Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/546

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516 FORTLTHIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II: Ch. 188,189. 1875. March 3, 1875. CHAP. 188.-—An act to amend the act entitled “An_acig for the restoration to homo- .-·—-—-— stood-entry and to market of certain lands in M101I1g3D,,, approved June mth, eighteen hundred and soventy-two, and for other purposes. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United 1872, c. 424, v. 17, States of America in Congress assembled, That: the act: approved June p- 381, ¤¤¤<>¤d•=d· tenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, entitled “An act for the ms. toration to market; of certain lands in Michiga,n," pe, and hereby is, amended so as to nuthomze the Secretary of the Intenor to cause patents Q¢1¤¤¤z¤ ywd to be issued to three hundred and twenty members of the Ottawa. mid g£?;l;Q"°mg;;ggQg· Chippewa Indians of Michigan, for the selections found to have been to have pmnm mode by them, but which were not, pmorto the passage of said not, mg. ulzuly reported and recognized by the Secretary of the Inteuor and Rumoofhuds Commissioner of Indian Affairs; and the remainder of said lands me disposal oti ’ disposed of, and not valuable mainly for pinotimber, shall be subject to entry under the homestead-laws, for one year from the passage of this ant- and the lands remaining thereafter undisposed of shall be oifcrcd {or sale at u price not less than two dollars and fifty cents por acre. Indians settling Sec. 2. That all Indians who have settled upon and made improvepu cumin_ sections ments on section ten in township forty-seven north, of range two easu, m tb *{'°l3¤%*“¤l. ff and section twenty-fzour in township iorby·seven north, of range three gat “° °‘" ‘° ’ west, Michigan, shall be permitted to enter not exceeding eighty acres each, at the minimum price of land, ·upon making proof of such settle- {Gong: and innprémvolnient bcgoro the of thro land·0Hic§e ;»;dMnrquett3, io igan · an w en said entries s ave een comp e in accor - ance herenrigiitho remgining lands. embraced within the limits of said sections sha e restor be mar e Settlers on lands S20. 3. That all actual, permanent, bona-fide settlers on any of the ¤>§¢¤¤v¤d by *¤<>¤*S’ lands reserved for Indian purposes under the treaty with the Ottawa E";Q’;p3v§E‘};“éi:;3 and Chippewa Indians of Michigan of July thirty-first, eighteen hun- ,11, I,_ 621. ’ dred and fifty-five, shall be entitled to enter not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres of land, either under the h0m.0stea»d·1a»ws or to pay the minimum price of mud, on making proof of his or her settlement and continued residence before the expiration of ninety days from the pa - Proviso. sage of this acts: Provided, That such settlers do not claim any of the lands heretofore patented to Indians, or in condict with the selections found to have been made bhy Indians referred to in the iirst section of this act, and shall have set ed upon said lands prior to the first day of January, eighteen hundred and seventy-four. Approved, March 3, 1875. Msn-ch 3, 1875. CHAP. 189.-—An not to correct a clerical error in the act granting the right of wig .-—.----- through the public lands to the Denver and Rio Grande Railway ompany, approv J uno eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. Gggiilzor £¤;<}1;¤;; Whemas in the third session of the Fortysecond Congress, the com- Comlmyl mittee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two houses on the Clerical mo, in amendments to the b1ll (S. 984) granting the right of way through thté Act 1872, ¤.:s54, v. pqbiic lands to tho Denver and Rio Grande Railway Company, sub- 17. p. 339. c <> r- mittcd as part of their report the recommendation that the second pw- ‘ *“°°"°d- viso in the amendment of the House of Representatives adding provisocs to the end of the bill be stricken out and the following words be inserted : words to be in- wind providadfurther, That; the said Denver and Bio Grande Railway °°“°d· Company is hereby recognized as a, lawful corporation from the dnto of its incorporation underthe laws of Colorado, and allthe powers, privileges, and franchises by said laws conferred upon said company are hereby expressly ratified, confirmed, and legalized as existing from said date of incorporation; but beyond such recognition, ratidcation, and confirmation of and to said company, this act shall not be construed as aiiirmiug or denying the rights of Territories to pass laws for the incorpomuon