Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/761

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TREATY WITH THE REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. Dao. 6, 1870. 73] AJMIGLE 14TH. Aizzrfcono 14:*. The citizens of the United States Los eiudadauos de la Bepublica Exercise of rs. residing in the territories of the del Salvador residentes en territo-U8*°¤.*¤l S°J"¤d°*‘ _ Republic of Salvador shall enjoy rios de los Estados Unidos,gozaran {Kmsé giftgsus °f the most perfect and entire security una perfecta é ilimitada libertad de ` of conscience, without; being an- conciencia, sin ser molestados, innoyed, prevented, or disturbed in quietados ui perturbados por su the proper exercise of their religion creencia religiosa. No seran moin private houses or in the chapels lestados, inquietados ni perturbaor placesof worship appointed for dos eu el ejercicio do su religion, that purpose, provided that in so en casas privadas, 6‘en las capillas doing they observe the decorum 6 lugares de adoraciou de ignados due to divine worship and the re- al efeoto, con el decoro debido 6. la spect due to the laws, usages, and Divinidad, y respeto a. las leyes, customs of the country. Liberty usos,y`costmnbres del pais. Tamsball also be granted to bury the bien tendran libertad para enterrar Burial in Salvacitizensof the United States who los ciudadanos del Salvador que QJ?'. °g S°‘“”°”¤ °f may die in the territories of the inueran en territoriode1osEsta.dos me mm' Republic of Salvador, in convenient Unidos, en los lugares eonvenientes and adequate places to be appointed y adecuudos, designudos y estableand established for that purpose cidos por ellos con acuerdo de las with the knowledge of the local autoridades locales,6 en los lugares authorities, or in such other places de sepultura que elijan los amigos of sepulture as may be chosen by de los muertos; y los funerales y the triends of the deceased j nor sepulcros no serau trastornados de shall the funerals or sepulchres of modo alguno ni por ningun motivo. the dead be disturbed in any wisc De la misma xnanera, los ciudadat nor .upon any account. , In like nos de los Estudos Unidos gozarau manner, the citizens of Salvador en territorio de la Republics del shall enioy within the Government Salvador pertecta é ilimitada liberand territories of the United States tad de couciencia, y del ejercicio de a perfect and unrestrained liberty su religion pfiblica 6 privadamente Exmm 0 t. r Q_ of conscience, and of exercising en sus mismas habitaciones, 6 on 1,,,,,,,, in [,,,,,,,,,1 their religiompublicly or privately, las capillas 6 lugares de adoracion States by citizens of within their own. dwelling-houses, designados al etecto, de couformi- Salvador. or in the chapels and places of wor- dad con las leyes, usos y costumship `a inted for that purpose, bros de la Republics del Salvador. agreeabhgto the laws, usages, and customs of the United States. . _ Ancrronn 151*11. ‘ Aurfoorlo 15·. It shall be lawtul for the citizens Sera licito 6. los oiudadanos do la Rights <>f_ ¤ ¤ ¤ · of the United States of America Republics del Salvador y de los Es- gjggy °f “1"P° ““‘l and of the Republic of Salvador to tados Unidos de America navegar ' sail with their ships with all man- en sus buques con toda seguridad ner of liberty and security, no dis- y libertad de cualquier puerto a las tinction being made who are the plazes y lugures de los que sou 6 proprietorsof themercharidiseladen fueren en adelante euemigos do thereon, from anylport to the places cualquiera do las dos partes contraof those who now are or shall be at tantes, sin haoerse distmcion de enmity with either of the contract quienes son los duenos de las mering parties. It shall likewise be caderias que llevan {1 su bordo. lawful for the citizens aforesaid to Sera. igualmente licitoalos referidos sail with the ships and merchandise ciudadanos, navegar con sus buques before mentioned, and to trade with y mercaderias mencionmlas, y trafithesame liberty and security from car con la misma libertad y seguuthe places, ports, and havens of__ dad, de los lugaxesppuertos y enthose who are the enemies of both senadas do los enemigos de ambas or either party, without any oppo- partes 6 de alguua de ellas, sm sition or disturbance whatsoever, oposicion 6 molestia de niununu