Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/755

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· marry WITH THE REPUBLIC OF SALVAl1o1:.. Der-. o, ism. 725 . Treaty between the United States _0f America and the Republic of Salvador. DW G [gm . Amity, commerce, and consular privileges. Ooncluded December 6, 1870; ····l"’““‘ ~ Ratification advised by Senate March 31, 1871; Ratijied by President April 11, 1871; Ratijied by President of Salvador October 28, 1873; Time for exchange of ratifications extended May 12, 1873; Rat/ijications eacchanged at Waslaington March 11, 1874; Proclaimed March 13;, 1874. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA- · A IBROCLAMATION. 4 Whereas a general treaty oiamity, commerce, and consular privileges Preamble. between the United States of. America and the Republic of Salvador was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentieries at San Salvador on the sixth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and seventy, the original of which treaty, being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows: A general treaty of amity, commerce, Tratado general de amistad, comerand consular privileges between the cio y privilegios `consulares, entre _ United States of America and the la Republica del Salvador y los _ Republic of Salvador. Estados- Unidos do America. The UnitedStates of America La Republica del Salvador y los contracting puand the Republic of Salvador, de- Estados Unidos de América, desc- **0**- siring to make lasting and iirm the ando hacer lirme j duradera la amifrienclship and good understanding stad y buena intesligencia que felizwhich happily exist between both monte cxisten entre ambas nacio— nations, have resolved to ix, in a nes, han resnelto Iijar de una mamanner, clear, distinct, and posi- nera clara, distinta, y positiva, las tive, the rules which shall in future reglas que en lo futuro han de· obbc religiously observed between servarse religiosamente entre una each other by means of a treaty y otra, por medio de un tratado 6 or general convention of peace and coiwencion general de, paz y amifriendship, commerce and consular stall, comercio y privilegios consuprivileges. lares. For this desirable ob'ect the Para este apetecible objeto el President of the United States of Presidentcdela Republica del Sal- America has conferred iull powers vador ha conferido plenos poderes upon General Alfred T. A. Torbert, al Doctor Don Gregorio Arbizu, Minister Resident, and the -Presi— Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, dent of the Republic of Salvo- y cl Presidentede los Estados Unidor has conferred similar and equal dos de América ha conterido semepowers upon Doctor Don Gregorio jantes é iguules poderes al General Arbizii, Minister of Foreign Bela- Alfredo T. A. Torbert, Miuistro Retious; who, after having exchanged sidente; los cuales, despues dc hatheir said full powers in due form, ber cangeado sus dichos plenos poluivo agreed to the tbllowing arti- deres en dcbida iorma, han convecles: nido en los articulos signientes: V Anmonn 1sr. _ _ ‘ AR'1‘lCULO 1°. · There shall be a perfect, firm, Habra una paz perfecta, iirme é Teace and friendand inviolable peace and sincere inviolable y amistad sinccra entre Skirfriendship between tho United Ja Repnblica del Salvador y los Es- Stutes of America and the Repub- tados Unidos de América, en toda lic of Salvador, invall the extent of la extension de sus posesiones y their possessions and territories, territories, y entre sus cindadanos