Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/781

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OONVENTlON—0RANGE FREE STATE. Dlso. 22, lS71. 751 ` The arcllivesand papers belonging to tho consulates shall be invio- Archives and po.- lam, and under no pretext whatever shall any magistrate or other DMS vi? fuuctionary IDSPBGU, seize, or in any way interfere with them. ( Ancrromr VL ` Ileither of the contracting parties shall impose any higher or other Duties on imports E-intros upon the lmportatiou, exportation, or transit of the natural or and oxl>¤¤¤¤· industrial products of the other, than are or shalllbe payable upon the · like articles being the produce of any other country. Aurrcmt 'VII. » Each of the contgactiug parties hereby engages not to grant any favor Favors grant e il in commerce to any nation which shall not immediately be enjoyed by *<> 0**10* ¤¤*i<>¤¤ <>¤· the other party. · . . *°”°l°‘1· ARTICLE VIII. A, The United States of America and the Orange Free State, on reqnisi- lextrnrlition or rntions made in their name through the medium of their respective diplo- eitives fr<>¤¤ .i¤¤*i¤¤· matic or consular agents, shall deliver up to justice persons who, being charged with the crimes enumerated in the following article, committed within the jurisdiction of the requiring party, shall seek asylum, or shall be found within the territories of the other: Provided, That this shall be done only when the fact of the commission of the crime shall be so Pwvf of www- _established as to justify their apprehension aud_commitment for trial it the crime had been committed in the country where the person so accused shall be found. Anrloml IX. Persons shall be delivered up according to the provisions of this cou- @.;,,,,,8 {0, which ` vention who shall be charged with any of the following crimes, to wit: extradition ninrlo. Murder, (including assassination, parricide, infanticide, and poisoning;) attempt to commit murder; rape; forgery, or the emission of forged papers; arson; robbery, with violence, intimlidlation, or forcible entry of ttll inhabited house; piracy ; embezzlement by public officers, or by por- ' sous hired or salaried, to the detriment of their employers, when these crimes are subject to infamous punishment. Aarxcnn X. The surrender shall be made by executives of the contracting parties Exunaition, by respectively_ whom 11111.dB. Anctionn XI. The expense of detention and delivery effected pursuant to thelpre- Expenses of u o_- ceding articles shall be at the cost of the party making the demand. mngsion and extradi- Ancrlcnn XII. The provisions of the aforegoing articles relating to the surrender of pm C,-mcs Ma fugitive criminals shall not apply to otfences committed before the date political olronsos. hereof, nor to those of a political character. Anrronn XIII. The present convention is concluded for the period of ten years from Damian of 0,,,,. the day of the exchange of the ratiiications; and it one year betore the vcntion. expiration of that period, neither of the contracting parties shall have announced, by an ctllcial notification, its intention to the other to arrest