Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/783

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CONVENTION—REPUBLlO_ OF ECUADOR. MAY 6, 1872. 753 Convention between the United States of America and the Republic of Ecua- May 1872. dor. Naturalization. Ooneluded May 6, 1872; Ratmeation advised by"—”_"‘°—' Senate May 23, 1872; Ratifieel by President May 25, 1872; Ratified by President of Ecuador September 30, 1873; Ratifications exchanged at Washington November 6, 1873 ; Proctairned November 24, 1873. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. y A PROOLAMATION. _ . ` Whereas a convention between the United States of America and Presmme. the Republic of Ecuador, relative to the naturalization of citizens of the . two countries, was concluded and signed by their respective Plcnipotentiaries at the city of Washington, on the sixth day of May, 1872, the original of which convention, being in the English and Spanish . languages, is word for word as follows: The United States of America Deseando la Republica del Ecua- Crmtructiug parand the Republic of Ecuador, be- dor y los Estados Unidos de Ameri- ’°l°S· ing desirous of regulating the citi- ca determinar la ciudadania, de las zenship of persons who emigrate personas que emigran de los Estairom Ecuador to the United States, dos Unidos al Ecuador, y del Ecuaand from the United States to the dor a los EstadosUnidos, han acor- Republic of Ecuador, have decided dado celebrar un tratado sobre este to treat on this subject; and for asunto; y al efecto han nombrado this purpose have named their re- sus respectivos Pleuipotenciarios, spective Plenipotentiaries, to wit: asaber: el Presidente dela Repubthe President of the United States, lica del Ecuador a Don Antonio Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State, Flores, acreditado Ministro Resiand the President of the Republic dente de la mencionada Republics of Ecuador, Don Antonio Flores, en los Estados Unidos- y el Presiaccredited as Minister Resident of dente de los Estados Unidos a Hathat Republic to the Government milton Fish, Secretario de Estado; of the United States; who, after quienes, despues de haber manifeshaving communicated to each other tado sus respectivos plcnos poderes their respective full powers, iound y halladolos en buena y debida in good and due 'form, have agreed forma, han convenido en los articuupon the following articles : los siguieutes: Auctions I. Ancricoro I. Each of the two Republics shall Oada una de las dos Republicas 1;,,,,,,,,;,zcd cm. recognizeas naturalized citizens of reconocera como ciudadanos natu- Zeus. the other, those persons who shall ralizados de la otra, alosque hayan havebeen thereinduly naturalized, sido debidameute naturalizados after having resided uniuterrupt- despues de haber residido sin inedly in their adopted country as terrupcion en la patria adoptive. long as may be required by its con- el tiempo requerido cn ella por la stitution or laws. constitucion 6 las leyes. This article, shall apply as well Este articulo se aplicara tanto a to those already naturalized in the lcs ciudadanos que se hayan natucountries of either of the contract- ralizado ya en cualquiera do los ing parties as to those who may be dos paises, como a los que so natulieicafter naturalized. ralizaren en adelante. Vol. 18, pt. Lie-48 _