 according to the provisions of said act.

$°}°°“°“ bg %”“‘ Sec. 2. That the lands to which said fractional townships are entitled fQ§“¥fQf:Q_8mc0 °°` as aforesaid shall be selected by the Commissioner of the General Laud- Otiicc out of any unappmpriated public land within the State of Mis-

 souri subject to sale or location ut one dollar and twenty-five cents au

P'°“S°- acre: Provided, That said Commissioner, in making such selection shall select such land as shall be designated to him for that purpose {ny the county courts of the counties in which such fractional townships are situated ; and, when so selected, said lands shall be hold by the same