Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/772

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742 TREATY WITH THE REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. DEO. 6, 1870. authorities or persons employed by y empleados del pais con perjuicio them in the country, to the injury del comercio de la nacion a que el of the commerce of the nation in consul sirva. whose service the consul is engaged. Complain t s or 2nd.` They may apply to the au- 2°. Dirigirse‘-a las autoridades abuses by authqri-thorities of the consular district, del distrito consular, y en caso nemf ’¤‘=·'S““‘°*’ ****1*****}* and, in caseof necessity, they may césario ocurrir al gobierno supreme “”` S' have recourse to the national gov- por medic del respectivo agente ernment through the diplomatic diplomatico,‘si lo hubiere, odirectaagent of their nation, if there' be mente en caso contrario contra any, or directly if there be no such cualquier abuso que los empleados agent, against `anyabuse on the 6 autoridades del pais cometan conpart of the authorities of the coun- tra individuos do la nacion a que try, or the persons employed by sirva el consul, y siempre que fuere ‘ them, against individuals. of their necesario promover lo conveniente nation in whose service the consul para que no se lesniegue 6 retarde is engaged; and they may, when· la administracion de justicia ypara C 0 n, ,,1,,,,, t snecessary, take such measures as que no sean juzgados ni penados against denial of may be· proper to prevent justice sino por los juedes competentes y i¤¤ti¤<>- from being denied to them or de- con arreglo a las leyes vigentes. layed, and toprevent them from , -. _· .. .- being judged or punished by any · · - other than competent judges, and _ agreeably to thelaws in force. > ‘ _ - · Appearing before 3rd.- They inay,»as the natural de- 3°. Como defensores naturales =~¤th¤fiti<>¤i¤ btheiffeuders of their felloweountnymen, de sus compatriotas, podran pre- » °f °°“““y“‘°“‘ appear- in their. name and behalf, sentarse a su nombre, cuando ellos whenever·_sorequested. by them, be- fuerenv solicitados ante las respec- 1"ore the vespective authorities of tivas autoridades del pais, en los the place, in all casesin which their negocios en que tengan necesidad c support may ’be.neccssa.ry. de apoyo. Annnmnnnying 4th. Theymayaccompanythecap- 40. Acompaiiar a los capitanes, shipmaeters in ter-tains, mates, or masters of vessels contramaestres y patrones de los tain casts- of their nation in allthat they may buques de su~ nacion, en todo lo have to do with regard to the mani- que tengan que hacer para el manifestsof their merchandise andother iiesto de sus mercaderias y desdocuments, and be present in all paeho de documentosyy estar precases in which the authorities, sentes en los actos en que por las courts, or judges of the country autoridades, juecesotribunales del may have to take any declarations pairs, haya de tomarse alguna defrom the persons above mentioned, claracion a los dichos individuos y · or any other belonging to their rc- a cualesquiera otros quepertenez- , . spective crews. can alas respectivas tripulaciones. Protests and dec- 5th. They shall have the right, in 5**. En los puertos o plazes para l¤-t¤tl<>¤¤· the ports orplaces to which they are los cuales sean nombrados tendran or may be severally appointed, of el derecho de recibir las protestas y receiving the protests or declara- declaraciones que como ciudadanos tions which such captains, masters, de su pais puedan presenter rescrews, passengers, and merchants pectivamente alli,.loscapitanes de as are citizens of their country may buques, las tripulaciones, los pasarespectively choose to make there; · geros .y los comerciantes, y tamandalso such as any foreigners may bien lasnque les sean presentadas choose to make before them relative poncualquier extrangero relatives to the personal interests or any. of a lo intereses personales dc cual- ° their citiz ans; and the copies of said quiera de sus nacionales, yl las Autneu t 1 e ii. the u actsyduly authenticated by the said copies de dichos actos debidamente copies of protests, consuls under the seal of their con- autenticadas por los mismos con-

  • ‘*Y°°* °£ sulates respectively, shall receive sules con el sello de su consulado

faith in law, as if they had been respective, baron fo en juicio lo authenticated before the judges or mismo como si hubiesen sido auteue , courts of— the respective countries. ticaidas ante los jueces 6 tribunales de los respectivos paises.